The issue regarding masks and their effectiveness has been a constant battle in this country. Facts of how masks work and their value have been bashed by the uneducated and anti-vax groups for the past year with no viable, technical data to support their claims. N95 Style masks do provide some viable protection against sub-micron sized particles.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based air filtration systems since 1985 and has over 36 years of experience in dealing with airborne allergens and pathogens. HEPA filters are used extensively in the CDC and pharmaceutical companies around the world. The N95 masks have similar particle reduction capabilities and are very affective in keeping the wearer safe from airborne viruses and bacteria.

For some strange reason people want to discount the science of air filtration in lieu-of nonsense spewed by the social media pawns. It is important that the general public do their own research and not listen to the TV pundits who are only trying to get their ratings up for their sponsors and are not interested in providing reliable information to the public.

Covid and its new strains will be with us for a long time and the more we debate the value of the masks the longer we put off making these mask issues a useful and necessary part of daily life the longer we will deal with the virus.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filters please go to our website at  or call us on our toll-free number at 800-869-8025.


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About the Author: Don Musilli

My name is Don Musilli. I started Pure Air Systems in 1985 and then sold it in 2006. I continue to consult for PAS and write their blog and control their Twitter account. I also, on occasion, make changes to the website. The company is now almost 26 years old and has been a major player in offering commercial grade, high performance HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems for the commercial, institutional, industrial and residential markets.

I currently reside in Englewood, Florida where I write blogs and do social media marketing for a number of clients.

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