Trump This!

There is lots of news about the Donald these days as he attempts to run for President on the  “alternate” party program. Perhaps he just wants some more attention or feels he can move the political rhetoric along with some critical side-bars. At any length, he has been amusing and continues to add great comments that give the press some reason to actually be employed.

I remember when Trump was used more often in card games like pinochle or euchre and had some real impact  on the game. I wonder if this other Trump will be similar in power.

In 1985 Pure Air Systems opened their  doors selling a new HEPA based air filtration systems that were designed to be a very unique alternative to the run of the mill  furnace filters and purifiers that did little to remove airborne particles from the air. The HEPA systems, were in fact, designed to trump the  competition and indeed over time did just that.

By 2000 Pure Air Systems had expanded its line to 7 systems and was one of the only companies in the US that offered fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA  and Carbon based air filtration systems that would meet the requirements for the residential, commercial, institutional and industrial markets.

The medical markets are continually looking for better filtration systems as they try to fight the new strains of bacteria causing infections like MRSA and other hard to treat bacterial infections. Removing the airborne bacteria can from the air can be very effective in minimizing these infection issues  and along with good hygiene practices can significantly make medical facilities safer and allow for fewer deaths related to infections.

PAS also has developed some new devices for the injection market and is looking at applying these systems in the very near future.  Developing new products and filtration technologies has been the mission of PAS since its inception in 1985 and that same passion for new and better products continues today.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Technology Does Matter

It seems as though some people think that technology is over taking our lives and that not everything we do is based on technology.  In truth, technology impacts almost every  aspect of our lives in one way or another. And, yes almost everything we do has some type of higher technology attached to it. And technology will continue to impact our lives in ways we can not yet comprehend.

Technology is not only impacting the way we communicate, drive, vacation, travel, work, entertain and cook but our health care systems and the military. It is the reason why the US is effectively competing with the rest of the world as technology continues to make the world smaller and smaller.

In 1985 Pure Air Systems opened its doors with a new fan powered air filtration system using the new filter technology, HEPA filtration. Actually HEPA filters were developed in 1941 but the use of HEPA filters in the general air cleaner market did not take place until the early 80’s.  HEPA filters are specifically designed and manufactured to remove a very large percentage of extremely small, sub-micron, airborne particles with an amazing efficiency. HEPA filters are also very expensive as compared to a regular furnace filter. About 40 times more expensive.

HEPA filters are a critical part of all the clean rooms where micro-chips are manufactured; they are the main filter in surgery rooms, optical glass manufacturing, isolation rooms, laboratories, bacterial and virus labs, the CDC, and any place where the removal of airborne pathogens and allergens is required.

HEPA filters are now a standard part of vacuum cleaners and many portable filtration systems and even packaging and food process systems. They are also available to the general public incorporated in systems like the seven different units available from Pure Air Systems. This technology is essential for these and many other applications in many other industries around the globe.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Got Pluto?

The New Horizon’s space capsule cameras took some great pictures of Pluto’s mountainous surface and the NASA faithful were ecstatic.  If memory serves me correctly Pluto was originally one of the nine planets, including earth, closest to the sun. Then the scientists said Pluto was too small to be a planet so they unplaneted the planet and called it a moon. Now, Pluto is back in the spotlight after a billion mile journey from one of NASA’s probes took lots of pictures, including a selfie if I’m not mistaken, of this far away place that has, for all intent and purposes, absolutely no effect on the daily lives of us mere mortals.

Businesses are often like Pluto. One day they are the talk of the town and mentioned in conjunction with other elite company’s and then the next day they are gone from discussion. This doesn’t mean the company is out of business just that it’s name is not thrust into the public’s eye every day. Like Pluto they only matter when they do something relevant.

Pure Air Systems was formed in 1985 and was one of the first companies to offer true commercial grade, HEPA based air filtration systems with powerful blower/motors and digital controllers for residential, commercial and industrial applications. They hit the market at a time when HEPA filters were just becoming known to the general public and started to compete with the older filtration technologies like electronic air cleaners, UV Lights and electrostatic air filters.

