Meeting The Unbelievable Expectations of Customers

Have a customer who thinks they know more about your product than you do and can site facts from 20 years ago to prove it? And, they want answers to un-answerable questions? Welcome to the new world of main street business. Yes, customers can be down right nasty and intractable and it is getting worse. This is not always the case, but if you are dealing with a more senior individual there is a better chance of having a major discord with this individual.

One of the reasons for this challenge is the fact that many people now have to either converse with a Bot on their computer or talk to an individual thousands of miles away with a foreign accent that they can’t understand.

Go back 30 years and customer service was the epitome of many companies and they touted their ability to deal with your issues like you were part of their family. And, many companies were family owned and operated or the corporations actually had compassion for their customers. Money was not the only object. Repeat business was king.

Today, you need to have a phone, computer or tablet to order, track, pay for and return any item or service. In many cases major transactions can take place  like selling or buying cars, homes, boats, etc. without ever talking to a human being. Airline reservations are done on-line as is booking hotels, buying groceries and getting your plumbing fixed. If you throw in the use of AI, there are operations where you are having a conversation with a computer generated program that is as effective as using a human being. 

Pure Air Systems got its start in 1985 with the old fashioned process of going door to door and making products that worked extremely well. Every aspect of the selling process as face to face and person to person on the phone. ( corded version) If you needed a replacement part we had it in stock and it was sent out the next day and a follow up call was made to make sure the customer was satisfied with the replacement. Extended conversations with customers on how to set up or operate the equipment were common place. There were no bar codes or QR codes to use to access a website. 

Today, Pure Air Systems relies heavily on its website to promote and educate potential customers as well as offer detailed descriptions of their line of HEPA based air filtration systems. Customer service is still done verbally via phone of email and the products are still made with the best performing parts available on the market. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtrations please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at : 800-869-8025.air filter applications collage

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