Pure Air Systems Moves Into It’s 40th Year Anniversary
In 1985 and idea to use commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA based air filtration systems was devised by Don Musilli. The concept of using a large HEPA system in conjunction with a standard, forced air, heating/cooling system was never tried before. Normally, contractors just installed a standard pleated air filters or in the early days they used electronic air cleaners, which never really worked that well.
When Pure Air Systems was formed it was a long work in progress and working out of a home office with one old computer and the first use of what was to become the internet as we know it now, but then it was primarily only a landing page and you either used AOL.com or Yahoo.com. Both start-ups. Years later as PAS grew we formed our own URl and found that the use of the World Wide Web had become a very important part of our marketing program which provided almost 60% of our sales leads.
10 years later after working out of our home and garage we finally had enough money to purchase some land and build a 9,000 square foot building and starting designing different sized units and our sales started to really grow as we added some systems that were four times the size and power of our original 600H unit. By 1999 we started to use the new GE ECM variable speed drive motors that were capable of running at any speed and could be used anywhere in the world.
By the early 2000’s we had developed 7 different systems that could be used either as stand-alone units or attached to an existing HVAC system and for almost any commercial, industrial, consumer or institutional application. We had to develop a new way to package the units as we had decided to divide each unit into two sections. One housed the blower/Motor and controls and the other half had the three filters. A polyester ring panel prefilter, a carbon media filter and a true commercial grade, certified HEPA filter. We could also use higher grade SULPA filters for certain applications.
In 2006 Pure Air Systems was sold to Dave Hearns who continues to provide the same high quality systems that now incorporate programmable ECM motors with customer options to change the system air flow and time to run on the fly.
For more information please go to our website at: http://www.pureairsystems.com