The Price You Pay For Performance
Amazon and other online stores have created a scenario where people look at items that seem to be similar with various pricing. This has led people to believe that all products are similar and price becomes the deciding factor. For the manufacturers of these products it is difficult to up sell the their products. People will typically go to the best priced selection and read some reviews then make their choice. It is for this reason that many of the companies that make high-end products or products with proven superior performance elect not to market their products on Amazon and other similar online websites. They, instead, market them on their own websites.
So, for the astute buyer, often times you are better served to purchase the products from your selected company product website. They may charge a little more and often don’t offer free shipping, but their products are usually far superior and will last and perform better than many of those lesser expensive copies from your favorite online store.
Pure Air Systems has been offering their products online since 1990. Their commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA air filtration systems are some of the best in the world. With an average operating time of 15 to 20 years, these made in the US systems perform as advertised and the service from PAS is second to none.
For more information on the complete line of air filtrations please go to our website at: http:/ or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.