Created in 1985, Pure Air Systems was one of the first US companies to offer commercial grade, fan powered, HEPA air filtration systems for the general publc. These systems are designed to be used as both stand-alone units as well as attaching them to existing HVAC systems to provide central and whole house filtration. Over the next 10 years Pure Air Systems developed seven different sizes and configurations varying in air volume capacity from 50 CFM to 2,000 CFM. In addition the systems had the capacity to add carbon media and prefiltration in conjunction with the HEPA filters providing systems that could handle almost any air filtration or odor challenge in the market.

When Covid-19 entered the globe in eary 2020, many of the hospitals, clinics, laboratories and municipal facilities across Norht America started lookng for HEPA based air filtration systems as HEPA filters are the only type of air filter that can remove a subtantial amounty of airborne viruses. Standard air filters are, for the most part, not very effective in removing these sub-micron particulate from the air. 

The Pure Air Systems units use very powerful, variable speed drive motors ranging from 1/3 HP to 1 HP, they can move a lot of air through the HEPA filters which are extremely dense. In additon, the units can move air through ductwork that is connected to the filtration systems so they can be used to provide clean air in a large space. The systems can also be used to create either a positive or negative room area for patient isolation as is the common practice in most Hospitals.

Today, Pure Air Systems is one of only three companies around the world that produces a metal framed, commercial grade, fan powered true HEPA air filtration that can be used in a very wide range of applications in the residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and medical markets.

For more informaion on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8025.

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About the Author: Don Musilli

My name is Don Musilli. I started Pure Air Systems in 1985 and then sold it in 2006. I continue to consult for PAS and write their blog and control their Twitter account. I also, on occasion, make changes to the website. The company is now almost 26 years old and has been a major player in offering commercial grade, high performance HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems for the commercial, institutional, industrial and residential markets.

I currently reside in Englewood, Florida where I write blogs and do social media marketing for a number of clients.

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