Mechanical VS Electronic Air Filtration Systems

Most people are familiar with the air filters that go into your HVAC system that look like folded or pleated paper media. These are normally refered to as mechanical filters because they use the mechanics of air velocity to impinge the airborne particulater onto the surface of the filter. Electronic air filters use positive – negative charging as their method of collecting these same particles. These electronic air cleaners use plates for wire grids to trap the particles but unlike mechanical filters, are less efficient than mechanical air filters as they allow for much of the particulate to pass by the collection grids without capture. For this reason mechancial air filters are the preferred method of dust collection.

Air filters perform two major functions in HVAC systems. One is to keep the dust from accumulating on the cooling coils in your air handler to ensure proper performance of you air conditioning system. The second is the removal of airborne particulate in the air to keep the indoor environment cleaner. These mechanical air filters come in different efficiencies from general duty up the high efficiency HEPA air filters.

The use of very high efficiency mechanical filters including HEPA sysems is now extremely important due to the need to remove airborne bacteria and viruses during this pandemic. Schools, office buildings, and all medical faciities are using mechanical air filters with higher efficiency ratings to contain the airbone contaminents as much as possible.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:     or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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