It has been repeated many times online and in articles in every type of publication that we tend to not become fearful of things we can not see. And yet, the biggest challenge we have as humans is the transmission of airborne viruses that affect everyone multiple times in their lives. From the yearly Flu bug to Covid 19 and the Common Cold, all of these airborne viruses are constantly searching for a warm host to stay alive and grow.

For many of the airborne viruses there are anti-viral shots available to either eliminate your chances of getting it or minimizing the symptoms if you do get sick. For some reason, there are a number of groups ( all non-medical ) that constantly provide warnings about the various bad side affects of getting injections for all types of viruses. This has created a huge problem for the medical industry as more people are getting sick and in many cases requires them to be hospitalized. In many cases these anti-immunization groups even target mumps, measles and now polio. 

Yes, viruses are extremely small and not visible with the naked eye, but they can be and are significantly reduced or eliminated using filters such as HEPA and SULPA filters. These filters capture airborne viruses and are used in medical facilities around the world. Some of these HEPA systems are available to homeowners and small businesses here in the U.S. Since Covid, the increase use of these type of systems in commercial and institutional environments has doubled. However, with the public continuing to deny the value of anti-virual serems, the challenge to the public will continue to grow.

Pure Air Systems manufactures a line of HEPA and Carbon based, fan powered air filtration systems. These range in capacity from 50 CFM to 2000 CFM. These all metal units utilize the latest in variable speed motor and digital controllers to meet any application. For more information please go to our website;  or call us on our toll free number; 800-869-8025.

Residential Industrial and Commercial Applications
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About the Author: Don Musilli

My name is Don Musilli. I started Pure Air Systems in 1985 and then sold it in 2006. I continue to consult for PAS and write their blog and control their Twitter account. I also, on occasion, make changes to the website. The company is now almost 26 years old and has been a major player in offering commercial grade, high performance HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems for the commercial, institutional, industrial and residential markets.

I currently reside in Englewood, Florida where I write blogs and do social media marketing for a number of clients.

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