Surviving The Transition

The years from 2006 through 2012 are now referred to as the last recession. I don’t agree. The major unraveling of our economy began when the major multi-national corporations began to move their engineering, R& D and assembly and manufacturing operations off-shore. They found the cost savings were extraordinary as they could retire many of their highly paid senior executives and engineers and the cost of labor overseas was much lower than the US based operations. In addition, the environmental laws and lower health care costs significantly added to the bottom line.

The second part of the economic collapse began when greed took over the housing market. Well greed and the lack of any controls over who could borrow money and how much credit was extended with little thought for paying it back. This was the U.S. Banking industry at its lowest point of operational functionality. Combine the unrealistic expectations that housing prices would climb 5% a month forever and the continued movement of high paying jobs off-shore and you had the beginning of the major transition that changed our economic landscape.

Pure Air Systems, a small manufacturing company in Indianapolis, makes some of the most effective, high performance HEPA based, fan powered air filtration systems on the market. Much of their growth came from the residential market while slowly building upon their commercial product line. The demise of the housing market hit the company very hard, but because they had a large number of residential units already in the field ( PAS started in 1985) the replacement filter part of their operation continued to grow. With the addition of two new systems designed specifically for the commercial, institutional, medical and industrial markets PAS was able to supplement their residential sales market with these higher priced systems. In addition, the commercial systems required more frequent changes of their three filters so the revenue stream from the “annuity” side of the business allowed for continued operations of the company while the economy went through its transition.

In 2014 Pure Air Systems is stronger and profits are coming back. Also, the addition of a new “FDA Medically Approved” portable will significantly add to the bottom line when this system goes into production in early 2015. Many large and small companies, in both retail and manufacturing, left us forever during the transition. Now that the new economy is forming more new companies will come onto the scene, hopefully with some understanding of how even small changes can affect their bottom line.

For more information on PAS please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @ pureairsystems. Of course you can always call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Alice Marr

There is a mythological ghost ship that is supposedly piloted by dead soldiers named the Alice Marr. Myths usually grow out of stories that are half truths supported by people who supposedly were eye witnesses to the event or occurrence but could never be verified. Facts are seldom needed as the myth has more charm and appeal than a more factual, objective and realistic account. Are there really dead soldiers piloting a ship with the name of Alice Marr? Is it possible? Does it really matter? Some people would rather believe the myth because it fits their bias toward the supernatural or unknown, while others are truly skeptics and want facts to back up the facts.

Products and their history often have the same type of perception by the average consumer. Once a product gets a reputation for being either extremely good with a consistent, solid performance or it has serious short comings, whether this is true or not the historical truths often blur its current reputation. Cadillac used to be the car everyone wanted. It had the reputation of being the best of the best in the automotive industry.  Then Lexus came into the market and in a few short years Cadillac dropped out of the picture as the elite standard in cars. Cadillac still has a following but mostly from the older generation who always associated Cadillac with quality and reliability as they were never strong supporters of the imports. In truth there are a number of vehicles that are probably superior to either of these brands but they don’t have the value myth of Cadillac or Lexus.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based air filtration systems for over 27 years. While HEPA filters are decidedly the best, most effective method of removing harmful airborne allergens and pathogens, other less expensive filtration and air purification systems are still considered as good as HEPA.  This is what happens when there is a major price difference with products classed in one specific category and the challenge of getting the customer to appreciate that the HEPA systems are significantly superior and more expensive. True commercial grade, certified HEPA units can be 10 times more expensive than other forms of filtration or purification technologies. But they can be 1000 times more effective at removing the harmful particles in the air that can be a health concern.

The only opportunity an individual has to truly understand the differences or to be able to separate fact from fiction, is to actually use the various types of filtration systems in similar applications and then evaluate them on performance not on myth. Over time the customers who have purchased Pure Air Systems HEPA systems after trying a number of its lesser competitors have found that fact always triumphs myth.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA systems offered by PAS please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or call us anytime on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Take a Breath…Take a Deep Breath Now.

