Air Filtration 33 Years Later

Pure Air Systems has been in the Air Filtration business since 1985 and has successfully kept its position in the HEPA based air filtration market by continuing to make advancements in its product line.

Since its’ beginning, Pure Air Systems has pushed the envelope in bringing HEPA based air filtration technology to the residential and commercial markets. It was the first company to develop the partial by-pass concept allow us to attach very large, fan-powered true HEPA systems to any forced air ducted heating/cooling systems.

In the later part of the 1990’s we were one of the first companies to use the new variable speed drive, ECM motors from GE. These motors were digitally controlled and they were rated 120/240 v 50/6h0Hz. So we could sell our filtration systems anywhere in the world. This opened up a whole new market for Pure Air Systems.

In 2001 we began working on the HPS portable HEPA unit. This small HEPA system used a four-speed EBM combination blower/motor and had a 12″ square housing that was 21″ long. It was designed for Laboratory applications as well as small rooms and offices. This was the first portable to use a scanned HEPA filter rated at 99.99% at 0.3 microns. It also included a carbon media filter like all of our other systems utilized.

The addition of the ECM motors also allowed us to develop some digital speed controllers that would give our customers the ability to use the systems in a stand-alone configuration and control fan speed from 1% to 100% in 1% increments. This opened up the door for applications where customers wanted to control the air flow for positive and negative room conditioning or where the application required a specific volume for proper ventilation or contaminant capture.

Pure Air Systems continues to use all metal housings for their Air Filtration systems and these powder-coated housings are designed to last up to 20 years and longer. We still have systems in the field that have been running since the late 1980’s.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based Air Filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Positive About Negative Pressure

The word negative is always associated with something bad or the lack of something good. It is the opposite of the word positive.

In the world of minimizing contact with harmful airborne contaminants the word negative is often used in conjunction with negative air pressure, or making a specific room or area negative.

Hospitals have rooms where they isolate a patient that has a highly communicable disease where the air in the room is constantly being filtered through a HEPA based air filtration system and air handler. The pressure in the room is slightly lower than the air outside the room so when the door to the room is opened all the air moves into the room thus keeping any airborne pathogens from escaping the room.

Negative pressure rooms are common at the CDC in Atlanta and in R&D labs around the world where highly toxic or corrosive chemicals and materials are used for product development. These rooms use both HEPA and Carbon or other adsorptive materials to remove airborne particulate as well as gaseous pollutants.

Pure Air Systems, based in Indianapolis, Indiana manufactures high end, commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based, fan-powered air filtration systems which are used in many of these negative room applications. Their systems can move from 50 CFM up to 2,000 CFM of air through the scanned HEPA filters where in many cases the units themselves are the only air moving device creating the negative pressure.

These systems can also be attached to or be part of the air handling units working in conjunction with cooling and heating systems.

In many instances homes can be under negative pressure when the HVAC system is not properly balanced making the home slightly negative which in this case is bad. That means every time the air handler fan comes on the house tends to draw some air in from the outside which means you are bringing in warm, moist or cold air all the time. Getting your HVAC systems balanced is recommended.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Pure Air Systems Moving Into 2018

Our company has been around since 1985 and over the past 32 years we have seen some interesting changes in technology and the way we communicate with each other and the world. It is in the communication department that we see major changes.

PAS first had a URL in 1995. There were few ways to promote  yourself in those days and we thought being part of the Internet would be a great way to promote our products and company. Turns our we were correct.

Today, almost 80% of all our new customer leads come through our website. People can view our equipment and learn more about our products and systems and the applications for all of them and how they can be installed. But we need to go further.

Our current site is now over 6 years old and needs some fine tuning . It is not responsive so it is somewhat difficult to view on a mobile device. And since over 60% of our new views are from phones or tablets we need to change that. Also we will make the site more user friendly and eliminate some of the confusion about the differences between commercial systems and residential systems ( clue…there are none ).

We would also like to add a Chat app and be more progressive in using Facebook and Twitter. These social media platforms have become the best way to connect to everyone anywhere at anytime.

Look for a major face-lift on our site coming in February of 2018. We think you will like it a lot. If you would like more information on the complete line of HEPA based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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There is a lot of discussion these days about historical monuments and the issue of whether they should remain or be moved or destroyed. No matter which side you choose the fact remains that these were built for a specific purpose in their time. Many are still standing and a number are now gone.

Many corporations started out creating products that were relevant for their time in the development of our country and it’s industrial base. Over time, many of those companies have either changed completely, went out of business or merged with another larger corporation. Time changes everything.

Pure Air Systems started in 1985 by offering its’ first HEPA based, fan powered air filtration system. At the time it was slightly ahead of the curve as this type of high-end filtration system began to set the standards for high-performance in the area of reduction and/or removal of large percentages of harmful, airborne sub-micron particulate.

