Innovation Is The Path To A Better Economy
As the world continues to adjust to the changing economy, one thing is certain, the companies and countries with the most innovative technologies will have stronger economies, better job opportunities and better way of life. If you look at the new wave of AI, Robotic, LLM and Additive manufacturing processes you are looking at the beginning of a new technology revolution that will help create new businesses and business opportunities for people around the world.
It is interesting that innovation research is being done in many countries around the world and the U.S. is trying to stay in the hunt. New technologies usually come from a younger generation of entrepreneurs and youth oriented business models. Almost all of the older technology that the senior generation is familiar with is going through major changes or is being discarded for the more innovative processes. In addition, the Stock Market is finds many of these innovative companies and start-ups to be more attractive for their investors than some of the old line companies that are in the twilight of their business innovation cycle.
Many of the older generation is seeing their old ways of doing everything being changed or eliminated, much to their chagrin. While the younger generation is adapting to new technology at a blazing speed, many of the senior population is still having challenges using the new cell phones and computers. It is truly a sign of the times.
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