Do UV Lights Really Kill Covid 19 ?
Ultra Violet lights (germicidal lamps) or UV systems come in both a hot (8,000 hours life) and cold plasma (rate 36,000 hours life) lamp systems. They produce a specific wavelength of 253 nanometers and produce UV C. This wavelength has the ability to affect microbiological contaminants like mold and bacteria. The UV C light can destroy the DNA of the microbiological and keep it from replicating. UV C has no effect on solid particles and it does NOT remove anything from the air stream. UV C lights are normally placed in the return air stream, although the speed of the air past the lights can minimize the effectiveness of the UV lights. We suggest that placing a UV light at or near the cooling coils works better as the light can irradiate this moist area all the time and help in minimizing the growth of mold or bacteria. UV lights are an ancillary piece of equipment and should always be used in conjunction with an air filter or air filtration system.
The Use of UV lights to reduce or kill Covid 19 viruses is somewhat limited to the distance to and the duration of time it sees the virus. That is why UV lights are more effective placed in the return air duct of the HVAC system and the fan has to be running all the time. Further more, you need really good filtration in front of the UV lights otherwise they will become coated with dirt and dust and thus significantly reduce their effectiveness.
If you look at the miriad of photos and TV footage of Hospital wards treating Covid 19 patients, you never see any UV lights in and around the patient beds. Sterilaztion with chemicals and the use of PPE are much more effective in that area of the hospital. The real danger in using UV lights is the thought that this technology is a primary method of eliminating the Covid virus when in truth it is only a terciary device at best.
Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based air filtration systems for over 35 years and today the use of HEPA filters has become the primary method of maintaining surgery room cleanliness in Hosptials, Clinics and laboratories all working with Covid. 19.
For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.