The Challenges of Manufacturing In The USA

The vast majority of Americans are aware that much of the products they use are made in other countries other than the US. Mostly believing it to be China. While 63% of all products in the world are made in China, other countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand also produce a lot of products sold here in the US. The biggest reason…the cost of labor, laws and rules.

It is now very expensive to manufacture products here in the US due to a number of reasons. First and foremost, is the cost of labor. The lack of cheap labor and the advent of the tech market have driven prices skyward. In truth, it is no longer possible to find any type of labor for the minimum wages now supported by the US. $20.00 an hour for working at McDonalds is now the norm. In manufacturing it is even more challenging as many of the young people have stayed away from any type of manufacturing job or job training and opted to be on their own or work from home for higher wages in the tech world.

And, all of the experienced individuals that worked in manufacturing have died or retired and most of them have not be replaced. For every 7 trained, skilled labor individual who retires, only one individual takes their place. In addition, there are very few, if any, new manufacturing plants being built in the US and those that are being built are primarily microchip manufacturing plants.

If you ask 100 people if they are involved in the development or process of putting a manufacturing plant in place, 99.5 people will tell you no. All the manufacturing and much of the R&D is being done overseas. This is the current future of the US as it moves into a more Technology driven economy. 

Pure Air Systems began manufacturing high end, commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA based air filtration systems in 1985. Today, that company is 39 years old and one of only 3 plants in the world making these types of industrial grade HEPA systems. For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

Complete line of HEPA based filtration systems.
Size for any application.

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Meeting The Unbelievable Expectations of Customers

Have a customer who thinks they know more about your product than you do and can site facts from 20 years ago to prove it? And, they want answers to un-answerable questions? Welcome to the new world of main street business. Yes, customers can be down right nasty and intractable and it is getting worse. This is not always the case, but if you are dealing with a more senior individual there is a better chance of having a major discord with this individual.

One of the reasons for this challenge is the fact that many people now have to either converse with a Bot on their computer or talk to an individual thousands of miles away with a foreign accent that they can’t understand.

Go back 30 years and customer service was the epitome of many companies and they touted their ability to deal with your issues like you were part of their family. And, many companies were family owned and operated or the corporations actually had compassion for their customers. Money was not the only object. Repeat business was king.

Today, you need to have a phone, computer or tablet to order, track, pay for and return any item or service. In many cases major transactions can take place  like selling or buying cars, homes, boats, etc. without ever talking to a human being. Airline reservations are done on-line as is booking hotels, buying groceries and getting your plumbing fixed. If you throw in the use of AI, there are operations where you are having a conversation with a computer generated program that is as effective as using a human being. 

Pure Air Systems got its start in 1985 with the old fashioned process of going door to door and making products that worked extremely well. Every aspect of the selling process as face to face and person to person on the phone. ( corded version) If you needed a replacement part we had it in stock and it was sent out the next day and a follow up call was made to make sure the customer was satisfied with the replacement. Extended conversations with customers on how to set up or operate the equipment were common place. There were no bar codes or QR codes to use to access a website. 

Today, Pure Air Systems relies heavily on its website to promote and educate potential customers as well as offer detailed descriptions of their line of HEPA based air filtration systems. Customer service is still done verbally via phone of email and the products are still made with the best performing parts available on the market. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtrations please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at : 800-869-8025.air filter applications collage

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The Changing America

The WW II generation is almost gone from this planet and the Vietnam era baby boomers are now retiring. The WW II generation was mostly responsible for the age of manufacturing in the US and the baby boomers brought the age of technology to the world. For the most part, manufacturing has been transferred to other countries and technology in all its forms is now the booming industry in America. Throw in the new age of AI and you begin to see an emergence of the new America. 

With the ability for many young people to make a living using digital technology, whether from an office of their home, there is little incentive to get into the trades or any type of manual labor, including the service sector. As a result, you are seeing a major shift from the older, more traditional work for a company for 40 years to work for 20 companies for 40 years, including working for themselves.

This shift is creating employment challenges for retail, the service sector and the trades. It is, in fact, the reason you are seeing so many restaurants go out of business and many retail store chains are either consolidating or shutting down, to the chagrin of the older generation. This transition has not yet hit its stride. By 2030, the industrial revolution as we know it will be replaced by Robotics, AI, Additive Manufacturing, working from home and a shift to fewer or no children in marriages. 

Pure Air Systems was founded in 1985 and is now one of three companies in the world that produces high end, commercial grade, fan powered HEPA based filtration systems. Initially, the first systems used the older, induction motors and then progressed to the Variable speed drive motors and now the new programmable VS motors. The use of analog controls have been replaced with digital controllers producing systems that can be matted to computer controlled operations.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems, please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll free number at; 800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design

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Covid-19 Cases Rising

You can either put you head in the proverbial sand like the Ostrich and believe this is not a problem or grasp the real issue of this virus being around forever and changing and adapting to the new vaccines that are currently on the market. Too many people use other methods of gathering data, especially social media, on health care issues rather than from their medical professionals. This never ceases to amaze me.