Unlike these filters, HEPA filters are very restrictive and require a prefilter in front of them to take out the larger 20 plus micron sized particles. The HEPA will remove all the particles below 20 microns down to less than .012 microns. Because of the unique nature of HEPA filters they are the primary filtration device used in surgery rooms, clean rooms, micro-chip manufacturing, optical glass manufacturing, isolation rooms in hospitals and clinics, electronic manufacturing and most medical and chemical laboratories in the world.

 Over time HEPA filters became more common and the public became more comfortable with their use and application. HEPA systems are more expensive so when the economy turned down company’s and the public stopped buying these units and used the lesser expensive filter systems. Even though the challenges with “hard to treat” bacteria that are now a real challenge to our health system, HEPA systems were not really considered until just recently and, like Pluto, the market now has a  new reason to look at HEPA filtration systems.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us anytime on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

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HEPA Air Curtain

One of the major problems with the transfer of viruses and bacteria from human to human is…human contact. This type of contact exists every second of every day everywhere, with the possible exception of monks in Tibet. And, because humans are the greatest carriers of communicable diseases it is only natural to accept the fact that separation and/or elimination of contact will greatly diminish this transfer of pathogens from person to person.

Unfortunately this is not going to happen anytime soon as it is impossible to operate in a human void. It is with this understanding that I discuss the aspect of offering some revised air filtration system designs to help reduce the levels of airborne particulate and pathogens so as to minimize the transfer of viruses and bacteria from person to person.

Air Curtain HEPA Filtration Laminar Flow Systems. No acronym for this one. This device can create a laminar air flow to bottom, for a opening like area such as those used in Pharmacies, Dr. Offices, Entry Windows in Public Offices, Wound Care, Room Isolation and anywhere you can separate people from other people with HEPA filtered air effectively.

One of the reasons this type of device is becoming more appealing is the rapid rise in infections that are more difficult and more expensive to treat than ever before. In addition, the lack of any development of new antibiotics creates a sense of urgency in finding ways to prevent the spread of disease ( at almost any cost ) rather than try to treat it once it is present in the body. Not only is treatment expensive, but often not totally effective is curing the disease. Sometimes there are other collateral damage issues to the body and in many cases death is the result of the disease transfer.

The Ebola issue is one that, while very deadly, is mostly isolated to a few small areas of the world. However, even a small number of infected traveling to other countries undetected can create a major medical emergency of grande proportions. The other issue is one of social demographics. Those individuals of lower income or with little or no access to continual health care are the most at risk and interestingly the ones who make more contact with other people during normal hours. Restaurant help is one area where most of the servers and cooks are in the lower wage category and are most likely to come in contact with large numbers of people in very small, crowded areas.

School children that are in the free lunch programs often are not seeing any medical professionals on a regular basis and again they are coming in contact with hundreds of students a day and then those students go home to see their respective families. Kind of a viral virus program.

More information on this type of HEPA Air Curtain product can be found at the following website: or by contacting this author at: You can also call Pure Air Systems at their toll free number: 800-869-8025.

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Execution can mean a number of things as in the execution of a will or the execution of an individual, but the more important use of this word applies to those companies that can execute their business plan and perform above the level of their competition.

The speed of technology growth, change, innovation and adaption is mind-blowing. One only has to search the internet for all the open source forums to see how much new information is being exchanged on a daily basis to understand why it is so important that companies execute their programs extremely well with market consistency.

Execution also means adapting new technology, designs and manufacturing processes on a regular basis to keep  innovation in your execution plan as customers are more apt to purchase your product if it incorporates much of the latest technological advances that work in concert with their digital devices. Execution also means that the components of the device will function well allowing the product to perform as expected and within the operational promise of the manufacturer.

Pure Air Systems started manufacturing HEPA based fan powered air filtration devices since 1985 and continues to adapt new new technologies to enhance the execution of the product and ensure that its reputation for long-term operation with minimal down-time. The switch from induction motors to the new ECM, electrically commutated motors allowed PAS to use digital controllers, operated the systems based on pressure drop and provide 1% incremental fan speed control to better fit some of the newer volume sensitive applications. In addition, these variable speed drive motors can operate on 120 volt or 240 volt, 50/60 Hz electrical current which meant they could be used anywhere in the world.

