You see the advertisements on TV and in the newspapers all the time. A new power tool with 10 attachments that can cut, drill, sand, grind, stir paint, etc. A multi-purpose tool to cover any handyman’s need. It can even be adjusted for left hand or right hand operation.  Then there is the new Baby stroller that converts to a car seat or a booster chair in easy step. Multiple uses for similar devices are common and extremely efficient.

In 1985 Pure Air Systems was founded. It produced a single commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based fan powered air filtration system that originally was designed for the commercial market. It was a single piece unit  with a 12″ diameter inlet ring and 10″ diameter outlet ring. Looking at the front of the unit ( two access doors) the discharge ring was on the left. This was the only configuration available at that time. In addition the unit incorporated a single speed, 1/3 HP induction motor, capacitor start.

Because the model 600H was being used in a partial by-pass concept attached to existing HVAC return air ducts, the original configuration prevented it from being used on HVAC systems where the installation of the 600H had to be used with a right hand discharge. This meant turning the unit completely around preventing any access to the top door where the prefilter, HEPA and Carbon media filters were housed.

To combat this problem the 600H unit was redesigned and split into two sections. The top and bottom were symmetrical so they could be rotated to give best inlet, discharge location as well as best access to the filter section. In addition, splitting the unit into two sections allowed for easier shipping by UPS of the systems.

As the demand for the system grew, so did the need to have a larger, more powerful unit to meet the needs of the commercial market. The need for larger systems coupled with a more efficient and effective electric drive system required some significant modifications. The 1200H and 2000H units were designed and built with similar configurations to the 600H. These units used larger motors but were also split into two sections to adapt more easily to any duct work or stand-alone use configuration.

The need for a unit to be a straight-through air flow device required the addition of a 600, 1200 and 2000 series unit with this straight through configuration. This allowed for multiple configurations of the same unit. The next and biggest change came in the use of the new ECM, digitally controlled motors. These new motors were rated at 120/240v, 50/60 Hz and could operate with a number of 24 volt input devices allowing for incremental air flow adjustments and the ability to be used anywhere in the world.

The addition of the new portable HPS350 and HPS500 units rounded out the product line which now makes Pure Air Systems one of the most complete lines of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems in the world. Any application, any configuration, any way you want to install the unit, the PAS systems will meet your requirements. Power, performance, reliability and conformity.

For more information please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter; @pureairsystems. Like us on our Facebook page or call us toll-free at: 800-869-8025.

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About the Author: Don Musilli

My name is Don Musilli. I started Pure Air Systems in 1985 and then sold it in 2006. I continue to consult for PAS and write their blog and control their Twitter account. I also, on occasion, make changes to the website. The company is now almost 26 years old and has been a major player in offering commercial grade, high performance HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems for the commercial, institutional, industrial and residential markets.

I currently reside in Englewood, Florida where I write blogs and do social media marketing for a number of clients.

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