As humans we take a lot of things for granite. Rotation of the earth which produces gravity, land to walk on and water to swim in, and the ever present source of life, the Sun.  Being able to breathe the atmosphere in our environment is also something we take for granite. Interestingly most of us know little about the air we breathe. For example, the atmosphere we exist in is comprised primarily of oxygen and nitrogen. Oxygen comprises 21% while Nitrogen comprises 79%..( actually a little less than 79% as there are some trace elements in the atmosphere as well). In reality we are actually Nitrogen breathers although at the surface pressure of 1 atmosphere our bodies don’t absorb the Nitrogen, but they do take in the Oxygen.

When you have a cold or some form of upper respiratory infection you often find it is difficult to breathe. In actuality the lungs are probably full of mucus and the surface capacity of the lungs to take in Oxygen are significantly reduced, therefore requiring longer and deeper breaths just to get the amount of Oxygen your body requires. This same problem exists when you have lung damage due to smoking or breathing large quantities of airborne particulate in your work place over long periods of time. Ingestion of small, sub-micron sized particles create challenges for the lungs as these particulate tend to stay logged in the lung linings and mucus membranes.  People who smoke have difficulty in running or walking long distances as they get “short of breath” very quickly.

Small concentrations of harmful, respirable sub-micron sized particles, inhaled over a long periods of time can also significantly impair the lungs ability to take in Oxygen. Individuals who work in environments where dust is generated on a continuous basis are more susceptible to lung damage than those working in an office type environment. Even when technicians where masks or respirators, these individuals are more at risk than most.

In 1985, Pure Air Systems was founded to provide a series of commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based systems for the residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and medical markets. Today, the PAS line of HEPA, fan powered systems are used in a wide variety of high performance applications around the world. Removal and reduction of small particles are the key benefit of using HEPA filters. Those used by PAS are initially rated at 99.99% removal of particles 0.3 microns or smaller and approach 98% removal of particles 0.12 microns and larger.

Over the years many home owners have purchased the HEPA units from PAS and found the number of colds, upper respiratory infections, allergies and even headaches were significantly reduced. The same is true of those companies and medical operations that used the PAS HEPA systems. Product through-put, reduction in transfer of airborne pathogens and allergens, increase in product quality and reduction in loss work time for employees were all positively affected when using the HEPA systems on a regular basis.

For more information on the complete HEPA and Carbon based product line please go to our website at: or you can follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or like us on our Facebook page. Of course you can always call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Filtration Cliff

There is no lack of comment, opinion and overblown diatribe regarding the upcoming potential “fiscal cliff.” The politicos love to be able to scare people by predicting economic catastrophe if certain members of either party don’t come to a consensus on how to resolve this problem. The interesting thing is that even if the parties don’t agree something will happen without their involvement or decision. And, chances are that all this partisan posturing will be replaced with a compromise that will give credit to both parties while making the right decision for the American public. Disaster averted!

In the field of air filtration there are often two distinct approaches to resolving the same problem. And, like the political parties, one is often more correct than the other. More over, the right decision will have a very positive effect over a very long period of time and for a large number of individuals.

The removal of airborne particles from indoor air environments has always employed some type of mechanical filter. Cloth medias, fiberglass filters, cotton fiber filters and the man made medias ( including HEPA ) have been around for over 70 years. Mechanical filters are simple in nature. They capture the airborne particles that are drawn through them ( usually by a fan or air moving device) and the larger particles get caught in the media fibers while some of the tiny particles pass through. Over time as the filter media loads up, or gets dirtier, even most of the smaller particles are caught in the filter. In the case of HEPA filters, sub-micron particles are captured at efficiencies approaching 99.99% at less than 0.3 microns in size.

One other type of filtration device was also developed and used in the early 50’s and a variation of that technology is still use today. The electronic air cleaner was a simple device that used positive/negative charges to attract particles as they passed through a charged wire grid. The earlier versions were not very effective except for capturing very large particles. The newer versions are slightly better but this technology is really not appropriate for any applications except general duty residential.

