You Can Run But You Can’t Hide

The advent of the cell phone with both photo and video capability has made it almost impossible to hide anything from anybody. Now with the introduction of the new iPhone4 with one of the two cameras on the front of the phone you can now play “Dick Tracy” for real. Imagine, walking along talking and having a video discussion with your family, friends and co-workers from anywhere at anytime. Nothing will be left to the imagination. Nothing.

For all the complaining about people trying to maintain some privacy it seems we are all now truly living in a “glass world” so to speak. No matter where you go…..there they are!

For asthma and allergy sufferers and individuals who react to certain chemicals in the air, it is the same issue. No matter where they go…there they are!

For chemically sensitive individuals the issues are more complicated. Driving in a car, riding in a subway, taking a bus, flying in an airplane; all these transportation methods can be detrimental to the chemically sensitive individual. All of the man made materials that are used in the production of plastic components, seats, carpeting, wall coverings and carpets can produce chemicals that create significant health problems for these individuals. Other than trying to minimize the amount of time they spend in these confined chemical soups, these individuals have few options.

It is the same issue for people who suffer from airborne allergens, pollen, ragweed, etc. Most modes of transportation have little or no air filtration devices in their heating/cooling systems.  When confined in a small space with outside air being introduced into moving vehicles the allergy sufferer is now being bombarded with a high concentration of airborne particulate not only from the outside fresh air but from the clothing of the other passengers in the vehicle.

As the title states, “You can run but you can’t hide” from the world we live in. However, you do have the ability to control the amount of chemicals and particulate you breathe in your own home. Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA and Carbon based whole-house air filtration systems since 1985 and offers a complete line of commercial grade systems to meet your every need.

For more information on the line of HEPA and Carbon systems as well as media filters please go to our website at:

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Chemical Sensitivities and Your Environment

For many of us dealing with the the typical spring and fall allergy seasons is a given. We know that mother nature can be both beautiful and nasty in the spring when the flowers are blooming and the grass is growing. There are many new medications that help in minimizing the allergic reactions and even allow us to venture outdoors on days when the pollen and ragweed levels are high.

However, for people who are chemically sensitive, the physical affects are not that easily relieved. Chemical sensitivities is somewhat of a grey area. Many chemically sensitive people don’t have a challenge with pollen or ragweed but can react to common household chemicals like bleach or even scented candles. And unlike the common symptoms of pollen and ragweed sufferers, the chemically sensitive individuals may have more severe reactions that include inability to breathe, skin rashes, metal tastes in their mouth, headaches, muscle aches, blurred vision and spatial disorientation.

For people who have these chemical sensitivities their lives are literally dictated by how well they can control the environment in which they live, work and play. The elimination or reduction of items in the home is relatively easy for the chemically sensitive individual.  Trial and error is the best guide. But, once they venture outside their chemically controlled environment they are at the mercy of the outside world of chemical soup.

To the chemically sensitive individual, the term fresh outside air is a misnomer. Their outside consists of automobile and truck exhaust fumes, chemical odors from manufacturing and processing operations and the spraying of fertilizers and pesticides in residential, farming and commercial areas.

When they go to work, they are subjected to a wide variety of chemical odors and gases. Their co-workers after shave or cologne. The chemical odor from clothes that are dry cleaned. The gases given off by copiers, printers and office supplies. The list goes on and on.

Being inside any gym, or work out facility presents similar challenges as does attending indoor sporting events where even the odors and gases coming from the concession stands can be significant issues. To the chemically sensitive individual home is usually their only safe haven.

Unlike the pollen or ragweed sufferer who can take one of the many over the counter medications that minimize or eliminate the “hay fever” type symptoms, the chemically sensitive individual has no such magic bullet. They simply need to totally eliminate from their environment those chemicals to which they are sensitive.

Since 1985 Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems for the residential, commercial, institutional and industrial markets. PAS was one of the first companies to offer Carbon adsorption systems for people with chemical sensitivities. Some of these carbon products were specially treated to remove specific gaseous compounds and most we designed to be benign to the customer.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon systems and detailed information on the removal or reduction of various airborne chemical gases please go to our website at:

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