Viruses are extremely small and very light and can travel up to 20 feet or more when expelled from a human mouth. While we realize many of the face masks are not capable of removing all of the viruses, they are a great barrier non the less. 

The use of air filters in your home or office are minimally capable of removing very little of the airborne viruses. The only air filters that can do that are HEPA filters and those are normally used in hospitals, surgery rooms and chip manufacturing. However, there is a company that has been around for over 37 years that makes a HEPA air filtration system that can be attached to any HVAC ducted residential system and even used as a stand-alone unit. 

Pure Air Systems has been making commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based air filtration units since 1985. These units range in air flow capacity from 50 CFM up to 2,000 CFM and come in seven different configurations. Over the past 37 years these units have been used in a wide range of air  filtration applications around the world. Pure Air Systems is now one of only 3 companies in the world that make this type of fan powered, HEPA based air filtration system.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number.  800-869-8025.Three Stage FIltration - Prefilter, Carbon, HEPA

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US Designed – US Made – Pure Air Systems

Almost 80% of the products purchased on-line from Amazon, Walmart, Ebay and other web based stores, are manufactured in other countries. The majority being made in China. However, many of these products, including Apple iphones, etc, say they are designed in the US but made overseas.

Pure Air Systems has been designing and manufacturing their fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA air filtration systems since 1985. While some of the motors are now made overseas, over 90% of the components that make up the filtration system are made in the USA. These units have shown to be some of the best on the market and many of these systems are still in operation after over 20 years of service.

It is more expensive to purchase components and parts made in the USA and often times a wider selection of component and part types are available from outside the US. Manufacturing is a very challenging process and requires a lot of up front capital to obtain the machinery and skilled labor to make almost anything.

Pure Air Systems continues to look to the US companies to make any new components or parts that are needed for the existing and newly designed units. While these may be more expensive it is important to continue to use parts made in the US to keep these manufacturing operations viable. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

Pure Air Filtration Product Grouping
HEPA Systems For Every Application

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Closing In On Airborne Mold

Mold is a common growth material that is normally found in damp environments or where there is little light or heat and there is the presence of water. When the mold spores the spores become airborne and for many individuals this organic material can cause severe reactions and respiratory dysfunctions. 

Mold spores are relatively large so they are easily captured by high end filtration systems such as HEPA filters or Merv rated filters of 17 or higher. These filters are much denser and can capture a very high percentage of the airborne mold spores. It is, however, important to know that you need to keep the HVAC fan running continuously if you want to pull the airborne spores back through the return air grills to the air filters.

Pure Air Systems has been making commercial based HEPA air filtration systems that are fan powered and include prefilters and carbon media. These systems are made from mild steel and are powder coated for use in all types of environments. These units range in capacity from 50 CFM for the portables up to 2,000 CFM for the larger systems. All of these units utilize variable speed drive motors and can be controlled digitally.

The PAS systems are used in the institutional, medical, industrial and residential markets to handle a wide range of airborne contaminants and are considered some of the best air filtration systems on the planet.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

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Comprehensive Coverage

When purchasing insurance for home or auto you often look at the section marked “Comprehensive Coverage.” This tells you what is covered under the policy with the price quoted to you. This can include covering medical costs, with certain dollar limits, uninsured motorist, which is good to have and a number of other conditions. It does not, however, cover acts of God, which include Aliens crashing their space craft into your car or large creatures eating your seats while you are parked outside your favorite restaurant. No..Comprehensive does not really mean Comprehensive.

HEPA, high efficiency particulate air ( absolute) filter labels do not necessarily mean that this is a true HEPA filter.

In 1985 Pure Air Systems opened it doors offering their first true, commercial grade HEPA filtration system in their model 600H. These metal framed, scanned, 99.97% at 0.3 microns were the most efficient HEPA filters at the time. Fast forward to today and Pure Air Systems offers the same HEPA filters only these are all rated at 99.99% at o.3 microns and work well in the industrial, commercial, institutional, medical and residential markets. In truth, these filters offer Comprehensive Coverage.

The reduction and/or removal of sub-micron airborne particulate is extremely important in many process and medical applications.Hospitals use 100% HEPA filtered air in their operating rooms to reduce the high risk of infection and all clean rooms that manufacture micro-chips use multiple levels of HEPA and ULPA filters to obtain particulate free room levels down to 99.9995% at 0.12 microns. These are normally listed as Class 10 clean rooms.

