Summer Months and Home Indoor Air Quality

For the majority of the U.S., Summer represents hot days, hot nights and in many parts of the U.S., high humidity. This means that for the most part people will remain indoors in their homes, offices and shopping areas in the presence of cool, air conditioning. 

While air conditioning keeps the interior space cool and removes the majority of the humidity, the lack of any outside fresh air means that all the air in the home, office, school or shopping areas is stagnant or stale. Without any type of effective air filtration, the levels of airborne particles (which can include, human skin, bug matter, airborne dust and debris of all types) will increase 10 fold. And, if there are animals present, then the potential for high concentrations of animal dander may occur.

In order to minimize the health hazards of breathing stale, polluted indoor air for long periods of time, we recommend using good air filters on your returns or consider putting one of our 600HS Plus HEPA systems on your ducted forced air HFAC system. With the unique partial-bypass installation concept it is possible to filter all the air in your house up to 24 times per day and introduce a small amount of outside, filtered fresh air without upsetting the AC temperature and humidity in your home.

For more information on this product and the entire line of Pure Air Systems HEPA units, please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at 800-869-8025.

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HEPA Systems For New Intel Chip Manufacturing Facilities

Intel is investing $20 Billion dollars to build two state-of-the-art Micro Chip manufacturing plants in Albany, Ohio. Chip manufacturing is done in Class 10 and Class 100 clean room facilities which are constantly being cleaned by HEPA filters with the rooms being under positive air pressure.

Chips are comprised of multiple layers and then assembled together. These layers are highly sensitive to any airborne particulate, even in the sub-micron level, as the dust particle will destroy the chips function and short it out when in use. The types of HEPA filters used in the manufacturing and assembly areas are normally comprised of a series of HEPA’s in banks. They use HEPA, ULPA and SULPA HEPA filters that will remove 99.9999% of all particles 0.12 microns and smaller. As as comparison, the Human hair is about 100 microns in diameter.

Pure Air Systems has been providing commercial grade, fan powered, scanned HEPA filters ( 99.99% at 0.3 microns) since 1985. Many of these systems have been and are being used in smaller micro chip operations, medical facilities, hospitals, military and institutional plants. The PAS systems range from 50 CFM up to 2000 CFM and can include Carbon media along with a Prefilter.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA systems please go to our website at:    or call us on our tool-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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House of The Rising Sun

There are some songs that seem to transcend time and this one by Eric Burton and the Animals is not exception. For almost anyone alive today hearing the first 5 cords of this song instantly remind you of what comes next. There are products and companies that also fall into this category.

Pure Air Systems, Inc. Founded in 1985, is one of those companies. PAS was one of the first companies in North America to offer true HEPA based, fan powered, air filtration systems for both residential and commercial applications. The model 600HS was the first HEPA system that was designed to attach to any forced air, ducted HVAC system using the partial by-pass concept. This allowed the use of the 600, 1200 and 2000HS series units to used in any application for any size HVAC unit with the added ability to introduced fresh, filtered outside air in small quantities to help pressurize any environment.

Today, Pure Air Systems is one of only 3 companies in the world that produce this type of commercial grade HEPA air filtration system. These units also use the variable speed drive motors and can be programmed to adjust the speed ( air flow in CFM ) to suit the application.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration units please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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The phrase ” Buy American” should be more than a slobetgan.

No matter who you talk to today, many of the older people are saying we should only buy American made products. That, today, is easier said than done. First, many individuals that order on line ( and that is the majority of people) buy products that meet their needs at the best price and seldom search for its origin of manufacture. 

Pure Air Systems, Inc. has been manufacturing its fan powered, commercial grade HEPA based air filtration systems in the US from all US made components since 1985. Today almost 95% of all the components used in the manufacture of our HEPA Shield systems are made here in the U.S. And, since its inception in 1985, PAS has always put Made in the USA stickers on our filter cabinets.

Customers that are familiar with our systems are happy to pay the higher cost for the systems knowing that the quality of our systems will provide them with great air filtration for 15 to 20 years of service, with reasonable filter changes. and minimal maintenance, Over the years many of our customers purchased less expensive, made over seas products, but eventually came back to PAS because our systems perform so much better than 95% of our competition. In fact, Pure Air Systems, Inc, is now one of only 3 companies in the word that produce this type of HEPA based air filtration system.