Over time, Pure Air Systems saw the opportunity to add larger systems with more airflow capabilities to its product line and began to expand its systems into the commercial, institutional, medical and industrial markets. The addition of the new ECM variable speed motors in 1999 added a new dimension to their product line.

The variable speed motors were magnet driven as apposed to the traditional use of wound motors thus giving PAS the ability to use digital controllers which allowed them to control the airflow in 1% increments. In addition, the motors were rated 120/240 v 50/60 Hz so they could be used anywhere in the world. This propelled the PAS line into another level which lead to the addition of 3 more products to their line.

If PAS was a monument it would probably look slightly different today, 32 years later, than the original built in 1985. Everything changes, nothing remains the same. Technology will move forward in spite of our attempts to slow it down. Time changes everything.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based products please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Life Insurance

Life Insurance has many advantages especially if your dependents are on the receiving end of the payout. For you, not so much since your demise benefits other people.

Insurance is designed to cover risk. If you don’t believe that life has risks then don’t get insurance. However, your state requires you have insurance to drive and not having insurance on your home takes real guts…and a large bank account.

This leads us into the discussion of how best to insure ones self with minimal costs and maximum benefits. I am talking about insuring your health. Obviously seeing a Doctor on a regular basis and eating healthy and exercise do matter, but breathing good, clean, pollution free air is also very important.

Pure Air Systems started its business in 1985 selling one of the first true, commercial grade HEPA air filtration systems in the U.S. Beginning with one model over time, PAS developed 6 additional systems over the next decade and today, 32 years after it started, is now one of the major players in the world of HEPA air filtration systems.

These units are designed to be used in residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and medical applications. PAS was the first and is still the only company to apply a large, fan powered HEPA system to any forced air ducted HVAC system in the residential market. Customers who have installed these systems have seen dramatic results in reduction and / or removal of airborne contaminants that can cause severe respiratory dysfunctions.

In addition, the use of the PAS HEPA systems has propelled the companies products into markets all over the world. The use of the variable speed ECM motors in all the units allows them to be used in any country as they can operate on 120/240 50/60Hz electrical systems.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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HEPA Type Filters Are Not True HEPA Filters

For the uninitiated, HEPA is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Air or Absolute. For many years these types of filters were called “absolute” filters because they basically captured absolutely all airborne particles that came in contact with the filter media.

HEPA filters are made from a special wet-laid material that has glass fibers as the basic material. It is then smoothed out like the making of paper and that is why the material is referred to as HEPA paper. It is also very fragile and can be cut or torn very easily.

HEPA filters have to meet a very stringent set of requirements before they can be labeled a true HEPA filter. They must be able to remove a minimum of 99.97% of all particles 0.3 microns or larger with a high efficiency below the 0.3 threshold. The media pack has to be sealed in a metal or aluminum frame and have a gasket on the downstream side to ensure complete sealing between the filter and the box or device in which it is placed.

HEPA filters are expensive. Very expensive and some of the new, higher efficiency filters like the ULPA or SULPA HEPA filters which are used in clean room applications and micro-chip manufacturing are 2 to 3 times more expensive than standard HEPA filters.

HEPA Type Filters are called that by competitors that don’t make true HEPA filters. These are filters that have a high MERV ratings. HEPA filters have a MERV rating of 20 while HEPA type filters have a MERV rating of 15. The difference is very big especially when you are talking about the removal of bacteria and viruses which is what true HEPA filters remove.

Pure Air Systems has been making HEPA based, fan powered air filtration systems since 1985. They use only true HEPA filters in their series of seven different air filtration devices. For more information on our complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filters please go to our website at:  or call us anytime on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Make Sure Your Bakery Smells Like a Bakery

The other day I went to purchase some doughnuts at a new Bakery that opened up in an old strip mall near our house. The other tenants in the building include a bar, fix it shop and automotive repair shop at the end.

Older buildings, especially small strip mall building often had very little barrier between business compartment and odors from one business could and often did migrate into the adjacent store or even businesses two stores away.

This Bakery had that problem. Walking in to the doughnut shop one would think the aroma would be of baked goods. Not this one. It had the odor of un-burned hydrocarbons, oil and something else I could not identify. Fortunately the baked goods did not share that odor but it did make it somewhat unappetizing when I purchased the baked goods.

Pure Air Systems has been making Hepa and Carbon based, fan powered, commercial grade air filtration systems since 1985. These units can move as little as 50 CFM or as much as 2,000 CFM and can operate either attached to an existing HVAC unit or as a stand-alone system.

A 2000 CFM unit could be placed in the odor infected business and both filter out the odors and particulate as well as pressurize the environment to minimize the infiltration of the airborne contaminants. This has been done hundreds of times with the 2000HS units with exceptional results.

