Air Quality In Your Home Is Very Important For Good Health

There are thousands of ads and videos on all of the social media platforms that prescribe some unique drugs, diets, exercise routines or equipment that will help remedy what ever aliment you might be dealing with. They promote simple solutions to complex problems and we all know that never really works.

Pure Air Systems as been in the commercial air filtration business since 1985 and was one of the first companies to offer true, commercial grade, fan powered HEPA based air filtration to the residential market. The PAS units include metal framed systems that include variable speed motors with digital controllers that range in volume from under 50 CFM to 2,000 CFM. All of the systems can be used independently as stand-alone units or attached to existing HVAC ducted systems. PAS also offer a true Portable unit that can be used in any room and taken with you on trips if necessary.

The fact that all homes, especially new ones have been made to be more air tight creates an environment where airborne particles, including bacteria and some viruses remain airborne a long time and are constantly being recycled by our HVAC unit. And, the air filter that is placed either in your main HVAC air handler or those place on the return air vents in you home are only designed to handle very large particles, usually in the size range of 100 microns and larger. 

True commercial grade HEPA filters, like the ones used in the PAS units. are designed to capture 99.99% of all particles 0.3 microns and larger and become even more efficient over time. Since most harmful bacteria are 10 Microns and smaller and viruses smaller that than that and will pass through a standard face mask like those used in the pandemic.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems from PAS, please go to our website at:    or call us at: 800-869- 8025.

Typical Air Flow Diagram
Partial By-Pass System


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China Produces 63% of All The World’s Goods

Made in China rhetoric is a constant discussion point on every social media platform, podcast and political talk show and newspaper in the US. What is interesting, is the fact that even though we know this is the case, we continue to buy products made in China and on the opposite side not doing anything in the US. to change that fact. Yes, there are some products assembled here in the US and some major military and government contracts require made in the US for their purchases, but for the most part almost everything we use on a daily basis has some or all of its components fabricated in China.

The issues between China and the US are food for fodder during this next Presidential Election cycle. One has the idea that there will be some significant changes in our economic relationship, but most people believe this is just talk as the US really has no leverage in the manufacturing wars. We are not seriously looking at providing any funding, public or private, to build manufacturing plants here in the US. The only new plants being built at the Chip Manufacturing Plants in Ohio, and those are for the automotive and tech sectors. 

Most new start ups are moving in the direction of AM, AI, UI. UX and Robotics. There is little money in making toasters, blenders and clothing, etc. It takes a lot of space to produce high volume parts and products and the initial capital outlay has a long term payback. Not something today’s investors are interested in. 

Pure Air Systems uses high end components and metal housings for their product line. All of their components are made in the US with the exception of the variable speed drive motors. So, in essence, about 70% of the parts in the systems are made in the USA. Many of our suppliers are looking to purchase from overseas operations as the cost of labor continues to rise in the US>

:For more information on our complete product line please go to our website at:   or call us on our tool-free number: 800-869-8025.

Model 2000 HS with HEPA and Carbon

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Artificial Intelligence Now Ubiquitous

In less than one year, the adaption of AI is not used in almost every facet of our lives. There is no industry or service business that is not using one or more of the AI programs that are being added to and updated daily. In fact, if your business is not incorporating AI into its operational profile it will fall behind its competitors very quickly.

For many people the use of AI has created visions of a massive take-over of our lives by some super intelligent machines. ( In truth that has already started). This belief is held mostly by older Americans who have a minimal understanding of technology and the vast knowledge base held in the Cloud. Change is always difficult for some people but the younger generation adapts quickly and they are using AI almost daily.

But AI is also being used in the engineering, design and product development arenas and this is where the real advantages are taking place. The use of engineering AI programs has tripled in the last year and the benefits have been amazing. Companies now know that they can use AI programs to accelerate their prototyping and product to market development process.

Pure Air Systems opened its doors in 1985. The use of any type of digital technology was limited to crude computer systems and reams of paper tape. All of the information gathered came from human sources and books. Designing a new filtration system took months and a fair amount of trial and error. All in all, it took 8 months to a year to develop a new product or modification to an existing system.

Today, adding a new product or modification can take as little as 1 to 3 months to complete, and the information is derived from the digital world. This adaption of digital information and/or AI is a necessary part of using technology to make us more productive and better our lives. It is important to realize that everything changes and change is constant. 