For more information on the complete line of our products, please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

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Goodbye 2021 — Hello 2021

Looking forpward to 2022 which is beginning to look at lot like 2021 …..again! It seems moving forward is much harder than it used to be. While change is usually constant there are some aspects of 2021 that continue to look more like 2020. Will 2022 actually look more like a new year and less like yesterday again? One can only hope.

For Pure Air Systems, our operation made a major change by moving into our own new facility south of Indianapolis and with more functional space to make our assembly process smoother and easier. We continue to see our business expand as more companies and individuals purchase our commercial grade, fan powered HEPA air filtration systems both in North America as well as overseas. Our new, programmable ECM, variable speed motors offer digital system control that can be customized for any application where accurate fan speed is required for the application with the ability to change air flow automatically or manually.

We hope you have a joyful and prosperous New Year….which ever year shows up. For more information on the complete line of our HEPA and Carbon filter systems, please go to our website at:   our call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025,

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Filtration For Your 3D Printer

With over 13 years of experience in using FDM and FFF 3D style printers one learns quickly the various quirks in the operation of these printers. While they have improved dramatically since the 2011-2012 introduction of desk top printers, there are still some challenges when printing with various filament types. To be specific, ABS ( Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene ) has been one of the more popular materials with which to print. However, this material off-gasses when printing at 245 Degrees C and above and the odor can be quite significant. In addition, the gases produced along with some of the fine particles released during printing can become a health concern if not properly vented or isolated when printing occurs.

One of the other issues when printing with ABS is the layer separation that can take place if the object being printed cools to rapidly during the printing process. To minimize this issue you need to enclose the printer and keep the cold air drafts from falling on the printer bed. This enclosure can also also double as a mechanism to reduce the entry of the odors and particulate into the room. The use of a fan powered exhaust system attached to a vent in the enclosure along with a carbon media and HEPA filter will allow for continued use of the printer inside any room or enclosed area without compromising the environmental integrity of the room.

Pure Air Systems has been making fan powered HEPA and Carbon medial filters since 1985. These systems are designed to move from 50 CFM up to 2000 CFM with the ability to control the air volume in 1% increments. These metal framed units come in seven different configurations with the addition of a portable unit that is a prefect fit for the enclosures that would be placed over the 3D printers. For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon media filters please go to our website at:      or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.



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If You Expect To Rate As A Gentlemen Don’t Expectorate On The Floor

For the most part, human beings are fairly messy creatures…not being genetically that far apart from the animal kingdom as we know. Everyday we flake off millions of skin cells and spew out thousands of droplets of moisture every time we talk, laugh, cough or yell. This is how germs, bacteria and viruses are spread from person to person. Close contact just increases the chances of the exchange of body fluids.

Hospitals have the challenge of trying to keep their facilities as clean as possible due to the high rate of infections in hospital patients. Visitors coming into see their loved ones are one of the major players in the cause of infection, simply due to the fact that many patients are immunocompromised due to their post-operative state of health. This is why all the operating rooms are pressurized with 100% HEPA filtered air….to minimize or remove the possibility of bacteria or viruses from entering the surgery suite while the patient is under the knife.

Pure Air Systems has been making fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA filtration systems since 1985 and is considered one of the leaders in this specialized industry. These systems range in air volume from 50 CFM up to 2,000 CFM using variable speed motors for finite volume control to suit any application. PAS makes 7 different models that can be used as stand-alone units or in conjunction with a ducted HVAC system. All of the PAS models are fabricated from galvanized steel and are powder coated for a high end finish. 

Each filter unit comes complete with a prefilter, carbon media filter and true, scanned 99.99% HEPA filter. The motors are all variable speed, programmable and offer 120/240 Volt, 50/60Hz operation for locations anywhere in the world.

For more information on our complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.


