The Arrow of Time Theory

In essence, the Arrow of Time Theory states that we tend to look at future technology and processes by carrying things from the past and putting them into these future ideas and concepts. This is very limiting as it tends to eliminate advanced or out of the box thinking with the resulting new concepts having parts of our old thinking linked with them. This type of thinking is doomed for failure.

Today, the advancements being made in AI, Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, Electric Cars, and Space Exploration are changing and will change forever the way the world works. These advancements are, in part, designed to minimize or eliminate the use of human labor is areas where the work is dangerous or the ability to significantly reduce the amount of labor needed to do menial tasks. Electric cars area already making major inroads in the global market and AI is now being used in almost every facet of design, marketing, product development , medical and governmental operations. 

While many people worry about the speed of change, these new concepts and technologies will actually speed up both the speed of change but also the adaption of these new technologies. This is necessary for our civilization to thrive and survive.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems since 1985 and offers a complete line of fan-powered, metal cased, digitally controlled true HEPA filter systems for the residential, commercial, institutional and medical fields. You can go to their website at:    http:/  or call them on their toll free number at: 800-869-8025.Air Filtration System Pure Air Systems HPS-500M

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Innovation Is The Path To A Better Economy

As the world continues to adjust to the changing economy, one thing is certain, the companies and countries with the most innovative technologies will have stronger economies, better job opportunities and better way of life. If you look at the new wave of AI, Robotic, LLM and Additive manufacturing processes you are looking at the beginning of a new technology revolution that will help create new businesses and business opportunities for people around the world.

It is interesting that innovation research is being done in many countries around the world and the U.S. is trying to stay in the hunt. New technologies usually come from a younger generation of entrepreneurs and youth oriented business models. Almost all of the older technology that the senior generation is familiar with is going through major changes or is being discarded for the more innovative processes. In addition, the Stock Market is finds many of these innovative companies and start-ups to be more attractive for their investors than some of the old line companies that are in the twilight of their business innovation cycle.

Many of the older generation is seeing their old ways of doing everything being changed or eliminated, much to their chagrin. While the younger generation is adapting to new technology at a blazing speed, many of the senior population is still having challenges using the new cell phones and computers. It is truly a sign of the times.

Pure Air Systems has been making high end, commercial grade HEPA based air filtration systems since 1985 and is now one of only three companies in the world still making this type of metal framed, fan-powered HEPA filtration systems for the international market. For more information on the complete line of products please go to our website at:   htttp://    or call us on our toll free number at: 800-869-8025.

Pure Air Filtration Product Grouping
HEPA Systems For Every Application


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China Produces 63% of All The World’s Goods

Made in China rhetoric is a constant discussion point on every social media platform, podcast and political talk show and newspaper in the US. What is interesting, is the fact that even though we know this is the case, we continue to buy products made in China and on the opposite side not doing anything in the US. to change that fact. Yes, there are some products assembled here in the US and some major military and government contracts require made in the US for their purchases, but for the most part almost everything we use on a daily basis has some or all of its components fabricated in China.

The issues between China and the US are food for fodder during this next Presidential Election cycle. One has the idea that there will be some significant changes in our economic relationship, but most people believe this is just talk as the US really has no leverage in the manufacturing wars. We are not seriously looking at providing any funding, public or private, to build manufacturing plants here in the US. The only new plants being built at the Chip Manufacturing Plants in Ohio, and those are for the automotive and tech sectors. 

Most new start ups are moving in the direction of AM, AI, UI. UX and Robotics. There is little money in making toasters, blenders and clothing, etc. It takes a lot of space to produce high volume parts and products and the initial capital outlay has a long term payback. Not something today’s investors are interested in. 

Pure Air Systems uses high end components and metal housings for their product line. All of their components are made in the US with the exception of the variable speed drive motors. So, in essence, about 70% of the parts in the systems are made in the USA. Many of our suppliers are looking to purchase from overseas operations as the cost of labor continues to rise in the US>

:For more information on our complete product line please go to our website at:   or call us on our tool-free number: 800-869-8025.