In the 70’s another style of air filtration device hit the market. However, these devices were referred to as air purifiers and not air filters. These consisted of ozone generators and ionizers. They did not use any type of media and were touted as being able to purify the air in your home or office and no filters needed to be changed. Simply wipe the attraction plates or replace a small component part once in a while and you had all the clean air you could ask for. Unless you really wanted it to actually work at removing airborne particles.

Air purifiers are simply not capable of eliminating the harmful, sub-micron, airborne particles and allergens in the air. This is the reason that hospitals, laboratories, chip manufacturers, optics companies, the CDC, etc. etc. do not use air purifiers for any application. They rely only on mechanical filters such as HEPA filters. But, the discussion continues to rage on and there are proponents on both sides of the equation.

For more information on mechanical filter and HEPA air filtration systems please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems. You can always reach us at our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Performance VS Price For HEPA Air Filtration Systems

The acronym HEPA stands for “High Efficiency Particulate Absolute” filter. The word absolute means just that. A HEPA filter by standards means it will capture, initially, 99.97% of all particles 0.3 microns in diameter or larger. This means if you had 10,000 particles in that size range and put them through the HEPA filter only 3 are allowed to pass through the media. There are scanned HEPA filters which have a minimum efficiency of 99.99% at 0.3 microns, ULPA filters with minimum efficiency of 99.9995% at 0.12 microns and SULPA filters with minimum efficiency of 99.99999% at 0.12 microns. In every case the overall efficiency of the filters is directly proportional to how the filter in sealed, or contained in the holding frame or air filtration device.

There are a number of small, portable style HEPA filtration systems sold on the market today. The majority of them are designed for residential applications; specifically bedrooms and small living areas. These systems have very small fans and can only move about 50 to 200 CFM of filtered air and have HEPA filters that are not necessarily sealed tightly in their housings. Then there are fewer than 5 portable type HEPA units that are designed to be used in the commercial markets where optimum performance is required. When we get to the larger, stand-alone HEPA filtration systems, those that can move from 100 to 2,000 CFM of filtered air, there are only two companies in that arena.

HEPA filters are expensive. They requires very special equipment to manufacture them and highly sophisticated, expensive test equipment to certify them and ensure they meet all the regulations and standards that allow them to be certified as HEPA filters. They are usually framed in aluminum or steel and have a gasket on one side to allow for compression sealing in their prospective housings. Unless the HEPA filter is completely sealed, air will by-pass around the filter and render the HEPA filter useless.

Companies and individuals purchase HEPA filtration systems to perform a certain function; removal of harmful airborne sub-micron particulate. The airborne particles may be allergens, pathogens, dust and dirt particles or particles from a manufacturing operation. In almost every case, the performance of the equipment is tantamount to the price of the systems. Since the lack of performance is directly proportional to the overall efficiency of the specific operation, the inability of the HEPA systems to perform can cost hundreds of times more than the equipment itself.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, certified HEPA based air filtration systems since 1985 and its systems are considered one of the premier units on the market today. The fact that PAS has been in operation for over 27 years is a testament to their ability to meet or exceed the expectations of their customers. The medical, commercial, institutional, environmental, military and industrial markets all look to PAS to help them solve their critical airborne particulate problems. Performance is their primary concern.

For more information on the complete line of  HEPA based air filtration systems from Pure Air Systems go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems and like us on Facebook. Of course you can always call us at: 800-869-8025.

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Understanding MERV Ratings For Air Filters

Taking the Confusion Out of Air Filter Efficiency or What Do They Really Mean When They Say That?

I will try to keep this simple and short so as not to add to some of the confusion over air filter efficiencies. First, I would like to point out that any company that sells an air filter that states an efficiency rating without basing it on a particle size is providing you with basically useless information. For example: an air filter that has a statement reading “this filter will remove up to 95% of all airborne contaminants in your home or office”, doesn’t really tell you anything. Since most of the respirable particles that actually are harmful are usually less than 2 microns in size, don’t you think it would be important to tell you what size particles they actually remove from the air? So, let’s look at this statement again. “95% of all airborne contaminants” sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Our HEPA air filters remove 99.97% of all airborne contaminants at 0.3 microns and smaller. At first glance these two air filters look similar in capability. But the first air filter provides no particle size range or efficiency based on particle size.