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Portable HEPA Filter With Variable Speed Motor

Founded in 1985, Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, fan powered, HEPA filtration systems with a wide range of performance. Beginning with their 600HS Plus, PAS has been adding variable speed motors to their line up since 1999 and now offers a new variable speed motor for their HPS 250 portable unit. This unit. first introduced in 2000, used a four speed EBM motor/blower unit and offered air flows from 50 CFM to 250 CFM and immediately became a major addition to the product line. 

The new variable speed motor now offers the same advantages it provides in the models, 600HS, 1200HS and 2000HS units. The ability to have finite control over the air flow to exactly match the needed performance of the unit depending upon the application. Since the portable unit is most often used in a smaller environment such as a laboratory, clinic, semi-clean room or medical facility, the control of speed also allows for control of the noise level. In addition, using the new motor allowed PAS to use a fan blade design that has better air flow and performance over the range of the life of the HEPA filter as well as minimizing fan noise. And like the variable speed motors used in the other systems, this one can be programmed to automatically ramp up and maintain the same speed even as the HEPA filter loads up and the static pressure increases.

This new unit will be available soon. For more information on this updated unit and the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025. 

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Pure Air Systems Moving to A New Location

Pure Air Systems has moved its operations from Indianapolis, IN to Danville, IN. Juist a few miles from where Pure Air Systems original location in Clayton, Indiana. This move provides PAS with more room and a more efficient assembly and parts storage area. It will also allow for development of new advancements and custom system designs.

While 2020 was a year of great challenges for most businesses, Pure Air Systems had one of its best years as more medical facilities, and institutional operations requested HEPA based air filtration systems for the reduction and removal of the Covid-19 virus. PAS is now only one of 3 companies in the world the make self-contained, fan powered, commercial grade HEPA and Carbon air filtration systems, in the world. 

In 1999 PAS introduced the variable speed motors ( ECM ) into their product line. This new addition allowed them to provide a motor that could operate at 120 or 240 volt and 50 or 60 Hz. This opened the door to exporting their systems over seas as most other countries use 220 volt/ 50 Hz electrical systems. These motors are used in all the PAS systems including the HPS Portable HEPA series. These ECM motors also allow for the use of digital controllers on the HEPA units providing infinite air volume control and programmed modulation for any application.

The PAS HEPA product line includes systems that can provide true HEPA filtered air from as low as 25 CFM to 2,000 CFM and the systems can be used in conjunction with existing HVAC units ore as stand-alone filtration systems. For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.


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Bacteria vs Viruses. Size Does Matter

In past blogs we discussed the fact that you can only see down to about 20 microns in size with the naked eye.  For comparison, your hair is about 100 microns in diameter. Dust particles that you see floating in the air are around 100 microns and larger. The larger particles are too heavy to stay airborne so they tend to fall on the floor or other surfaces. 

Airborne allergens such as pollen, ragweed and grasses can also be airborne and they can be smaller than 20 microns in size and stay airborne for a period of time. Allergy sufferers know this all too well. Bacteria can be as large as 10 microns and smaller than 0.3 microns. Bacteria can be on any surface and stay airborne for long periods of time. Viruses, on the other hand, are extremely tiny, as small as .005 microns or 1/1000th of an inch. They can stay alive and airborne for hours both indoors and outside. Covid -19 is a virus.

Removal of airborne particles (both organic and inorganic ) is done best using media style air filters ( think furnace style filter ) that can capture these particles and remove them from the air. For larger dust particles the furnace filters or Merv 7-9 rated filters, are adequate in capturing 90% of the larger dust particles. But less than 10% effective in capturing bacteria or viruses.

Removing these tiny particles requires a HEPA filter. These High Efficiency Particulate Air filters are designed for the commercial, medical and institutional markets and now also used in the residential markets. A standard, true, HEPA filter is rated at 99.99% efficiency for particles 0.3 microns or larger and is over 95% effective at removing particles particles less than 0.005 microns in diameter. Some HEPA filters use a more dense media and are called ULPA  ( Ultra Low Particulate Air) or SULPA ( Super Low Particulate Air ) filters. These are designed for applications like the CDC and micro chip manufacturers.

For more information on HEPA filters and their capabilities go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at 800-869-8025.

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