Why Face Masks Can Capture Sub-Micron Particulate
Home » Blog » Product Information » Why Face Masks Can Capture Sub-Micron Particulate
October 29, 2020 | Category: Product Information
Okay. So there is enough printed material and comments on social media about Masks to choke a very large horse or Blue Whale ( the largest animal on earth ). Does this mean that much of the information is not correct? No. Masks, of various types, styles and materials, have been used for over 100 years to minimize the inhalation of airborne particulate of all sizes. They are used daily in surgery rooms where any form of bacteria or virus can contaminate an open wound and cause serious infections. If, for example, you were wheeled into a surgery room and the Doctors and Nurses were chewing gum and had Twizzlers sticking out of their mouths and not wearing any face coverings, you would be somewhat concerned because they were not wearing MASKS….
Face coverings, masks, gators, face shields, are synonymous with Hospitals, clinics and any type of medical facility where the art of medicine is practiced. Yet, when asked to where a mask to minimize the potential transmission of a highly contagious virus we react with indignation. This virus, Covid-19, is very unique in its ability to enter the body and not show up on very accurate testing on that day. It may be four days later that it responds to the test. This is what makes this virus so sinister. And, it does affect and has killed people of all ages and all walks of life. Not just seniors and those that have underlying medical conditions. Plus, long term affects of getting this virus are still not known.
Viruses are very tiny and are only captured by very high end HEPA based air filters. The masks are not Hepa filters and even the N90 masks have some limitations. However, there are tiny dust particles in the air that are also trapped in your face covering when you breathe in and these particles can actually assist in minimizing the amount of the virus you inhale. And the quantity of exposure over time is a big deal. So by not wearing a mask you can inhale a large quantity over a short period of time. The mask significantly reduces that high percentage of oral contact. It can be the difference between living or dying.
For more information on filters, masks and other air filtration devices please go to our website at: https://www.pureairsystems.com or call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8025.
Post Tags: air filtration devices commercial grade HEPA systems Coronavirus Masks Pure Air Systems
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About the Author: Don Musilli
My name is Don Musilli. I started Pure Air Systems in 1985 and then sold it in 2006. I continue to consult for PAS and write their blog and control their Twitter account. I also, on occasion, make changes to the website. The company is now almost 26 years old and has been a major player in offering commercial grade, high performance HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems for the commercial, institutional, industrial and residential markets.
I currently reside in Englewood, Florida where I write blogs and do social media marketing for a number of clients.
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