Recently the American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the air filter industry have come up with a standardized rating system, based on the European concept, of a MERV rating for each type of air filter. This numbering system makes it easier to evaluate and compare mechanical air filters and will hopefully eliminate some of the confusion regarding the overall effectiveness of any type of a mechanical air filter on removing airborne particulates, especially those that are less than 2 microns in size.

Bbelow you will see the new MERV ratings. This MERV rating chart has the MERV ratings, 1-16 on the left hand column and then there are five other columns showing the average efficiency in microns, average arrestance and the final resistance as measured in inches of water. Most companies that make air filters are now using this MERV rating, so you will see a MERV number on the air filter and perhaps some rated efficiency.

Comparing Various Air Filters to MERV Ratings

  • Throw-Away Fiberglass Media MERV 1 -MERV 4
  • Pleated Media Air Filters 30% ASHRAE MERV 10 – MERV 11
  • Pleated Media Air Filters 65% ASHRAE MERV 13 *
  • (* 65% ASHRAE is about 20% effective on less than 1 micron particles)
  • Pleated Media Air Filters 95% ASHRAE MERV 14

Some of the man-made synthetic media like that used in the 3M Filtrete air filters may be rated MERV 15. However, they hold very little dust and load up quickly and have a relatively high-pressure drop (static pressure) and can affect the performance of the heating / cooling system.

MERV Ratings Comparison Chart

RESPA Air Filter Efficiency – MERV Rating Chart

Series 9000 Dimensions diagram IMPORTANT NOTES:It is important that you select the RESPA Filter that best fits your application.MERV is an acronym for “Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value”. The MERV rating on an air filter describes its efficiency as a means of reducing the level of 3 to 10 micron-sized particles in air which passes through the filter. Higher “MERV” means higher filter efficiency. The purpose of the MERV standard is to permit an “apples to apples” comparison of the filtering efficiency of various air filters. <Read more about MERV and HEPA filter ratings>HEPA air filters are not MERV rated as they exceed the ASHRAE test protocol 52.2 used in determining the MERV ratings. In fact, HEPA air filters are the ONLY mechanical air filters that are tested and certified to meet a specific efficiency at a specific particle size. All HEPA air filters must meet a minimum efficiency of 99.97% at 0.3 microns. <Read more about MERV and HEPA filter ratings>

Comparison of EU Standards to ASHRAE 52.1, 52.2 (MERV Ratings)
Considerable differences exist between filter ratings in North America and Europe. This article helps the reader to understand the differences between ASHREA and EU standards for Filtration. Additional light is shed on the significant differences in the HEPA filtration standards between the US Government and the European standards. This article will help the reader to appreciate the MERV 16 filtration offered by Sy-Klone International. <Read more about European filter standards and how they compare to MERV ratings>

>> Go to RESPA-SD Product Information
>> Go to RESPA-SDX Product Information

Filter Model
European Filter Rating Efficiency Standard 52.5 Minimum
Efficiency Reporting
Value (MERV)
Dust Spot
Arrestance Typical Controlled
Typical Applications and
Typical Air Filter/Cleaner Type
HEPA Filter* 

(FEFF004 for RESPA-SD/SDX)Recommended when the very highest level of filtration is needed, or where HEPA filters are required by regulatory requirements.
n/a n/a n/a 0.30 micron particle size:

All Combustion smoke
Radon Progeny
Sea Salt
Carbon Dust
Orthopedic Surgery
Carcinogenic Materials
>99.97% eff. on .30 pm Particles
MERV 16 Filter*

(FEFF005 for RESPA-SD/SDX)Covers all uses that require up to MERV 16 rating. Recommended for uses where airborne contaminants place operator at risk, including contaminants such as Diesel Particulate Matter and Respirable Silica. We highly recommend this filter as it represents the best mix of high efficiency filtration, operator protection and economy.
EU P3** (~16+) n/a n/a .30-1.0 micron Particle Size

