Maid In Amerika

If you go to the comments section of any article published on-line that discusses the plight of the American manufacturing machine you find people complaining bitterly about the fact that nothing is made here anymore. In truth, the vast majority of major products are made here in the US. However, almost all of the consumer electronics and most of the general duty appliances are made outside the U.S., and therein lies the problem.

If you use a cell phone, computer of any style or type, tablet or other digital communication device, more than likely it is manufactured overseas. Yes, many of these companies, like Apple, are based right here in the U.S, but they have their devices made some place else. Small appliances also fit into the same category. Yet, it is interesting to note, consumers may complain about the perceived lack of American made products, but they will purchase the imported brands even if there is a similar product that is actually made right here. The main reason…price. Over time people have rationalized that one companies product is the same as another companies product and therefore price is the deciding factor.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, certified HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985. These units were and still are made right here in the USA. In 1989 PAS began putting “Made in the USA” stickers on each unit. It was our way of telling people this product was fabricated from all US made components. The intent was to assure the public that we were not importing the products from overseas.

Over the years a number of  U.S. based companies offered alternate air filtration technology based systems that in some case competed with our smaller units. The majority of these systems were fabricated overseas and they were usually of a lesser quality but also considerably less expensive than our systems. And even though PAS has repeatedly shown to meet or exceed the performance requirements of our customers, many individuals and some companies continue to purchase the imported products.

Today, Pure Air Systems continues to manufacture all of its systems here in the U.S. Some of the electrical components and a few mechanical components are fabricated overseas as these required parts are no longer made in the U.S. However, our products are still some of the most powerful, effective and sophisticated HEPA air filtration systems made today. Customers from around the world now use our filtration systems and our reputation for quality and performance is seldom challenged.

There is no doubt, that companies around the world have access to the same technologies and components and the need to continue improving our products has never been greater. However, we will never sacrifice quality and performance for price. We know what is required to provide our customers with the best available air filtration technology and they rely on us to maintain that premise.

For more information on our complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration products please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or go to our Facebook page at:


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Udder Futility

There are hundreds of thousands of blogs posted every day online and almost 90% of all newspaper and magazine articles are actually blogs or produced from blogs. You would think with everyone using computers with spell check software on which they are writing these blogs that they would actually use the software to check their spelling. And some do. Unfortunately the software doesn’t check for correct word usage.

Take the title of this blog for example. This is a term often used in sentences and usually means totally frustrated or not worth doing anymore. However, the way this title is written its’ meaning is somewhat different. Utter futility I can understand….udder futility must have something to do with a non-functioning or frustrated cow or goat, I guess….. Right church, wrong pew.

Companies often use this “play on words” approach to get your attention. It is, in many ways, a rather childish way to get your attention. But it works. If you have read this far you know what I mean. It would seem to me that if your product or service really has any value you wouldn’t stoop to using this type of marketing ploy. But we are.

Pure Air Systems has been making commercial grade, HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985. Over the past 26 years we have had to continually convince the market that true, certified HEPA filters were vastly superior to standard air filters and anything calling itself an air “purifier.” The use of that term was really, and never has been, correct. Nothing actually purifies the air. You can heat it, cool it, blow it, suck it, stir it, move it and filter it. But not really purify it. That connotes making the air pristine and totally void of any impurities.

Yet, the term purifier continues to linger on. Why, we really don’t know. Maybe it just sounds like it does more…..purify versus filter. Maybe its like saying you want a women or man who is pure of heart rather than someone whom needs to filter what they say. Don’t know. But we use it.

The problem with using the term air purifier in front of the filtering device you are promoting, is everyone uses that term. Whether it’s an electronic air cleaner, ozone generator or ionic cleaner….they all use the word purifier some where in the title of the product. First of all none of the three devices just mentioned actually purify the air….in fact none of these devices do much to filter the air. Sorry if you bought one or sell them. We only tell it like it is. It is the Udder Truth.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:, or follow us on Twitter; @pureairsystems. You can also call us, toll-free; 800-869=8025.


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Willie Make It…Betty Won’t

“Play on words” has been a popular tool of writers and journalists since newspapers were in print. The title of this blog, for example, is taken from some family get together’s when I was a young man. It seems there were a lot of what I call “goofy” phrases used in the early 50’s. This title is one of them. Maybe you have seen it before ….or heard it used. In either case use of this type of phrasing is a great way to get attention from readers.