In 2015 Pure Air Systems will introduce a new system designed specifically for the medical market. The APPAIS unit will be the first new product from Pure Air Systems since the HPS Portable unit was introduced in 2006. This FDA certified unit will be used as a prophylactic anywhere injections are done. This includes clinics, pharmacies, Doctor’s offices, hospitals, schools and even tattoo parlors.  Look for the new APPAIS in 2015  and see how the new unit incorporates a design requiring no tools for assembly, or operation.

Execution and Performance are the key words in the delivery of any product in this every changing world market place we live in. For more information go to our webs site at:  or call us on our toll-free number at : 800-869-8025.

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Eliminate The Noise

We have news 24/7 from every network on the planet, social media platforms that allow you to be in contact with someone, somewhere every second of everyday. Information overload has never been more true than it is in 2014. Many people feed off of this  interactive communication noise to the extent that they believe their lives would be a void if they didn’t have a cell phone, tablet or computer. With all of this distraction ( some good and some very bad ) it is often difficult to keep focused on a goal or project when you begin to examine all the outside information and let it affect your decisions or goals.

In 1985, Pure Air Systems, Inc. was established and its goal was to build the best air filtration systems on the market. Using true, commercial grade, certified HEPA filters as the main mechanical capture device, PAS began to develop a marketing plan to sell the systems to the residential as well as commercial markets. The first systems were large units, over 36″ tall and 15″ square weighing over 70 lbs each. All metal units with heavy duty blower/motor assemblies and a very large HEPA filter. They also included a dual-layer polyester ring panel filter and carbon media filter.

Friends and business associates were quick to tell me that nobody was going to buy these units that had to be attached to an existing HVAC heating/cooling system and the price installed was over $1,200.00. Most people could just buy an electronic air cleaner or simple media filter for a lot less money. Those comments were basically true, except the current air filter technology at that time was very ineffective at removing the smaller, less than 10 micron sized particles that constituted the majority ( by volume ) of the airborne particles in any occupied area. For individuals with allergies, asthma or any other respiratory dysfunction, the use of HEPA filters in their living environment proved to be a much more effective method of actually removing/reducing the levels of harmful airborne contaminants that were the primary cause of their health problems. The other, older filter concepts were really designed to remove only larger particles and had very little efficiency on removing the more harmful, less than 10 micron sized particles.

It was only through continued belief in the systems capabilities that allowed me to continue to pursue the goals of getting these systems to the people that needed them the most and that over time the extraordinary performance of the units would out weigh the cost of the HEPA systems.

Over time, the units gained some traction and the HVAC industry started to take notice of large interest by the public regarding the ability of the PAS units to do something none of the other air filtration or air purification devices could do. Five years later we had designed two more systems that were larger and better suited to the commercial, institutional, medical and industrial markets. Over time PAS became a leader in the production of high-end, HEPA based, fan powered air filtration devices that could be used in a very wide variety of applications and designed to be used anywhere in the world.

For more information on PAS systems go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or call us at anytime on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Designing On The Fly

Since March of 2013, I have been working on a re-design of a unit I built for PAS in 2006. The  portable HPS series HEPA filter  units I designed in 2006 were  used in small laboratory applications, homes and institutional operations. Like many new products I built, this one used the same commercial grade components and was not aesthetically pleasing from a consumer point of view…but it out performed everything else on the market in its size and capacity range. These units are still head and  shoulders above whatever new small commercial HEPA units are currently in the market.

The new APPAIS unit, as it will be called, is a variation on the HPS series theme and is designed as a Class II Medical Device. It will also be patented. The APPAIS unit and HPS unit used the same identical components, with one exception, and operate in the same basic manner. The major differences are in the housing design and final exit filter. The APPAIS unit is fabricated from aluminum and powder coated painted white. It also has two slots in the top housing where the prefilter ( inlet filter ahead of blower/motor) and exit filter ( after HEPA ) are located. Unlike the HPS unit, access to the prefitler and the new exit filter require no tools. They just slide out from the top where they are held in place with new slot covers.