All Bacteria
Most Tobacco Smoke
Proplet Nuceli (Sneeze)
General Surgery
Hospital Inpatient Care
Smoking Lounges
Superior Commercial Buildings
Bag Filter – Nonsupported microfine fiberglass or synthetic media, 12-36 in. deep, 6-12 pocketsBox Filter– Rigid Style Cartridge, Filters 6 to 12″ deep may use
lofted or paper media
16 n/a n/a
15 >95% n/a
14 90-95% >98%
13 89-90% >98%
12 70-75% >95% 1.0-3.0 micron Particle Size:

Legionella Humidifier Dust
Lead Dust
Milled Flour
Auto Emissions
Welding Fumes
Superior Residential
Better Commercial Buildings
Hospital Laboratories
Bag Filter – Nonsupported microfine fiberglass or synthetic media, 12-36 in. deep, 6-12 pocketsBox Filter– Rigid Style Cartridge, Filters 6 to 12″ deep may use
lofted or paper media
11 60-65% >95%
EU P2** 10 50-55% >95%
9 40-45% >90%
MERV 8 Filter*

(FEFF003 for RESPA-SD/SDX)Covers all uses that require up to MERV 8 rating. Recommended for non-human respiratory environments, such as electrical compartments.
8 30-35% >90% 3.0-10.0 micron Particle Size:

Mold Spores
Hair Spray
Fabric Protector
Dusting Aids
Cement Dust
Pudding Mix
Commercial Buildings
Better Residential
Industrial Workplace
Paint Booth Inlet
Pleated Filters – Disposable, extended surface area, thick with cotton-polyester blend media, cardboard frameCartridge Filters– Graded density viscous coated cube or pocket filters, synthetic mediaThrowaway– Disposable
synthetic panel filter.
7 25-30% >90%
6 <20% 85-90%
EU P1** 5 <20% 80-85%
4 <20% 75-80% >10.0 micron Particle Size:

Dust Mites
Sanding Dust
Spray Paint Dust
Textile Fibers
Carpet Fibers
Minimal Filtration
Window A/C Units
Throwaway – Disposable
fiberglass or synthetic panel filter.Washable– Aluminum MeshElectrostatic – Self charging
woven panel filter.
3 <20% 70-75%
2 <20% 65-70%
1 <20% <65%

This is an important chart to keep for future reference in determining the best filter style and type for your specific application. Understand that the higher the MERV rating the greater the resistance or static pressure will be across the filter media. For most HVAC furnace filter applications a MERV 8 and lower since these filters will allow for lower resistance with good filtration of larger particles.  Using the 3M type filtrete filter not recommended for most general duty residential heating/cooling systems. These filters load up very quickly and will actually reduce the HVAC fan performance requiring longer cycles to both heat and cool your home.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985. These units are designed to be used either attached to existing ducted HVAC systems or as stand-alone units. The ability to use a true HEPA filter system ( which would have a MERV rating of 18 if they rated them) in a residential application makes these unit unique in the filter market.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems and like us on Facebook. Of course you can always call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Calculating Air Exchange Rates For HEPA Filter Systems

When discussing the size or amount of CFM (cubic feet per minute) of air flow required from one of our HEPA systems to effectively remove or reduce the levels of airborne particulate it is good to know a few basic rules of thumb when determining the right size, quantity and location of the HEPA systems. The math is really simple.

You need to determine the area of the room in cubic feet, so you first need to  measure the length and width of the room. Let’s say it is 15 feet long and 20 feet wide. Multiply 15 x 20 and you get 300 square feet. Now multiply that number ( 300 ) times the height of the room. We will make in 1o feet high. So you multiply 10 x 300 and you get 3,000 cubic feet. This is all it takes to determine the area of the room.

Depending upon the type of application and particulate loading and size range of the airborne particulate you will require a certain number of air changes per hour to accomplish your goal of air contaminant removal. In the case of a clean room type requirement, those are usually designated by Class. Such as Class 100,000, 10,000, 100, 10 and 1. These are rated as .3 microns per cubic foot. As an example a class 10,000 clean room environment would need to meet the criteria of nothing over 10,000 particles per cubic foot at .3 microns or smaller.  Considering the room without filtration could easily register 400,000 particles plus per cubic foot at .3 microns, this reduction level requirement is fairly significant.

