Meeting The Unbelievable Expectations of Customers

Have a customer who thinks they know more about your product than you do and can site facts from 20 years ago to prove it? And, they want answers to un-answerable questions? Welcome to the new world of main street business. Yes, customers can be down right nasty and intractable and it is getting worse. This is not always the case, but if you are dealing with a more senior individual there is a better chance of having a major discord with this individual.

One of the reasons for this challenge is the fact that many people now have to either converse with a Bot on their computer or talk to an individual thousands of miles away with a foreign accent that they can’t understand.

Go back 30 years and customer service was the epitome of many companies and they touted their ability to deal with your issues like you were part of their family. And, many companies were family owned and operated or the corporations actually had compassion for their customers. Money was not the only object. Repeat business was king.

Today, you need to have a phone, computer or tablet to order, track, pay for and return any item or service. In many cases major transactions can take place  like selling or buying cars, homes, boats, etc. without ever talking to a human being. Airline reservations are done on-line as is booking hotels, buying groceries and getting your plumbing fixed. If you throw in the use of AI, there are operations where you are having a conversation with a computer generated program that is as effective as using a human being. 

Pure Air Systems got its start in 1985 with the old fashioned process of going door to door and making products that worked extremely well. Every aspect of the selling process as face to face and person to person on the phone. ( corded version) If you needed a replacement part we had it in stock and it was sent out the next day and a follow up call was made to make sure the customer was satisfied with the replacement. Extended conversations with customers on how to set up or operate the equipment were common place. There were no bar codes or QR codes to use to access a website. 

Today, Pure Air Systems relies heavily on its website to promote and educate potential customers as well as offer detailed descriptions of their line of HEPA based air filtration systems. Customer service is still done verbally via phone of email and the products are still made with the best performing parts available on the market. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtrations please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at : 800-869-8025.air filter applications collage

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The Changing America

The WW II generation is almost gone from this planet and the Vietnam era baby boomers are now retiring. The WW II generation was mostly responsible for the age of manufacturing in the US and the baby boomers brought the age of technology to the world. For the most part, manufacturing has been transferred to other countries and technology in all its forms is now the booming industry in America. Throw in the new age of AI and you begin to see an emergence of the new America. 

With the ability for many young people to make a living using digital technology, whether from an office of their home, there is little incentive to get into the trades or any type of manual labor, including the service sector. As a result, you are seeing a major shift from the older, more traditional work for a company for 40 years to work for 20 companies for 40 years, including working for themselves.

This shift is creating employment challenges for retail, the service sector and the trades. It is, in fact, the reason you are seeing so many restaurants go out of business and many retail store chains are either consolidating or shutting down, to the chagrin of the older generation. This transition has not yet hit its stride. By 2030, the industrial revolution as we know it will be replaced by Robotics, AI, Additive Manufacturing, working from home and a shift to fewer or no children in marriages. 

Pure Air Systems was founded in 1985 and is now one of three companies in the world that produces high end, commercial grade, fan powered HEPA based filtration systems. Initially, the first systems used the older, induction motors and then progressed to the Variable speed drive motors and now the new programmable VS motors. The use of analog controls have been replaced with digital controllers producing systems that can be matted to computer controlled operations.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems, please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll free number at; 800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design

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The High Cost of Better Components

Everyone is seeing higher costs for most manufactured products from cars down to folding tables. There are a number of reasons for this major increase. First, labor costs have gone up, and even though many companies are now using robots and advanced machinery, labor has increased by 10% to 20% in many operations. Secondly, getting parts from other sources has become more expensive due to two major changes, an increase is shipping costs and higher materials cost on the end of the manufacturer. 

Lack of manufacturing in the US has also created higher costs due to limited competition. In many instances, identical parts that were made by 10 to 30 different companies are now only made in 1 to 4 companies and they are suffering from lack of experienced labor. With fewer young people going into any form of manufacturing the supply of all types of parts will be limited to the overseas manufacturers and they can charge whatever the market will bare.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA and Carbon base air filtration systems since 1985. These metal framed units incorporate large blowers, variable speed motors and high end HEPA filters. Like other manufacturers here in the US, the prices of all the components that make up the Hepa Shield systems have increased dramatically since the inception of the company. It has been, however, Pure Air Systems goal to continue to provide quality components and maintain their reputation for performance even if they have to raise prices to cover the increased costs. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

600HS/600HS Plus Series H14 HEPA Filter
600HS/600HS Plus Series H14 HEPA Filter

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Using AI To Improve Design Efficiency

Artificial Intelligence is now mainstream and the use of this technology has reached global proportions. Companies, research centers, Universities, military establishments, social media operations, financial institutions, etc, have all incorporated various versions of AI into their day-to-day operations. And, they are all seeing the benefits in the use of AI. In fact, most companies are new facing an up-hill battle in the area of advanced technologies if they have not incorporated AI into their mainstream operations.