Locating the prefilter and exit filter through slots was an idea that came to me as I was looking at the overall use of this system in the Pharmacy, Walmart, etc. market place along with typical medical facilities. Since the unit was a reverse blower/motor/HEPA filter design from the HPS, meaning the blower/motor was now on the negative side of the HEPA, replacement of the prefilter, the only filter protecting the blower/motor and electricals, would have to be changed much more frequently than in the HPS unit. This idea had some merit and actually made sense from a practical/performance point of view. There was one problem.

The fabricator of the new prototype housings was challenged to find a suitable slot cover so I worked with a local High School engineering class to design the slot covers using their Solid Works software and then produce the units on their 3-D Printer. This was the best and fastest solution to the problem and has allowed for rapid development of a part that is necessary to complete the project. Designing on the fly will create some unique challenges but also some creative solutions. Moving forward is always better than staying still or worse yet, moving backwards.

The first five pre-production units are now in the works and should be completed by the end of January 2014. Then they go out for trial testing to the FDA and other operations. Once they pass the final “usage” test the next step is introducing the new systems to the selected market.

For more information on Pure Air Systems please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or call us at anytime on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound of Cure

My Grandparents used a lot of old cliche’s and sayings when I was a young man and some of those come to memory when a situation arises that links to one of their “words of wisdom” comments. My Father used to say “never make the same mistake twice and never take anything for granted.” On many occasions I found myself thinking about those words when I realized I had fallen prey to one or both of those tenants.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, certified HEPA based air filtration systems for the commercial, institutional, industrial, medical and residential markets since 1985. For over 28 years PAS has been providing systems that remove over 99.99% of all airborne contaminants at or below 0.3 microns in size. Within this size range falls all types of bacteria and viruses. The removal and/or reduction of these airborne allergens and pathogens is critical in maintaining a safe environment for not only healthy individuals but more importantly for those individuals with significant poor health conditions.

One of the main challenges facing the medical community today is dealing with infections caused by certain types and strains of bacteria. One of the virulent strains is MRSA or Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. This strain of bacteria is very difficult to treat and in many cases it has been the primary cause of limb removal or death. Since most bacteria range in size from 1 to 10 microns ( your hair is 100 microns in diameter) they are invisible to the naked eye and easily transmitted through contact or via air currents.  Obviously antibacterial surface cleaners can be effective at reducing the bacteria from surface areas and hands. However, airborne bacteria, are impossible to remove unless you are using a HEPA based air filtration unit or system(s).

Most Hospitals and Surgery Centers use HEPA based filtration systems in their surgery, bone marrow transplant and infectious disease control facilities. However, many of the patient care rooms and recovery rooms are not well filtered. In addition, because of the high cost of medical treatments many patients are now sent home within 1 to 3 days for their post-operative recovery. For the most part, the majority of the general public does not have any type of filtration system suitable for maintaining a “clean-room” type of environment that is really necessary to reduce and eliminate the possibility of infection. That is why there are a significant number of  patients being treated for infections at the same Hospital from which they were released often within in 2 to 5 days after being sent home.

Pure Air Systems makes a wide selection of true, HEPA based air filtration systems that meet or exceed the requirements for removal of airborne contaminants in even the most critical of applications. These systems can be used either as stand-alone units or as part of an existing HVAC system.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA based systems please go to our website at:  You can also follows us on Twitter a @pureairsystems  or call us at anytime on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Enter Sandman

Just like some songs become more iconic as they get older, some products are better appreciated over time. This increase in appreciation  is usually a result of both past and future comparisons of other songs or other products that promised performance and value. Once we begin to realize that what we heard before from some musical group (in this case Metallica) or the performance of lesser expensive, similar products that failed to live up to their hype, the appreciation of what we have is increased 100 fold.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985. Their use of HEPA filters early on in the “air filtration” and “indoor air quality” era was somewhat of a “odd man out” process. Up until, the mid-70’s and early 80’s, HEPA filters were used exclusively in the commercial electronics industry. Some were used in the asbestos removal market and some in the medical industry but none were used in the residential market.