For more information on our complete product line please go to our website at;  http:/ or call us on our toll free number at:  800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design


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Covid-19 Cases Rising

You can either put you head in the proverbial sand like the Ostrich and believe this is not a problem or grasp the real issue of this virus being around forever and changing and adapting to the new vaccines that are currently on the market. Too many people use other methods of gathering data, especially social media, on health care issues rather than from their medical professionals. This never ceases to amaze me.

Viruses are extremely small and very light and can travel up to 20 feet or more when expelled from a human mouth. While we realize many of the face masks are not capable of removing all of the viruses, they are a great barrier non the less. 

The use of air filters in your home or office are minimally capable of removing very little of the airborne viruses. The only air filters that can do that are HEPA filters and those are normally used in hospitals, surgery rooms and chip manufacturing. However, there is a company that has been around for over 37 years that makes a HEPA air filtration system that can be attached to any HVAC ducted residential system and even used as a stand-alone unit. 

Pure Air Systems has been making commercial grade HEPA and Carbon based air filtration units since 1985. These units range in air flow capacity from 50 CFM up to 2,000 CFM and come in seven different configurations. Over the past 37 years these units have been used in a wide range of air  filtration applications around the world. Pure Air Systems is now one of only 3 companies in the world that make this type of fan powered, HEPA based air filtration system.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number.  800-869-8025.Three Stage FIltration - Prefilter, Carbon, HEPA

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Commercial HEPA Air Filtration Systems

Started in 1985, Pure Air Systems has been making commercial grade, fan-powered, true HEPA air filtration systems for over 38 years. The same high quality metal fabricated housings used then are still used today. High quality ECM motors and metal framed HEPA filters along with carbon media and ring panel prefilters are all part of the various systems offered by Pure Air Systems.

PAS makes units a number of systems ranging in air flow from 50 CFM up to 2000 CFM. These units are configured so they can be mounted either as stand-alone units or as part of an existing, ducted HVAC system. The powder coated painted 16 gauge steel housings can be mounted in side or outdoors depending upon the application.

The ECM motors provide for variable speed control using digital controllers or run by a computer system. In addition, they can be used in a a120 volt 60Hz electrical system or 240 volt 50 Hz system. This means they can be use in any location around the world.

HEPA filters are the best method of removing over 99.9995% of all particles 0.3 microns in size and larger and approach 99.99% for particles as small as 0.12 microns. They are used in all hospital and medical facilities and in commercial, military and residential markets.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filtration systems available from PAS, please go to our website at:    or call us on our toll free number at;  800-869-8025.

600 HS PLUS Plus Diagram - Components with Descriptions
600 HS PLUS – Split Housing Design

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Airborne Viruses Can Be Reduced In Your Home

The Covid issue has been dissected by everyone in every discipline including social media. The fact remains that Covid is virus and like all other viruses it is extremely small ( less than .012 microns in size ) and easily transmitted through the air. While the various types of face masks that are available are not truly capable of removing 100% of the airborne viruses, they can significantly minimize the levels of virus ingestion. 

In 1985 Pure Air Systems introduced an air filtration system utilizing true, commercial grade HEPA filters for the residential and commercial markets. These fan powered systems are capable of either being attached to existing HVAC systems or stand-alone. 

HEPA filters are used in all hospital surgery suites, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, chip manufacturing and more. These filters are specially designed to remove airborne particles as small as viruses and are extremely efficient over their life. The type of filter media used in the HEPA filters is partially copied in some of the new face masks now on the market. Then N95 mask is one of them.

It is important to know that the viruses that are now out in the world are extremely capable of changing and adapting to new drugs and pharmaceuticals, therefore making them around as long as we inhabit this planet.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:    or call us on out toll-free number at 800-869-8025.

Residential Industrial and Commercial Applications
HEPA Systems For All Applications

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Variable Speed Drive Motors Power Pure Air Systems HEPA Units

Pure Air Systems was founded in 1985 and at that time the electric motors used in their HEPA based air filtration systems were typical wound motors. These motors were only capable of running either at one speed, or 3 speeds if adjusted to the speed controller. They were also either 120 volt, 60 Hz or 240 volt, 50Hz. 