Companies such as Tesla, SpaceX, Boeing, NASA, Airbus, GM, Ford and other major manufacturers are seeing huge benefits in equipment design and enhanced processes never before achieved using the old add-on technology process. The quantum leaps in Bio Chemical science are a result of using AI which have now altered the way certain drugs are now being modified for use in more applications with better results.

The Chinese have been using this technology to try to compete with SpaceX to offer reusable rockets for less expensive launches of their satellites. The European countries are now using AI in almost every aspect of their business economy and especially with their continued efforts in the reduction of green house gases.

Pure Air Systems offers a complete line of HEPA and Carbon based fan-powered, air filtration systems for the commercial, industrial, institutional and medical markets. Our website is:  or you can call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design

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The Reason For The Decline In US Manufacturing

In 2006, almost all of the US based companies that made the majority of the components used in the line of Pure Air Systems fan powered, HEPA based air filtration systems, closed up their R&D and Manufacturing centers and moved them overseas. Many went to China. They only left the sales and management operations in the US. There are a number reasons for this departure.

China and other countries in the far east started to compete with US manufactured goods and they were less expensive and just as good as those made here. Since most of the larger manufacturing companies are publicly held their shareholders were concerned that trying to compete head-to-head on price was not feasible and they did not want to lose any of their profit margins. Secondly, it is very, very, very expensive to build and operate a manufacturing operation. It requires a lot of equipment and experienced, well-trained technicians and engineers. Over the years those people entering the engineering field of study dropped off precipitously. So they decided to minimize their losses and have their products made overseas.

Over time the public came to accept products made in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc. and the advent of Amazon changed the way everyone purchased everything without caring about the manufacturing origin. This coupled with the fact that the new generation of workers are primarily involved in the digital world and have little or no interest in working with their hands and see no future in that arena. Their future belongs to AI, Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and VR and AR technologies.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, high performance HEPA based air filtration systems since 1985 and now one of only three companies in the world that currently manufacture this type of equipment. 

For more information regarding the complete line of PAS systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

Pure Air Filtration Product Grouping
HEPA Systems For Every Application



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Getting Ahead Using New Technology

The manufacturing world is awash with new concepts and techniques. The use of AI along with Additive Manufacturing and Robotics have enabled many start-ups and small product development companies to offer better products that meet or exceed the expectations of their current customer base.

The use of AI in every aspect of their company structure, from marketing to customer support and product enhancement have created a need, in many cases, for a different breed of employee. In many cases their current base of employees don’t have the expertise to use many of these new concepts. Also, the addition of  VR and AR technologies are providing for collaboration with experts outside their own company to speed up the development of new products and get them into the market faster. The world of technology is now moving at light speed.

Many companies that use CNC machines for making steel parts have additive 3D printers or Additive Manufacturing  do both prototyping and in many cases actual manufacturing in lieu of their CNC machines. This affords faster design changes and the ability to make products that can’t be made using CNC operations.

Pure Air Systems is a manufacturer of high end, commercial grade, fan powered HEPA air filtration systems for both the residential, commercial, industrial and institutional markets. They have been in business since 1985 and were one of the first companies in the US to incorporate ECM motors into all of their systems. They now offer systems with complete digital and computer controlled motors to handle every type of air filtration application.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

600 HS Diagram - Split Housing Design
600 HS – Split Housing Design

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Pure Air Systems. Staying the course after 37 years.

In today’s global, fast-paced, ever changing business world, companies that last longer than 10 years is unusual. Typically newly formed successful companies are either acquired shortly after they become public or they merge with some similar technology firm to expand their customer base quickly.

Pure Air Systems began its journey in 1985 with one HEPA filtration system that was large and difficult to use or install. HEPA systems were just beginning to be accepted in the residential and commercial markets and the cost of making the systems was steep due to the fact that the housings had to be all metal and the HEPA filters, motors and fans were all commercial grade components that required large quantity purchases to obtain any type of cost reduction. Even at that, the first unit, Model 600H cost over $600.00 in components and another $50.00 in assembly time.

Marketing the systems was somewhat difficult in that the use of computers to promote products was somewhat limited so mail and direct marketing in the form of door-to-door selling was incorporated. It wasn’t until a year later that Pure Air Systems set up it’s first and only URL. . The ability to use the internet to promote the systems allowed for quick introduction of a unique and highly sought after HEPA air filtration system.

By 1992 PAS had set up a series of distributors and added two more systems to its portfolio and began to outsource its production and assembly to a company in northern Indiana. By 1995 PAS had enough business to start looking for a place of its own to produce the systems and have enough space to store all the replacement filters necessary to feed the hundreds of units now in place across the U.S. In 1998 PAS broke ground on a new 9,000 sq.ft. building. In 1999 the move into the new building allowed for more R&D which produced 4 more HEPA unit designs along with a brand new HEPA portable that was one of the best on the market. 

