Enter Sandman

I am not a huge fan of the band Metallica, but I do happen to like their song, Enter Sandman. It is different than most of their Very heavy metal music and actually tells a story and your  can understand the lyrics. There are other bands whom I don’t follow very much but they, like Metallica, have one or two great songs that get lots of air time on the radio and are on my iPod.

Like my selective choice for music, when I am purchasing certain items I usually go to a certain brick and motor store or shop online where I will purchase that item. The stores may hundreds of other items but I only purchase those select, one or two, items every time.

Many companies that are in the manufacturing business may offer a number of items both standard and custom for customers. However, they often have 80% of their  business derived from 20% of their product line and while they often consider paring down their product line they find customers like the ability to option shop.

Pure Air Systems opened their doors in 1985. They introduced the first high performance, fan powered, certified HEPA air filtration systems for residential, commercial, institutional, medical and industrial application for removal of airborne allergens, pathogens, particulates and odors. Initially PAS only offered one system, the 600H unit. It became a very popular product in the U. S. market and led to the development of 6 more HEPA based systems.

These other units were more powerful and had larger CFM volume capacities and all eventually were fitted with the new ECM variable speed drive 120/240 50/60 Hz digital speed control motors. While the larger systems pushed PAS into the commercial market faster the model 600HS ( now with ECM motor ) was and still is the primary unit sold by Pure Air Systems.

For more information on the complete product line offered by PAS please go to our website at: https://www.pureairsystems.com or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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