During the early years of air filtration products for the home market, electronic, electrostatic and ozone generators dominated the scene. The makers of these relatively inexpensive devices made all sorts of claims include the ability for these systems to be as effective as HEPA filters in removing harmful airborne allergens from the air. As people began to use these ‘air purifiers” they realized there was more hype than substance to the products. Some people even went as far as to purchase four or five different air filtration devices, each a little more expensive than the last, hoping to find a product that was as good as a HEPA system before eventually purchasing a HEPA unit from PAS.

Today, with over 20,000 units in the field and 28 years in business, Pure Air Systems has developed a strong following of customers from all phases of industry, the medical profession and residential and commercial markets. The acceptance of HEPA based filtration over other methods is fairly common especially in the light that all hospital surgery suites, the CDC, micro-chip fabricators, optics companies, Homeland Security and others now only use true, commercial grade, certified HEPA filters for all their critical operations.  The continued use and purchase of the PAS products confirms the systems perform at or above expectations for the applications to which they are applied.

Looking back on the early days of air filtration devices, filters and processes one has to remember that knowledge of indoor air quality and the ability to deal with those issues was an on-going learning lessen for everyone involved. But because there were significant performance requirements needed for airborne particulate removal the market quickly determined that moving up the ladder in quality, performance and durability was the best solution to their air quality needs.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsytems. Of course you can always contact us on our toll-free line at: 800-869-8025.

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Bird Flu Redux

A number of years ago the H1N1 Bird Flu created a scenario where a potential epidemic could occur. This turned out to be “much ado without nothing.” Today, another strain of the Bird Flu, H7N9, found in China again has been authenticated as the cause of death in a 35-year old Chinese women. She died of kidney and respiratory failure. As with the H1N1 virus there is no vaccine available at this time to combat this new virus. The CDC () has been trying to isolate the virus so it can develop a viable vaccine and track the extent of the contamination. As of this writing the H7N9 has only  been found in five Chinese provinces.

For more information go to the following link (

If you have followed this blog for the past few years you know the ability to avoid contact with various strains of harmful bacteria and viruses is very difficult. Exposure by contact is difficult to prevent but exposure by airborne pathogens can be significantly reduced and eliminated. The use of highly effective HEPA air filtration systems along with best ventilation and pressurization techniques can prevent the spread of these pathogens. Whether it is a commercial, institutional or residential  facility, with the proper equipment a little ventilation know-how, people can effectively isolate themselves from contraction of these deadly viruses.

The CDC, like all organizations that deal with pathogens, use HEPA filter systems in all of their material handling facilities. Most use redundant HEPA systems and the majority use ULPA or SULPA HEPA filters for maximum security against airborne virus contamination. HEPA filters have been used since 1941 and to-date, no other filter media has been developed that has the effectiveness and efficiency of HEPA media.

Pure Air Systems has been using commercial grade, certified, scanned HEPA filters since 1985 and today is one of the leaders in high volume, fan-powered, variable speed controlled HEPA air filtration devices. Used throughout the world, the HEPA systems from PAS meet and/or exceed the requirements for all commercial, medical, institutional, industrial and residential air filtration requirements. And, the same rugged, commercial grade design that was the basis for the units in 1985 is still used today. Newer ECM, variable speed drive motors and digital controllers have replaced the induction motors and analog switches that have enhanced the overall performance of the units and allowed for use in countries that use 220 volt, 50 Hz electrical current.

The amount of people on this planet coupled with the enormous growth in business, air pollution, climate change, and new wonder drugs have forced the viruses and bacteria to adapt to this new environment. As a result, new drug resistant strains of normally treatable bacterial and viral infections are now prevalent. This new H7N9 Bird Flu is just one more pathogen to deal with. In my previous post I discussed the MRSA problem and the fact that the medical industrial complex is having some real challenges in coming up with viable solutions for these new virulent strains. Maybe the Bible was correct when it said…”and the meek shall inherit the earth.”

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based products from PAS please go to our website at: Or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or you can call us anytime on our toll-free number. 800-869-8025.

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