HEPA For Terrorism

We are constantly reminded that we live in a era where anyone at anytime can create mayhem with simple, exotic or well crafted killing tools. There are no limits as to what device a motivated anarchist can do with any of these style devices. Yet, for all the external damage that can be done with hard technology, the invisible, airborne pathogen still creates the greatest threat.

Tiny viruses and bacteria are invisible to the naked eye but can be a major threat to our bodies if these pathogens are inhaled, absorbed or injected into our systems. The only true method of totally removing these objects is to use a mechanical filter such as HEPA. High Efficiency Particulate Air filters have been around since 1940 but their real push into the market came in the late 70’s and early 80’s with the development of the micro-chip.

As HEPA technology improved the types of HEPA paper and testing methods became more effective especially as organizations like the CDC began to work with some really horrible contagions and had to isolate them in special rooms with multiple levels of HEPA filters including the newer ULPA (Ultra Low Particulate Air ) and the new SULPA (Super Ultra Low Particulate Air) filters.

In 1985, Pure Air Systems came onto the market offering true, commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA air filtration systems. This was the first true entry of commercial grade HEPA units into the residential market place. Over the years a total of 7 HEPA systems were produced by PAS and the incorporation of the new ECM motors allowed them to create models that had variable speed motors and that could be sold anywhere in the world.

These systems are considered some of the best HEPA filtration systems in the world and have been used in applications where the facility is being prepared to protect against biological attacks. There is no better filter for removal of harmful airborne pathogens than HEPA.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA systems please go to our website at: https://www.pureairsystems.com  or call our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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