Politics Is A Noun

With all the action now taking place on TV showing every candidate from both parties vying for the Presidency, one would think that all the rhetoric about what each candidate will do for the US when elected we would have one of the most progressive governments in the world. Unfortunately there is more fluff than reality in the promises made during these primaries. And we should know this as we have heard this song before since the early 70’s; same stuff different day.

The ability to make false promises and still have someone follow you is somewhat exclusive to politics. While small businesses have often done this to their customers it is not something we often see in larger companies and publicly held companies. And the reason is simple. Customers loyalty today is spelled with a small L. If you promise one thing and deliver another in very short order your company will suffer the exodus of customers as they seek to find a more truthful company path. In politics one can easily shift blame to the past office holder or the lack of agreement by the Congress or Senate and in most cases we buy into that excuse.

Pure Air Systems started promising a new way to clean the air in your home, office, factory or medical facility in 1985. Their goal was to provide true, commercial grade HEPA filtration systems using fan powered units capable of moving up to 2000 CFM. Their first attempt to move this commercial use technology into the home market was the introduction of their model 600H unit. Creating a HEPA system that could be used in a partial by-pass configuration designed to fit onto almost any forced air, ducted heating/cooling system was quickly accepted by the heating/cooling industry and customers alike and the continued success of this concept propelled PAS into developing five more systems.

Today, 31 years later, Pure Air Systems is still fulfilling its promises to the customers both old and new to provide the best HEPA and Carbon based, fan powered, commercial grade air filtration systems in the world.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA systems please go to our website at: https://www.pureairsystems.com  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

Open Post

Can I Get Sugar And Cream With My Tea Party?

With only a little over a month left before the midterm elections, the amount of discussion and controversy over who can do a better job of running the country has overtaken any and all other news. Unfortunately like most issues that resonate with the public, everyone wants someone to do something for them and take away something from everyone else. While we want to believe there is a consensus of opinion in the US, we are really made up of 300 million special interest groups.

We like to think we are capable of compromise but more often than not we really want things done our way and to suit our own purposes first, then everyone else second. This is just the nature of human beings. We feel strongly about some issue or person and find all the information that conforms to our way of thinking to substantiate our beliefs. We use this same approach for forming an opinion about products, companies and services in the market.

Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising their products or services to get you to shop with them rather than the competition. People have been conditioned that they can get what they want, when they want it for the price they want to pay. All they have to do is go on-line to find just the right item for the price they feel is reasonable and have it in less than a week. They really don’t much care where it was made or even if they recognize the company name. They perceive that all products and services are the same and price is the only difference. This makes it difficult for a company to get people to buy from them on a regular basis. People will shift loyalties from month to month and day to day.

So, the only way to capture some form of loyalty with the public is to have a product or service that performs consistently better than anyone else all the time. This is difficult in today’s market…not only for companies but individuals trying to run for office and telling everyone they will do a better job for you.

Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems for the residential, commercial, industrial and institutional markets since 1985. As a result of their commitment to providing only the highest quality, best performing air filtration systems, companies and individuals continue to purchase their systems because they have found nothing works better for their applications than the PAS product line….nothing.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA, Carbon and air filtration products please go to our website at: www.pureairsystems.com.

Open Post