Model 2000 HS with HEPA and Carbon

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Artificial Intelligence Now Ubiquitous

In less than one year, the adaption of AI is not used in almost every facet of our lives. There is no industry or service business that is not using one or more of the AI programs that are being added to and updated daily. In fact, if your business is not incorporating AI into its operational profile it will fall behind its competitors very quickly.

For many people the use of AI has created visions of a massive take-over of our lives by some super intelligent machines. ( In truth that has already started). This belief is held mostly by older Americans who have a minimal understanding of technology and the vast knowledge base held in the Cloud. Change is always difficult for some people but the younger generation adapts quickly and they are using AI almost daily.

But AI is also being used in the engineering, design and product development arenas and this is where the real advantages are taking place. The use of engineering AI programs has tripled in the last year and the benefits have been amazing. Companies now know that they can use AI programs to accelerate their prototyping and product to market development process.

Pure Air Systems opened its doors in 1985. The use of any type of digital technology was limited to crude computer systems and reams of paper tape. All of the information gathered came from human sources and books. Designing a new filtration system took months and a fair amount of trial and error. All in all, it took 8 months to a year to develop a new product or modification to an existing system.

Today, adding a new product or modification can take as little as 1 to 3 months to complete, and the information is derived from the digital world. This adaption of digital information and/or AI is a necessary part of using technology to make us more productive and better our lives. It is important to realize that everything changes and change is constant. 

For more information on our complete product line please go to our website at;  http:/ or call us on our toll free number at:  800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design


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Filtered Air Makes for Better Manufacturing

Manufacturing in many cases requires large pieces of equipment that may generate large amounts of particulate during their operation. This is especially true for milling, grinding and cutting machinery. While many of these systems may have some general duty dust collection equipment, fine, airborne particulate may float in the air and land on the various parts and other equipment located in the manufacturing operation.

Fine metal, plastic or wood particles that are sub-micron in size ( not visible to the naked eye ) can get inside areas of a part like threads, gasketed connections, glass layers or liquid containers prior to being filled. Over time these particles will affect the quality and potential performance of the part or parts that are being manufactured.

Pure Air Systems, a manufacturer of commercial grade HEPA based air filtration systems, has been installing their fan powered multi-stage equipment in commercial and institutional facilities since 1985. These fan powered units can be used in either as stand-alone units or configured to attach to existing HVAC units. 

The PAS systems can move up to 2,000 CFM and can be ducted to a hood that is located either over the manufacturing process or using close capture hooding for best reduction/removal of the small sub-micron airborne particulate. Over the past 37 years PAS has installed many of these systems in similar applications with the end result being a greater production rate with fewer rejects and part returns.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filters please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

Multi Configuration HEPA Systems

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Heat, Humidity and Your Enviroment

If you live in a part of the country where the summer months bring high humidity along with the heat, then your indoor living environment needs adequate air conditioning to maintain healthy living. 

High amounts of humidity (moisture) will condense out on cold surfaces and can become a breading ground for mold. If the moisture gets into a crawl space or attic area that is not conditioned, this area can also be a potential place for mold to grow. 

Aside from efficient air conditioning, the home envelope should be under positive pressure. This means that when the HVAC system fan is running, the air pressure inside the home should be slightly higher than the external air pressure. This ensures the home will always be expelling a small amount of air and keeping outside moisture, heat and humidity from entering the home. If the home air balance is not correct, the negative affect of outside air intrusion into the home will far outweigh a good heating/cooling system.

In addition, good filtration should be part of your HVAC system. Whether you use good filters on the return air grills or a good media filter at the fan unit, filters can significantly minimize the levels of airborne dust and the potential for mold build up on interior surfaces.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA based air filtration systems, please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

1200/2000HS Plus Series Pre-Filter
1200/2000HS Plus Series Pre-Filter
600HS/600HS Plus Series OA Carbon Cartridge
600HS/600HS Plus Series OA Carbon Cartridge


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The Price You Pay For Performance

Amazon and other online stores have created a scenario where people look at items that seem to be similar with various pricing. This has led people to believe that all products are similar and price becomes the deciding factor. For the manufacturers of these products it is difficult to up sell the their products. People will typically go to the best priced selection and read some reviews then make their choice. It is for this reason that many of the companies that make high-end products or products with proven superior performance elect not to market their products on Amazon and other similar online websites. They, instead, market them on their own websites.