By 2001 PAS was selling seven different models of its fan powered, HEPA based, ECM motor driven air filtration systems. The use of the new GE ECM motors allowed for use with 120/240 50/60Hz power. Thus allowing for the use in overseas markets which expanded the companies footprint out the U.S. for the first time. 

Today, Pure Air Systems is one of only three companies in the world that make this high performance, commercial grade HEPA air filtration system. The units now range in volume from 50 CFM to 2000 CFM and use programable ECM motors with high end digital controllers.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems offered by PAS please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8925,

Residential Industrial and Commercial Applications
HEPA Systems For All Applications

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Training The New Manufacturing Generation

It is no secret that the men and women under 35 are much less likely to enter the field of “making things” including the millennials and generation Z population. Unlike the WWII generation that helped build the US into one of the best manufacturing countries in the world, the new generation is all about the digital world and working from anywhere using the latest in AI and Virtual Reality technology.

There are still some manufacturing done in the US, but the vast majority of small parts, motors, appliances, etc, are now made overseas. Those remaining manufacturing companies are finding that the public school systems, community colleges and four year universities are no longer providing any type of hands-on training in the use of tools or machining equipment.

Many companies have decided to put their own training programs in place and create new manufacturing specialists organically. It seems to be the only answer to keeping their companies up to speed and competitive in a market that is constantly changing and creating new technologies. With the new generation of men and women moving faster into the digital world it is obvious the manufacturing companies in the US are going to have a more difficult time in staying relevant in their fields without some major changes in the way manufacturing is done.

Pure Air Systems manufactures a line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems and as a 37 year old company they are one of only three companies in the world making their type of systems. For more information on the complete line of their air filtration units please go to their website at:   or call them on their toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

600HS Annotated Diagram
600HS Annotated Diagram

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Additive Manufacturing Moving To Replace Machining Processes

There are two main factors that are moving the process of using 3D Printing or Additive manufacturing into the product producing mainstream and replacing the traditional machining, CNC and injection molding processes. First, the number of skilled machinists and manufacturing engineers is rapidly declining and secondly, and most important, the younger generation has little or no interest in working for or with any manufacturing operation. The new generation sees their future in the digital world.

The other major reason is the speed in which additive manufacturing has advanced in every facet of product production. This is especially true in the use of additive manufacturing in producing parts from ferrous and nonferrous materials. The ability to produce a steel part that is one piece versus multiple parts or pieces using traditional machining is now blazing new trails in the ability to make a part in one print cycle that used to take five to eight steps. Also, the ability to quickly prototype a part and then change it and print again for five or more iterations in the span of one reduces prototyping and product development to less that 10% of the time for traditional machining.

Interestingly, the method of designing a part for manufacturing is identical in both traditional and additive manufacturing. The use of advanced CAD software allows for the design of any part and the design files are saved in different file types depending whether the part is made on a CNC machine or 3D Printer. This new generation of young workers already know how to use this software as their understanding computers, software, programming and object design is already in place. So, the 3D Printer is a perfect fit for this new group of workers who most likely will work remotely from the actual manufacturing operation.

Pure Air Systems began its operation in 1985 using hand drawings for the design of its HEPA based air filtration systems and then eventually moved into the CAD era and today is looking at using AI for some of its advanced equipment designs. The world of technology is moving at light speed and Pure Air Systems is keeping pace.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8025.

Interior view of 2000. HS HEPA unit

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Artificial Intelligence Now Ubiquitous

In less than one year, the adaption of AI is not used in almost every facet of our lives. There is no industry or service business that is not using one or more of the AI programs that are being added to and updated daily. In fact, if your business is not incorporating AI into its operational profile it will fall behind its competitors very quickly.

For many people the use of AI has created visions of a massive take-over of our lives by some super intelligent machines. ( In truth that has already started). This belief is held mostly by older Americans who have a minimal understanding of technology and the vast knowledge base held in the Cloud. Change is always difficult for some people but the younger generation adapts quickly and they are using AI almost daily.

But AI is also being used in the engineering, design and product development arenas and this is where the real advantages are taking place. The use of engineering AI programs has tripled in the last year and the benefits have been amazing. Companies now know that they can use AI programs to accelerate their prototyping and product to market development process.

Pure Air Systems opened its doors in 1985. The use of any type of digital technology was limited to crude computer systems and reams of paper tape. All of the information gathered came from human sources and books. Designing a new filtration system took months and a fair amount of trial and error. All in all, it took 8 months to a year to develop a new product or modification to an existing system.

Today, adding a new product or modification can take as little as 1 to 3 months to complete, and the information is derived from the digital world. This adaption of digital information and/or AI is a necessary part of using technology to make us more productive and better our lives. It is important to realize that everything changes and change is constant. 

For more information on our complete product line please go to our website at;  http:/ or call us on our toll free number at:  800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design


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