Since not all applications require a clean room environment, however, even for residential and light commercial applications, a large reduction of particulates in the air is still necessary. So understanding some simple rules of thumb regarding air exchange rates is necessary. So now that you know the area of the room you need to figure out how many air changes per hour ( how many time you want all the air in the room to be cleaned) and this will bring you to the size  requirement of the air filtration system.

Effective removal of airborne particles is dependent upon two factors. A room in stasis or an active room. When a room is unoccupied or no equipment is running in a room the levels of particulate stay fairly constant. As an example we will take our 3,000 cubic foot room and say it is a small health clinic. During its normal daily operation it will most likely be occupied all of the time. People, clothing, equipment all generate sub-micron sized particles. If the room was seldom occupied probably  2 to 3 air changes per hour would suffice and maintain a relatively clean environment. Three air changes per hour would require a system that produces 150 CFM  or 9,000 cubic feet per hour. For a medical clinic that is occupied a minimum of 10 air changes per hour would a filtration system that produces 30,000 cubic feet per hour or 500 CFM.

By using these simple math formulas you can determine the amount of HEPA filtered air required for any size room. Remember, the higher the exchange rate the cleaner the air. Medical and high-tech manufacturing requirements will require higher exchange rates. Residential and light commercial or institutional may be lower. For more information on how to determine air exchange rates for HEPA filtration systems please go to our website at: or visit us on Twitter @pureairsystems. You can also like us on Facebook and call us anytime on our toll-free number: 800-869-8025.

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Small But Mighty

“Here I come to save the day….that means that Mighty Mouse is on his way. Yes sir when there is a wrong to right, Mighty Mouse will join the fight….” And so the song goes. If you are old enough to remember that cartoon you know that Mighty Mouse became a metaphor for the ability of small people to make big things happen.

There are a number of things today that we might link to the ‘small but mighty” phrase; cell phones come to mind. Today’s cell phone is really a miniature computer. Talking on it is only one of its uses. You can get email, send texts, use any of your social media apps, skype, tango, face-time, get directions, take photos or videos,  make reservations, purchase products and the list goes one. All from one small device that sits in the palm of your hand.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA and Carbon based fan powered air filtration systems for the residential, commercial, institutional and industrial markets for over 26 years. Their product line includes systems with air flow capacities from as low a 30 CFM up to 2000 CFM. The size of the larger units range from 12′ square by 36″ tall to 48″ square by 55″ tall. However, the new kid on the block is just 13″ square by 21″ long.

The new HPS 350 and 500 series portable units are two of the most powerful portable HEPA filter systems on the market today. Using commercial grade, scanned 99.99% at 0.3 microns and smaller and a combination polyester carbon media prefilter. The unit is made of 20 gauge powder coated steel and weighs only 30 lbs. The air flows range 150 CFM to 500 CFM using a four speed fan control switch.    These air flow rates are higher than any other portable of a similar size anywhere on the planet and the powerful EBM blower/motor assembly is rugged, durable and powerful enough to pull the air across the HEPA to provide the designed CFM speeds.

The HPS units, like their big brothers, are designed to be used in either a partial by-pass concept when being attached to an existing HVAC return air duct system or as stand-alone units. Most often they are used as portable room filtration systems for individuals with allergies, asthma or other respiratory dysfunctions.

For commercial applications the HPS units are perfectly suited to cleaning the air in small clinics, medical and chemical laboratories, patient care rooms, class 10,000 clean room environments and building offices.  The units can be used to pressurize a small room or make it negative depending upon the specific requirement. The ability to vary the speed of the powerful blower/motor allows for the use of the HPS units in bedrooms and areas of the home where low noise levels are required but filtration is still needed.

The HPS series by Pure Air Systems. A small but mighty unit that really is designed to save the day. For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filters please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems or like us on our Facebook page and you can even call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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A Perfect Addition To Product Line

Most HVAC contractors concentrate on selling, installing and maintaining their line(s) of HVAC systems…be it residential or commercial. For most HVAC contractors the larger portion of their profits come from servicing the heating/cooling units and not the sale of the systems. This is especially true for contractors who do mostly new construction. As a result, HVAC contractors rely heavily on maintenance and accessories to boost their bottom line.

