Why Face Masks Can Capture Sub-Micron Particulate

Okay. So there is enough printed material and comments on social media about Masks to choke a very large horse or Blue Whale ( the largest animal on earth ). Does this mean that much of the information is not correct? No. Masks, of various types, styles and materials, have been used for over 100 years to minimize the inhalation of airborne particulate of all sizes. They are used daily in surgery rooms where any form of bacteria or virus can contaminate an open wound and cause serious infections. If, for example, you were wheeled into a surgery room and the Doctors and Nurses were chewing gum and had Twizzlers sticking out of their mouths and not wearing any face coverings, you would be somewhat concerned because they were not wearing MASKS….

Face coverings, masks, gators, face shields, are synonymous with Hospitals, clinics and any type of medical facility where the art of medicine is practiced. Yet, when asked to where a mask to minimize the potential transmission of a highly contagious virus we react with indignation. This virus, Covid-19, is very unique in its ability to enter the body and not show up on very accurate testing on that day. It may be four days later that it responds to the test. This is what makes this virus so sinister. And, it does affect and has killed people of all ages and all walks of life. Not just seniors and those that have underlying medical conditions. Plus, long term affects of getting this virus are still not known. 

Viruses are very tiny and are only captured by very high end HEPA based air filters. The masks are not Hepa filters and even the N90 masks have some limitations. However, there are tiny dust particles in the air that are also trapped in your face covering when you breathe in and these particles can actually assist in minimizing the amount of the virus you inhale. And the quantity of exposure over time is a big deal. So by not wearing a mask you can inhale a large quantity over a short period of time. The mask significantly reduces that high percentage of oral contact. It can be the difference between living or dying.

For more information on filters, masks and other air filtration devices please go to our website at:  https://www.pureairsystems.com   or call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8025. 

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Science Is Our DNA

SInce man first walked on the earth he has been finding ways to make life easier, safer and more productive. His inate drive to explore and learn are bult into his DNA. It is a survival of the fitest condition. Everything we use and have at our disposal was invented by man ( or woman ). The balance is deliverd by Mother Nature, which is, in many ways, more powerful and more important. . Some of those things Mother Nature delivers include diseases that are benign to animals but cause significant challenges to man. In some cases man’s own drive creates the conditions by which these diseases become deadly. 

Covid-19 is science. It is biological science and it plays with our DNA. As a virus it follows the same drive as man..survival of the fitest. It will do whatever it takes to keep growing and moving as it jumps from human host to human host.It really doesn’t have a conscience or any political aspirations and is not threatened by any medicine was currently have at our disposal. It will command our attention for a very long time. It is a variant of science so obviously it will require science to tame it. Man has the ability to resolve this issue if it is taken seriously. If not, then perhaps we should paraphrase the words in Matthew 5 where he says ‘ and the meek shall inherit the earth.”

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based air filtration systems since 1985 and is now working around the clock to supply a wide variety of medical and commercial operations with HEPA filtration systems to help deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information please go to our website at: http://pureairsystems. com  or contact us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.


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Using HEPA Fan Powered Systems For Virus Protection

Keeping employees and customers safe in buildings, stores and other enclosed spaces will be a major part of returning to the new normal. Aside from making desks and work spaces at least 6 feet apart the ability to maintain some form of control over the ventilation systems would be the next major hurdle. The standard HAVC system in residential and commercial building is designed to move the air through return air and supply air ductwork and keep the room cool or warm. The types of filters normally used in these systems are what we call “general duty” air filters. Meaning they will remove large particles, dust and some smoke, but are not really capable of removing anything close to the size of viruese which are down to .005 microns in size. Basically a billionth of an inch.

Pure Air Systems has been making fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA air filtration systems since 1985 and has seven different configurations and air volume sizes to meet most needs in the commercial, institutional and industrial markets. Since its inception, PAS has provided a unique adaptation of their systems so they can be used in a partial by-pass configuration. This allows the HEPA systems to be connected to the main return air duct in a partial-connection taking a portion of the return air and putting in through a 3-stage filter system including a prefilter, carbon media pack and a scanned 99.99% HEPA filter. Using this concept allows for partical cleaning of the air continuously without affecting the performance of the main air handler. In most cases all the air in the room would be filtered once every 30 minutes to an hour. In addition, it is possible to add small amounts of outside air into and through the PAS unit prior to entering the main air handler which helps to pressurize the room area and also dilute the inside air. The small amount of air that is added from the outside does not really affect the temperature since the percentage is usually around 3% to 5 % of the total volume of air being cooled and or heated.

The systems offered by Pure Air Systems range in CFM volume from 50 CFM to 2,000 CFM. These systems all use variable speed motors and are digitially controlled. They are made from components all made in the USA and assembled in Indianapolis, IN. 

For more information on all of our systems please go to our website at:  https://www.pureairsystems.com       or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Covid-19 A Different Type of Media

THE MEDIA is getting a lot of attention these days and depending upon which side of the aisle you sit your position about this pandemic is dependent upon which media outlet you watch or listen to. The term “media” also refers to the type of filter materials used in air and liquid filtration. In the case of these types of materials, they are not subject to opinions or bias. Filter medias have a specific protocol they must pass in order to have a rating for a certain efficiency of particulate removal of certain sized particles.

Pure AIr Systems, founded in 1985, has been making fan powered HEPA based air filtration systems for the commerical, medical, industrial and institutional markets with a very high degree of success. The HEPA media used in their systems is tested under very stringent test protocol to meet or exceed 99.99% removal of particulate 0.3 microns in lager and approach 95% on particulate smaller than 0.3 microns. 

The efficiency of this type of media doesn’t care where the particles came from or how they were generated or even the color and texture. It is a filtration media that is used globally and recognized as the best available filtration for removal of airborne bacterial and viruses. It is important to listen to the science not the hype. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filtraion systems please go to our website at:  https://www.pureairsystems.com .   



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Coronavirus and HEPA Filtration

Viruses are very tiny microbial particles. They are less than .012 microns in size and are easily transmitted by air or touch. The masks that people are wearing to protect themselves from this virus. Unfortunately this is just not the case.

In order to remove viruses from the air you need some very special HEPA type filters. These are called SULPA filters. This stands for Super Ultra Low Particulate AIr or Absolute filters. These are used by the CDC and other medical clinics around the world. Most of the masks now worn by people for protection are not capable of removing any viruses and most bacteria. They are good for removing large dust particles. HEPA masks are available but very expensive and hard to breathe thru as the HEPA paper is very dense and creates a lot of air resistance. 

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based, fan powered air filtration systems since 1985 and has a number of HEPA filter systems that are designed for residential, commercial, institutional and medical applications. Their portable unit is certainly one of the best on the market for reduction/removal of harmful airborne particulate including bacteria and some viruses. Their systems can be attached to existing HVAC units or used as stand-alone systems. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA based air filtration systems from Pure Air Systems please go to our website at: https://www.pureairsystems.com   or call us on out toll-free phone number at: 800-869-8025.

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