In today’s world the vast majority of people get all their information, books, classes and social interaction online. The ability to capture your attention has never been more demanding. Getting someone to read something  for more than 8 seconds is now considered a real coup…and if you can get them to read your entire article, blog or product description you are in rare company.

Telling stories and providing helpful, insightful information seems to be one way to get people to view your material. It is for this reason that many companies now incorporate blogs into their websites, like this one, to provide updated and topical data to the market.

Pure Air Systems has published over 150 blogs in the past two years. Over time the number of people reading the blogs has increased dramatically. But most importantly the blogs provide topical information as well as directing potential customers to our website. This is important as all of the technical and operational information about our HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems are found there. Whether you are a contractor, end user or engineer, the data you need is located on the website.

In addition to the blogs, a special section on our website is designed to provide general information on all aspects of air filtration, indoor air quality, heating/cooling systems and ventilation. We call it “Pure Air University.”  We believe it is important to offer some basic knowledge on all things IAQ so that the public has the ability to make an informed decision when selecting an air filtration system. The information provided through this section is not designed to sell but rather designed to tell.

After being in business for over 25 years, you learn a lot about what information is important to potential customers. They have seen the hyped marketing materials from many of the companies that sell air filtration or air purifier systems. Many of those companies that sold “gimmick” based technology are no longer in business. It seems no matter what you say or how you say it…performance is the only viable marketing tool. We know this and that is why we are still here. Our systems perform as promised…period. No play on words needed.

For more information on our complete product line please go to our website at:  Or call us at: 800-869-8025.

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I Shot The Sheriff, But I Did Not Shoot The Deputy!

There is a lot of discussion today regarding the right to bare arms. Everyone is quoting the constitution and telling their senators and congressmen to uphold the 2nd Amendment as written by our fore fathers. There are federal gun laws that in many cases are being challenged by many states and there is the NRA and other political groups that demand their rights be upheld. This issue is so highly charged that people are threatening their local politicians and demanding their rights to be heard.

The right to free speech and to openly challenge what we think is wrong, is one of the main freedoms we have in this country. The 1st amendment says so. When we see an issue that interferes with our rights or challenges our health we are able to speak out about that issue.

One of the biggest issues that faces a lot of people is the ability to work, play and live in a smoke free environment. For some, protecting themselves from the health dangers of cigarette smoke is an important as being able to carry a gun to protect themselves from harm.

Over the past few years almost all of the large and small corporations in the US have banned smoking in their workplace. For Hospitals and other health care facilities smoking is banned even out in their parking lots. Schools, universities, all public buildings have also banned smoking.  All of these new laws were passed as a direct result of the public speaking out and demanding a safer, healthier work place.

In many cities, counties and townships across the US bars and taverns have eliminated smoking altogether. While many bar owners and restaurant owners thought eliminating smoking would kill their business. Just the opposite. People that never frequented bars now came and stayed for long periods of time, drank and ate more and came more often.

Second hand smoke is now considered to almost as much of a health risk as smoking itself. For children and individuals with respiratory problems second hand smoke can be harmful both short term and long term. Again, the ability to openly challenge the tobacco industry as well as local laws and state legislation regarding non-smokers rights has been successful.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985. Since its beginning PAS has been providing filtration systems for bars, restaurants and other facilities where smoking is still permitted. These large, high volume HEPA units incorporate Carbon media as well as a prefilter to effectively remove the harmful smoke particles as well as significantly reduce the smoke odor.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration products and systems by PAS please go to our website at:

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Live With A Smoker – Die With A Smoker

There is no end to the amount of discussion on the health issues related to smoking.  Everyone either knows someone who smokes or is a smoker. Today most public buildings don’t allow smoking as do offices, hospitals, schools and churches. In fact the only places you can smoke is outside, in your own home (maybe) and in bars that still allow smoking.

If you live with a smoker or work in an environment where smoking is allowed you know the challenges of getting smokers to quit or smoke less. Smoking is more addictive than the majority of illegal drugs. And the cost of smoking in dollars for health care is enormous. In addition, smoke from cigarettes and cigars will coat the walls, ceilings and HVAC duct work with a nicotine substance in any home or office building over time.

If you are around a smoker in your home or office and you inhale the smoke for a continued period of time you will in essence have the same lung damage as the smoker himself. It is for this reason that smoking is prohibited in so many places.

Cigarette and cigar smoke contain hundreds of chemicals many of which are considered carcinogens. Breathing in these chemicals over time can create significant health problems. In addition you have a constant odor problem with smoke which tends to cling to everything, including your hair and clothing.