The problems facing the doughnut shop are duplicated in strip malls across the U.S. It is especially challenging when your store is next to a Nail Salon or Hair Salon. Odors from the chemicals used in these facilities can actually destroy your business. And trying to get the management to allow you to move to another location may not be possible or not allowed in your contract.

For more information on the complete line of air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Home Health Care In A Box

The cost of health care continues to rise with much of the higher costs in prescription medicines and hospital treatments. We continue to see more “preventative” ideas for improving your health as you age. It is no surprise that your life style has significant impact on your short-term and long-term health. Excessive drinking, high fat food contents, smoking, lack of exercise and stress are all contributors to affecting your health.

However, one of the other areas that we continue to sweep aside but has a very significant impact on our lives is…the air we breathe.  We ingest thousands of sub-micron airborne particles every day and they come from a wide variety of areas. Grasses, pollen, ragweed, un-burned hydrocarbons, heavy metals, inorganic compounds, soot, dirt and finely ground animal particles.

Pure Air Systems has been around since 1985 making HEPA based air filtration systems for the residential, commercial, medical, institutional and industrial markets. These systems remove a very high percentage of harmful airborne particulate in any environment. Over the past 32 years we have been able to show that there is a direct correlation between living in a filtered environment and the reduction of respiratory dysfunctions, allergies and certain skin irritation issues.

Ingestion of harmful airborne particulate is also dependent upon where you live in the U.S.  The Midwest has a more stagnant air problem with a lot of particulate coming from fossil fuel (coal fired ) power plants and the industrial complex.  The coastal areas tend to get more fresh air as the ocean breezes bring in clean air from the oceans. This is especially true in State like Florida and California.

Use of air filtration in your home and office can help reduce medical costs as they help reduce the potential for health problems directly tied to the air you breathe.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:   or  call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Air Filtration For Your 3D Printer

For five years I have been working with 3D Printers of all types and have printed with over 20 different filaments from PLA to PETG and even Bronze. Some of these filaments when heated to over 205 degrees C to melt them for extrusion give off no noticeable odor Some, like ABS, Polycarbonate and Nylon do emit an odor. Often  a very strong odor.

It is also known that some measure of small sub-micron sized particles are released during the printing process as the extruder moves the heated filament from the nozzle to the build platform. Gases and particulate that are, perhaps,  benign in small quantities but potentially harmful in large quantities or over long terms of exposure.

Pure Air Systems along with its partner, LiteWorld LLC , have developed a plexiglas enclosure with two large access doors that will fit over most large bed 3D printers allowing for two benefits. First, the enclosure has a fan and carbon media filter to capture any odors that might be produced by the materials during the printing process. Second, the unit will significantly minimize the amount of fine airborne particles that are emitted during the printing process.

Air filtration for your 3D printer is perhaps something you don’t think about but it should be on your radar at this point in the evolution of 3D printers. Especially the FDM or FFF printers that use filament in the 1.75 mm or 2.85 mm size range.

The other reason for the use of the enclosure is the safety it provides in keeping little hands out of the moving mechanisms and from the very hot nozzle and build platform. Many schools are now requiring the use of an enclosure to fit over the printer to keep them free from any liability when used in the classroom.

For more information on the complete line of air filtration systems from Pure Air Systems please go to our website at: or call us at 800-869-8025. Or you can go to  for more information on the enclosure.

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Isolation Room

Isolation is a word that means to separate from or detach from another area in all aspects. Isolation rooms are used often in the medical market to maintain a safe environment from the general public by isolating a dangerous or highly communicable diseased patient from the the general population.

Isolation is more than just separation by walls and doors. In the realm of airborne viruses you require a special filtration method to ensure that any air that is passed between the isolation room and the outside world is properly filtered. This is always done using HEPA based air filtration systems to remove even the smallest airborne particles to eliminate the possible transmission of deadly diseases.

Pure Air Systems has been providing commercial grade, certified HEPA and ULPA filters for a wide range of applications and markets since 1985. HEPA filters have been the only true mechanical filter type that has the ability to absolutely trap the airborne allergens and pathogens that are associated with creating serious illnesses and health issues since the early 1980’s.

Pure Air Systems also makes HEPA systems that can be used in the residential, institutional, commercial, industrial and military markets. After 32 years of being in business Pure Air Systems has well over 10,000 units in the field in both the US and overseas.

Seven different models are available from fan powered air volumes starting at 50 CFM to 2,000 CFM. All the systems use the new variable speed drive motors and they are all rated at, 120/240 volt, 50/60 Hz so they can be used anywhere in the world.

The all metal housings and commercial grade components ensure that these systems will provide high performance service over very long periods of time.  For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based systems, please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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