HEPA Air Curtain
One of the major problems with the transfer of viruses and bacteria from human to human is…human contact. This type of contact exists every second of every day everywhere, with the possible exception of monks in Tibet. And, because humans are the greatest carriers of communicable diseases it is only natural to accept the fact that separation and/or elimination of contact will greatly diminish this transfer of pathogens from person to person.
Unfortunately this is not going to happen anytime soon as it is impossible to operate in a human void. It is with this understanding that I discuss the aspect of offering some revised air filtration system designs to help reduce the levels of airborne particulate and pathogens so as to minimize the transfer of viruses and bacteria from person to person.
Air Curtain HEPA Filtration Laminar Flow Systems. No acronym for this one. This device can create a laminar air flow curtain..top to bottom, for a opening like area such as those used in Pharmacies, Dr. Offices, Entry Windows in Public Offices, Wound Care, Room Isolation and anywhere you can separate people from other people with HEPA filtered air effectively.
One of the reasons this type of device is becoming more appealing is the rapid rise in infections that are more difficult and more expensive to treat than ever before. In addition, the lack of any development of new antibiotics creates a sense of urgency in finding ways to prevent the spread of disease ( at almost any cost ) rather than try to treat it once it is present in the body. Not only is treatment expensive, but often not totally effective is curing the disease. Sometimes there are other collateral damage issues to the body and in many cases death is the result of the disease transfer.
The Ebola issue is one that, while very deadly, is mostly isolated to a few small areas of the world. However, even a small number of infected traveling to other countries undetected can create a major medical emergency of grande proportions. The other issue is one of social demographics. Those individuals of lower income or with little or no access to continual health care are the most at risk and interestingly the ones who make more contact with other people during normal hours. Restaurant help is one area where most of the servers and cooks are in the lower wage category and are most likely to come in contact with large numbers of people in very small, crowded areas.
School children that are in the free lunch programs often are not seeing any medical professionals on a regular basis and again they are coming in contact with hundreds of students a day and then those students go home to see their respective families. Kind of a viral virus program.
More information on this type of HEPA Air Curtain product can be found at the following website: https://www.pureairsystems.com or by contacting this author at: donmusilli@gmail.com. You can also call Pure Air Systems at their toll free number: 800-869-8025.