Cutting Grass – Wear A Mask

Spring! The time of year when all the flowers bloom, the leave come out on the trees and the lawn needs to be cut three times a week due to the spring rain. Whether you use a push power mower or ride on one the amount of particulate that is cast into the air during the cutting process is amazing. Even if you use a bagger on your super-duper, riding, turn on a dime, mower, you really should wear a mask when cutting the grass.

Aside from small grass particles being thrown into the air around you there are particles that contain some of the lawn fertilizer you spread on the grass to make it green and grow thick. And, when you mow over weeds or dandelions you take the risk of throwing a number of potential allergens into your breathing space.

When it comes to the type of mask you should wear, we are not talking about a bio-chemical warfare type mask, but a good dust mask like the ones used when sanding wood. They are available at  any hardware or discount store and many can be reused. The mask should fit comfortably over your nose and mouth and have an adjustable elastic strap for proper tension on your face. It should also have a minimal amount of resistance when you breathe so it doesn’t create a labored breathing problem. There are hundreds of masks available on line but the ones you purchase at Walmart work very well.

For people with allergies, hay fever and asthma wearing a mask when cutting grass or working anywhere in your yard is a must. Even if you are not doing any work just walking around the yard all types of grass and plant spores are coming out especially in the spring.  And if your neighbors lawn is being sprayed with some form of fertilizer/pesticide then you must wear the mask if you are near the sprayed yard for at least a few days after application.

This may sound like over kill but on a warm spring day the small, micron sized particles from the plants become airborne and will hang in the air for a long time. Also, don’t forget to brush off your clothing before entering the house. Much of the pollen and grass spores will cling to your clothing and you will take them into the house unless you brush off your shirt and pants.

If you do have allergies or asthma you also have the option of using some form of air filtration system in your home. Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985. For information on the complete line of HEPA and other types of filtration systems offered  by PAS please go to their website at:

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