Since all HVAC contractors install some type of air filter or air filtration device along with the heating/cooling system, this product also provides a great addition to their line up as it needs to be replaced and/or cleaned on a regular basis. Filtration is a very important part of the total HVAC system. Without any filtration the dirt and dust from both inside and outside the building or structure would eventually clog up the cooling coils, fan, motor and other air flow sensitive equipment and stop the system from operating. Of course, the other main reason is to keep the indoor environment as clean and healthy as possible.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing HEPA and Carbon based fan powered, commercial grade air filtration systems since 1985. These systems are all designed to be either attached to an existing HVAC return air duct system or used as stand alone units. Since it inception, PAS has installed well over 10,000 of its model 600HS unit in homes across the US and Canada. Today, many of the larger homes and offices now use the PAS models 1200HS and 2000HS where larger HVAC systems are employed.

The PAS systems are recognized as providing the best air filtration in homes, offices and commercial operations than any other filtration system on the market today. For HVAC contractors, adding the PAS product line to their product line up. The overall flexibility of these units to be installed with almost any HVAC package in any building structure provides a great advantage for contractors looking for a multi-purpose air filtration system. In addition, these units can all be used to not only filter all the air in the specific indoor environment but also introduce small amounts of outside, filtered fresh air when the application calls for it.

One of the major advantages for HVAC contractors to offer the PAS units is the continued loyalty of their customers to the systems. Once the HEPA units are installed, the vast majority of the customers fall in love with the systems. Fewer allergies, colds and less dusting are primary benefits of the systems. This means the customers want to have the same contractor that installed them come back and service them along with their HVAC system. Over time PAS has found that many end users become more loyal to their air filtration systems than their heating/cooling units.

For more information on the complete line of  PAS HEPA and Carbon systems or to find out how to become a dealer, please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems. Of course you can always call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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The word wired has a number of meanings. It can be used to describe how one feels after drinking four cups of coffee in an hour or after eating two or three Twinkies for lunch ( not recommended). Sometimes wired is used as a prefix term such as “that guy or girl was really wired in.”  Meaning tuned in or right on really understands the message. It is also the name of a very popular “avant garde” magazine that describes the future of technology.  Wired is a positive word and not often used to describe a company, but we will do that now.

Pure Air Systems started making HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems in 1985. They philosophy of the company was then and still is today, to make the best commercial grade, certified HEPA systems on the market and incorporate only the best, most reliable components in the fabrication and assembly of the systems.

Early on its development, PAS was wired into the whole issue of what was then called “Environmental Illness,” or EI. Back in the early 80’s most building materials for homes, offices and schools were still being made with formaldehyde laced glues and substrates along with very limited fresh air ventilation for their HVAC systems. PAS was very involved with a number of organizations that were very vocal about the continuing health problems associated with short term and long term exposure to airborne gases and particulates.

Because HEPA filters, at that time, were still primarily used only in the electronics and hospital markets, the average  homeowner had little knowledge of the overall capabilities of what HEPA filters could do. And, PAS was very wired in to the capabilities of using granular activated carbon and blended medias for the reduction and removal gaseous pollutants. PAS experimented with a number of suppliers of carbon to find the best carbon product that would both work well in their systems as well as provide the needed performance demanded by their customers.

Since the major distribution for the PAS systems early on was using HVAC contractors, Pure Air Systems was wired in to the issues with the lack of fresh air in most building structures and the direct relationship between this issue and environmental illness. As a result of these business relationships PAS was able to develop a concept using its wide range of HEPA based air filtration systems to allow for both total filtration of the indoor environment as well as the introduction of fresh, filtered outside air. This partial by-pass concept has proven to be one of the most successful methods of providing an environmentally safe and healthy indoor environment in homes, offices, schools, hospitals and small industrial facilities.

For more information on how wired Pure Air Systems is, please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems. Of course you can also call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8025.

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