So, for the astute buyer, often times you are better served to purchase the products from your selected company product website. They may charge a little more and often don’t offer free shipping, but their products are usually far superior and will last and perform better than many of those lesser expensive copies from your favorite online store.

Pure Air Systems has been offering their products online since 1990. Their commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA air filtration systems are some of the best in the world. With an average operating time of 15 to 20 years, these made in the US systems perform as advertised and the service from PAS is second to none.

For more information on the complete line of air filtrations please go to our website at:   http:/  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

Pure Air Filtration Product Grouping
HEPA Systems For Every Application

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US Designed – US Made – Pure Air Systems

Almost 80% of the products purchased on-line from Amazon, Walmart, Ebay and other web based stores, are manufactured in other countries. The majority being made in China. However, many of these products, including Apple iphones, etc, say they are designed in the US but made overseas.

Pure Air Systems has been designing and manufacturing their fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA air filtration systems since 1985. While some of the motors are now made overseas, over 90% of the components that make up the filtration system are made in the USA. These units have shown to be some of the best on the market and many of these systems are still in operation after over 20 years of service.

It is more expensive to purchase components and parts made in the USA and often times a wider selection of component and part types are available from outside the US. Manufacturing is a very challenging process and requires a lot of up front capital to obtain the machinery and skilled labor to make almost anything.

Pure Air Systems continues to look to the US companies to make any new components or parts that are needed for the existing and newly designed units. While these may be more expensive it is important to continue to use parts made in the US to keep these manufacturing operations viable. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

Pure Air Filtration Product Grouping
HEPA Systems For Every Application

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2023 Will Be The Year of Innovation

With all of the new technologies coming into the market place the year of 2023 will issue in some great new innovations that will change the way we work, play and travel. There are new energy sources, other than solar, that could generate enough power in a small package to power your entire home for pennies a day. The new Electric Vehicle tax benefits recently passed by Congress will unleash a whole new line up of cars, trucks and Heavy Haul vehicles. Opening up new opportunities for both service jobs and driving opportunities.

We tend to forget that advancements in technology is constant even though we may not see the evidence of that right away. The global economy is constantly adding new businesses and products as we see through the millions of things available on Amazon and other business websites. In addition, new social media venues are being added daily and our ability to interact with people all over the world 24/7 is now incredible.

Pure Air Systems has been making significant changes to its product line since its inception in 1985 and continues to add new and better innovations to its line of commercial grade HEPA based air filtration systems. Our website has a vast amount of information on the operation and application of our systems. There is also an entire section dedicated to providing basic information on the field of air filtration and purification. 

For more information on the complete line of air filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at 800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design

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Closing In On Airborne Mold

Mold is a common growth material that is normally found in damp environments or where there is little light or heat and there is the presence of water. When the mold spores the spores become airborne and for many individuals this organic material can cause severe reactions and respiratory dysfunctions. 

Mold spores are relatively large so they are easily captured by high end filtration systems such as HEPA filters or Merv rated filters of 17 or higher. These filters are much denser and can capture a very high percentage of the airborne mold spores. It is, however, important to know that you need to keep the HVAC fan running continuously if you want to pull the airborne spores back through the return air grills to the air filters.

Pure Air Systems has been making commercial based HEPA air filtration systems that are fan powered and include prefilters and carbon media. These systems are made from mild steel and are powder coated for use in all types of environments. These units range in capacity from 50 CFM for the portables up to 2,000 CFM for the larger systems. All of these units utilize variable speed drive motors and can be controlled digitally.

The PAS systems are used in the institutional, medical, industrial and residential markets to handle a wide range of airborne contaminants and are considered some of the best air filtration systems on the planet.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

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