Some of the health issues include OCPD, respiratory dysfunction, eye infections, lung cancer to name a few. It is important therefore to minimize your contact with cigarette smoke. If you live with a smoker they need to smoke outside. If you work with a smoker and he or she won’t quit, you need to find another position in the company or find another job.

Cigarette and cigar smoke is very small. The amount you see with the naked eye represents only 35% to40% of the smoke coming off the cigarette. The rest is less than 10 microns and much is it is less than 1 micron in size. It is this smaller size particle that remains in the lung linings and mucus membranes and is not expelled when you breathe out.

Due to the nature of cigarette and cigar smoke it is not easy to remove this contaminant with general duty air filters or even ventilation. Pure Air Systems has been selling its HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems for smoke removal since 1985. HEPA filters will capture over 99.99% of the smoke that it sees. The carbon media will adsorb much of the nicotine odor.

While the majority of our HEPA systems for smoke removal were installed in restaurants, bars, and bingo halls, a large number have been sold to homeowners. These systems are attached to the return air side of the HVAC system and will capture all the cigarette smoke and odor that is pulled into the system through the return air grills in the home.

If you are really serious about the air you breathe in your environment then you need to get some serious filtration systems that will actually remove the harmful smoke particles and odor.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA an Carbon based filtration systems offered by Pure Air Systems, go to our website at:

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Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

When The Platters released this song in the fifties  the lyrics were more about the hearts desire and flames from the heart causing smoke to get in your eyes. Today, these words are used most often when describing smoke from a cigarette getting into your eyes.

While more and more bars, restaurants, public buildings, hospitals, office buildings, schools, etc, etc, etc, no longer allow smoking of any kind, there are still thousands of places where people are subjected to cigarette and cigar smoke. Some people ( and I am included in this group) can even detect cigarette smoke when standing outside 15 to 20 feet away from a smoker.

With all of the airborne contaminants that we are subjected to, cigarette smoke ranks as one of the most difficult to deal with. It is comprised of about 100 different chemicals including nicotine, the major component of cigarettes, and one of the most addictive chemicals used legally. Which is why almost 40 million Americans still smoke.

There are a number of challenges when dealing with cigarette smoke but two of them are the most difficult. First, the small smoke particles that come off the cigarette are easily aspirated into the lungs of anyone within 5 to 10 feet of the smoker. The smoke you see coming from the cigarette is really fairly large, 20 to 100 microns in size. However, the majority of the smoke coming off the cigarette is very small and invisible to the naked eye, it is sub-micron in size (less than 1 micron) and is easily trapped in the lungs.

The second most difficult component of cigarette smoke is a substance called “cotinine” which is a component of nicotine. This material is transported by the cigarette smoke and is somewhat tacky and will adhere to any surface. This chemical has a strong odor lifetime; meaning it will continue to release an odor for days after it is released from the cigarette and attaches to a surface. It is this chemical that sticks to your clothes and carries the odor from the bar or restaurant back to your home. It really does stink.

One of the real challenges in dealing with cigarette smoke and all of its components is the removal or reduction of this smoke from the air. Ventilation and air dilution were used years ago as one way of removing some of the smoke from occupied areas, but the cost of heating and cooling all that air made the process prohibitive. Using air filters in the HVAC system removed some of the larger airborne particles but did nothing for the smoke odor.

Pure Air Systems has been installing its HEPA based air filtration systems in bars and restaurants to remove smoke and odors since 1985. Although today there are few bars that allow smoking, there are still many that do along with many of the private clubs. Using HEPA filters is necessary to remove the sub-micron particles and to remove the odor component the PAS systems include carbon to adsorb the cotinine other odor causing chemicals.

It is interesting to note, that even with the use of the PAS commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems, it is very difficult to maintain a clean, healthy environment in a smoking area when you have a large number of the customers smoking.  And, with the amount of smoke that is generated by a large group of smokers the PAS filter systems require the HEPA filter to be changed once every 4 to 6 months ( normal life is 3 years) and the carbon to be replaced 4 to 6 times a year or more often ( normal life 3 to 6 months).

It is for these reasons, along with the obvious health issues, that entire communities, cities, towns and municipalities are banning smoking from any indoor public facility; even from parks, outdoor stadiums and other recreational facilities.

For more information on this topic and to learn more about the HEPA and Carbon based product line from Pure Air Systems, please go to our website at;

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