Pollen Season Is Coming – Time For HEPA Filters

Now that February is here, Spring is just around the corner and with the warmer temperatures and rain comes the new production of grass, tree and ragweed pollen. Allergies to airborne pollen and other airborne allergens is actually more challenging in many ways than fighting off a cold or the flu which can last from a few days to a week.

A person suffering from airborne pollen will have to endure the process for many weeks and even months in some cases. And, the allergy medicine primarily helps relieve some of the symptoms but at a very minimal rate. The only true way to remove yourself from the airborne pollen is to…well remove yourself from the airborne pollen.

Pure Air Systems has been making and selling HEPA based, fan powered air filtration systems since 1985 and is now one of the leaders in high performance HEPA air filtration systems.

PAS has a method of attaching any of their HEPA systems to an existing, ducted HVAC system or the systems can be used as stand-alone units. This means you can have commercial grade, certified HEPA filters continuously filtering the air in your home, office or work place and in addition the systems can be used to slightly pressurize the area to totally eliminate the potential for any infiltration of outdoor particulate.

Thousands of these systems have been sold over the past 32 years and for those individuals who have used the 600HS, 1200HS or 2000HS PAS systems their issues with allergies due to pollen and other airborne particulate have been reduced to the point where they have little or few symptoms.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filtration systems please go to our website at: https://www.pureairsystems.com  or call us on our toll-free number at anytime:  800-869-8025.

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Air Filtration For Dummies

The device that you or your HVAC contractor changes once or twice a year is designed, primarily, to keep the cooling coils clean. It has very little effect on the removal of airborne particles that maybe harmful to your health.

These general duty air filters are comprised of very open mesh or pleats that allow air to pass through easily but capture larger dust and dirt particles to minimize any deposit of dirt on the cooling coils which could, over time, significantly reduce the efficiency of the coils and also put dirt on the blower wheel.

Dust particles you can see are about 20 microns in size or lager. As a comparison, your hair is about 100 microns in diameter. However, airborne particles that may harm you body when inhaled are usually smaller than 1 or 2 microns in size. The efficiency of the general duty air filter on these sized particles is about 25% at best. Meaning your health is not protected in any way from indoor airborne contaminants with these general duty filters.

Perhaps the best way to get some real basic information on how filtration actually works is to go to the Pure Air Systems website. ..https://www.pureairsystems.com  There you will find a section entitled “Pure Air University.” This is broken down into simple sections detailing how filtration actually works and the reasons why you may want to look beyond the general duty filters if you really want to clean up your environment.

PAS produces high end HEPA based, fan powered, air filtration systems and has since 1985.  32 years of experience in working with all types of airborne contaminant applications allows them to share their experience and knowledge of this process with anyone who cares to go to their website.

If you have any other questions you can always call the technicians at Pure Air Systems. You can reach them on their toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Carbon VS Ozone

The ability to reduce or eliminate odors and gases in an occupied area has been a challenge for contractors, architects, environmental engineers and HVACR professionals for years. This problem persists in many forms and in many areas in the residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and medical arenas.

In the past thirty years a number of odor and gas reduction/removal processes have been employed to resolve these problems. Of  all the products and techniques that have been tried two methods are the most often considered and only one of these two methods provides any real reduction or removal.

Ozone is easily produced. Simply by applying a small amount of electricity in a spark form you can transform Oxyen (O2) into Ozone (O3). Ozone is produced naturally when there is lightning. If you are outside close to a lightning strike you can often smell the ozone produced by the lightning. It almost has a sweet, fresh air smell.

Activated Carbon or Charcoal has a natural affinity to adsorb (not absorb) gases and odors that are both organic and inorganic. Activated carbon has a very large surface area that captures and holds most gaseous molecules until the carbon is saturated then it will release the excess gaseous molecules.

Ozone is a strong oxidizer. Ozone easily gives up one of Oxygen elements which can alter the chemical composition of gases. Ozone is often referred to as “energized oxygen” or “pure air” suggesting that ozone is a healthy kind of oxygen. That is far from true. Ozone is a toxic gas with vastly different chemical and toxicological properties from oxygen. Ozone can be harmful to the respiratory system and is the primary component of smog.

While carbon does have a finite life and adsorption capacity, it actually removes or significantly reduces the gas or odor completely. Unlike Ozone which may only change the gaseous molecule to another form that may actually be more harmful than the original odor problem, Carbon is benign and removes the harmful odors and gases without producing any health problems for individuals.

Pure Air Systems manufactures a complete line of carbon based systems that can hold from 10 lbs of carbon up to 60 lbs of carbon. These units are designed to work in all types of applications whether it is residential or commercial.  These units are fan powered and can handle up to 2000 CFM of contaminated air with excellent first pass reduction of odors and gases.

For more information on the Pure Air Systems Carbon adsorption systems go to: www.pureairsystems.com



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