Using PAS Systems As Fume and Fine Dust Collector Collection Systems

Even though the industrial market has changed and many products are now made overseas, there are many small, specialty manufacturing operations that are using welders, sanders, chemical processes and semi-cleanroom manufacturing systems.

Most of these operations are done inside of small shops or buildings and all of them require some form of dust or gaseous odor control. The utilization of just using a exhaust fan to the outside is still used but in most cases this is no longer allowed as this effluent is going into other businesses or adjacent homes. In addition, when you are exhausting 300 cfm to 1000 CFM of air from inside the building you are throwing out cooled or heated air and have to replace that with make up air and that is expensive.

Pure Air Systems has been making fan powered, commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based systems since 1985 with air flow capacities from 50 CFM to 2000 CFM. These industrial, metal framed units can be used as stand-alone units or can be attached to existing, ducted HVAC systems. These units can be attached to a hood that is placed over or around the industrial process and capture the exhaust gases as well as the particulate and then have it brought back into the room either through a straight duct or into the existing HVAC inlet to be reheated or cooled.

The PAS units can also be fitted with just all carbon for gaseous fume removal or carbon and filters or all filters depending upon the specific application. This makes these units multi-functional and all filters are interchangeable. The motors are all variable speed, digitally controlled and programmable so you have a lot of flexibility for ventilation if your operation has more or less exhaust air for controlling the effluent.

For more information please contact us on our email at:   or call us on our toll free number at:  800-869-8025.air filter applications collage

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