In the world of filtration, nothing is as effective in removing harmful airborne particles as HEPA filters. All the CDC labs in Atlanta and WHO facilities around the world use HEPA filters to reduce the potential release of extremely virulent bacteria and viruses as these pathogens can often be deadly.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filter systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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High Speed Rail

The world has to move billions of people every day from one place to another and it does it via numerous modes of transportation. Car, truck, bus, bike, motorcycle, boat, plane, train and even camel. Other than planes, no other mode of transportation is as fast or efficient as high-speed rail.

Bullet trains are common place in Japan and some other parts of Asia. Moving at speed up to 300 miles per hour, people can make one hour trips that used to take 4 to 6 hours using vehicular modes of transport. In addition, these trains carry as many as 500 passengers making this a very effective method of moving a lot of people quickly with minimal energy used per passenger.

Speed is important in other businesses as well. Pure Air Systems has been delivering high-speed, high performance HEPA based, fan powered air filtration systems since 1985. The ability to move a large amount of air ( CFM ) to effectively remove harmful airborne contaminants separates the PAS systems from the rest of the filtering devices. With the ability to move up to 2,000 CFM at long distances, the PAS products are capable of being used in a wide range of applications in the residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, medical and military.

These all metal units use the ECM variable speed motors that are rate 120/240 v 50/60 Hz so they can be used anywhere in the world. And, they incorporate not only a 99.99% scanned, commercial grade HEPA, but also a dual layer prefilter and carbon media filter as standard components.

There is a significant move to making all the health care facilities safer and using more of a defensive posture to reduce the level of airborne pathogens, viruses, bacteria and other harmful sub-micron sized particles. PAS is playing a major part in assisting your local health care facilities by using our systems to provide for isolation rooms and areas to separate infected people from the general population. These systems also help to protect the health care workers.

For more information on our complete line of HEPA and Carbon filtration systems please go to our website at:  or you can call us at 800-869-8025.

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Looking Down The Rabbit Hole

When Alice followed the Rabbit down the hole she never expected to enter a world of fantasy and terror. One would not think twice about following a rabbit as these creatures are afraid of humans and are not dangerous in the least. So her instincts were correct, at least in her initial phase of thought.

Often we find ourselves doing the same thing when we follow or pay attention to something that is benign but turns out to be a very bad decision. This is true with individuals and companies we follow trusting them and their products or services to give us what we expect and are willing to follow through when we have an issue or challenge with them or their operations.

When prospective customers searching for a better performing air filtration system, they were often lead to the boys at Pure Air Systems. PAS has been a very successful air filtration manufacturer that uses only high end, commercial grade HEPA based filters for its mult-filter, fan powered systems. So when customers made their first purchase of a PAS unit they expected to get the performance and reliability that was the hallmark of these units. Unlike Alice’s experience with the rabbit hole Pure Air Systems customers found the sought after pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

For over 30 years PAS has been providing the best performing, highest quality HEPA based air filtration systems in North America. With thousands sold all over the world, Pure Air Systems has been setting the standards for fan powered, mult-filter units. Many of their systems that were sold in the 80′ are still in operation today. Even Alice would be happy to follow the PAS rabbit.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filters please go to our website at:  or call us on out toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Drone On

I recently had an opportunity to assist a young man who designs drones or UAV’s as a part time business venture. These drones are capable of flying by themselves to pre-determined locations simply by programming their flight paths by the use of a computer program.  These drones have inertial guidance, sonar, GPS positioning and a GoPro3 camera. They can take pictures at any time, any where even in low light conditions. A multi-use, automated ( or fly by wire if necessary) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle that can be your eyes in the sky for businesses and consumers alike.

In 1985 when Pure Air Systems was formed, the use of HEPA filter technology was relegated to the electronics industry and the medical markets. The use of HEPA filters, a very expensive, high end filtration device was introduced to the consumers market shortly after PAS was formed. Like drones, few home owners owned or even what HEPA filters did and how they worked. The home owners could not see a need for them and felt that current filter technology in the form of electronic air cleaners were adequate for keeping dust and dirt from floating around in their homes. It wasn’t until the early 90’s that people became aware of the negative health affects from airborne allergens and pathogens that were smaller than 1 micron; too small to be captured by the then antiquated electronic air cleaners.

Once the public was made aware that their allergies and respiratory dysfunctions were due to particulate and organisms that were too small to see with the naked eye but could be captured by HEPA filters, the growth of HEPA filters into the home market exploded.  As the public became more aware of the capabilities of HEPA filters and HEPA systems they better understood how these filters could and would impact their lives.  Like drones, HEPA filters have become a part of our lives and the more we know about their capabilities and positive aspects of using them, the more we become comfortable with the technology.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filter systems please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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