Kids Without iPads

It’s a sad state of affairs when you see a group of pre-teen boys and girls mulling around with that sad look on their faces due to the fact that their parents won’t buy them an iPad. After all, being connected today is not a physical process but a virtual process. If you are not on Facebook or don’t have a Twitter account, or worse yet can’t Skype or Face Time with your friends who are you….really! Fear of being unconnected is more important today than not  having close personal friends.  It seems that having something that everyone else believes is essential to their existence as a human being is the next “Holy Grail.”

There is always push-back from a certain segment of the market when some new technology comes onto the scene and becomes ubiquitous overnight. Facebook, twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn have all made major in-roads in getting people to connect digitally and become part of their everyday lifestyle. But, regardless of what you think of social media, it has become a very important tool for organizations, businesses and associations, not to mention the millions of citizens on this planet that use it hourly if not daily.

Pure Air Systems was started in 1985, 10 years before the internet even started to become an alternate method of sharing information with the masses. In the early 1990’s email was becoming the in thing and it was evident that having a way to connect with potential customers outside the Midwest ( PAS is located in Indianapolis) was important in two ways. First, trying to locate potential customers in those days required more of a word of mouth and the use of hundreds of dollars a month in postage sending out literature to prospective clients. Second, there was no way to effectively connect with end users who had a need for a true HEPA based air filtration system.

In 1994 Pure Air Systems initiated At that time only major corporations were putting a URL on the internet. Dial-up was the only connection option and Windows was the only true browser. The first  website for PAS was simply a landing page that was incorporated in a business forum that had hundreds of other URL’s listed as well. By 1995 PAS began to work with a small company that could develop a website design and the first of many PAS websites was born. Having a website also provided a mechanism for connecting with anyone who knew how to “surf the net” and it also provided another email address.

Today, Pure Air Systems has a very large website that incorporates all the data on their systems as well as video components and an online store for replacement filters. In addition, PAS has a Facebook page, Twitter account and an active blog site…of which this is one. In 1995 less than 4% of their new business was generated from the internet. In 2012 over 65% of their new business comes from the web….and their products are now sold around the world.

For more information on the entire HEPA and Carbon based product line please go to:,  or follow us on Twitter @ pureairsystems  and visit our Facebook page at: Of course you can always call them on their toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.


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iWant and iPad So i Can Get iDeas

An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away! Or perhaps ” An new Apple product a day makes the stock market play”! In any case it seems that anytime Apple comes out with an new “i” product a segment of the population drools until they can get their hands on the new Apple “i”ssue.

The iPad, like the iPhone and some other internet portable devices, do offer some significant benefits other than just having the newest technology on the  block. Getting information on just about anything is as simple these days as touching a screen and reading the data.

It wasn’t that long ago that acquiring any type of current information required either a trip to the library or requesting printed material from a selected source, be it a company or the government. And hopefully you received the information within a week or two of requesting it. The only current instant information sources were your friends, associates and professional groups. If you really needed an answer quickly you had to rely on one or two sources ( if available) at best and then make a decision.

Today you can get information on any topic instantly from any source from anywhere in the world…right at your finger tips. The more information you have the more objective you can be in making the right decision or choice. While people complain there is too much information, if you learn how to select data from the right sources, you can usually get enough good data to make better than reasonable decision.

One major area of data search is in the area of health care. You can now get information on any disease, condition, malady, physical or emotional with supportive text, illustrations and recommended procedures and cures. And, you can ask for data that is current within the last hour!  This information has some real value but the most important aspect of this transfer of health information comes in the form of preventative health care.

If people have a specific health issue, say severe allergies, they can search for information that not only tells them what to do once the allergic reaction takes place but also how to avoid the problem altogether. Information on other environmental (both outdoor and indoor) issues can also be accessed. And, if you are interested in knowing more about the entire area of allergies, pollution and indoor air quality, you can point your iPad toward the website of Pure Air Systems.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based air filtration system since 1985 and has been dealing with all the airborne contaminant issues that affect individuals since that time. Today, PAS is considered one of the leaders in air filtration for the residential, commercial, institutional and industrial markets and has systems installed all over the world.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems from Pure Air Systems please go to our website at:

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