In 1998, PAS along with General Electric, started to play with the new ECM, variable speed drive motors that were magnet driven and not the typical induction motors used in the past. These new motors could run forwards, backwards and could controlled to run at 1% of power up to 100% of power in 1 percent increments. And, they were rated from 1/3rd HP up to 1 HP using the same base unit but by changing the drive add-on could be changed from 1/3rd HP or 1/2 HP to 3/4 or 1 HP simply by changing the controller section. 

In addition, by using digital controllers, the customers had the ability to change the speed of the motors and the level of filtration from any location in the room or proximate to the filter systems. These units could also be programmed to operate on a pressure differential basis so as to speed up the fan motor when the HEPA filters started to load up and create more static load. This allowed for continuous speeds throughout the life cycle of the HEPA filter.

The newer versions of these motors now allow for complete programing functions either from the factory or by the end user with some minor education by the factory. These newer motors, like the original variable speed drive motors, are now 120/240 50/60Hz so they can easily be adapted to working anywhere in the world. These new motors are used on the complete line of HEPA based air filtration systems offered by PAS. Models, 600HS, 1200HS, 2000HS, and the HPS Portable HEPA filter systems. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at   or call us on our toll-free number at 800-869-8025.

2000HS Plus S Model - Doors Removed
Inside the 2000HS Plus S Model

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Closing In On Airborne Mold

Mold is a common growth material that is normally found in damp environments or where there is little light or heat and there is the presence of water. When the mold spores the spores become airborne and for many individuals this organic material can cause severe reactions and respiratory dysfunctions. 

Mold spores are relatively large so they are easily captured by high end filtration systems such as HEPA filters or Merv rated filters of 17 or higher. These filters are much denser and can capture a very high percentage of the airborne mold spores. It is, however, important to know that you need to keep the HVAC fan running continuously if you want to pull the airborne spores back through the return air grills to the air filters.

Pure Air Systems has been making commercial based HEPA air filtration systems that are fan powered and include prefilters and carbon media. These systems are made from mild steel and are powder coated for use in all types of environments. These units range in capacity from 50 CFM for the portables up to 2,000 CFM for the larger systems. All of these units utilize variable speed drive motors and can be controlled digitally.

The PAS systems are used in the institutional, medical, industrial and residential markets to handle a wide range of airborne contaminants and are considered some of the best air filtration systems on the planet.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

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Air Filtration 101

The use of air filters for removing airborne particulates has been around for over 100 years. Today’s filtration technology is eons ahead of just using cheese cloth to filter our particles for fan powered device. The newer, blended filtration medias are much better at capturing small, sub-micron particles with higher capture rates and lower pressure drops over time.

Air filters range in efficiency from general duty, like furnace filters, to high capacity, high efficiency, like HEPA filters. For most home applications the general duty filters are used as they both help keep the cooling coils in the HVAC system clean as well as minimize the dust in your home. 

The higher efficiency filters, like HEPA, are used mostly in commercial applications like hospitals, clinics, surgery suites, chip manufacturing, clean rooms, laboratories and more. There are also HEPA based systems available for the residential market that utilize their own fan/motor system to augment the blower/motor assembly in the HVAC unit. HEPA filters have a much higher resistance to air flow but can capture particles as small as a virus. 

It should be noted, that the use of non-mechanical filtration devices such as ozone generators or electronic air cleaners are not really that effective at removing particles from the air. Ozone generators are really more effective on the reduction of airborne gaseous contaminants and electronic air cleaners need constant cleaning to make them work.

For more information on the complete line of air filtration systems available through Pure Air Systems, please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-868-8025

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Pure Air Systems. American Made.

Founded in 1985, Pure Air Systems was one of the first companies to introduce true, commercial grade, fan powered HEPA air filtration systems. The first unit, model 600H, was the base model using a standard 120 volt, 60Hz GE motor, Lau blowers, scanned HEPA filters, carbon media packs and ring panel pre-filters and switches and wire harnesses. All American made. 

Today, Pure Air Systems has 5 different models ranging from 50 CFM to 2000 CFM using the same metal housings, HEPA filters, carbon media packs but with the new variable speed 120/240 volt 50/60HZ motors, digital controllers and pressure gauges. Again, all of these components are currently being made in the USA. In addition, PAS is now one of only three companies in the world that manufacture these commercial grade HEPA air filtration systems.

Making products using US made components in today’s world creates some unusual issues. With most companies using components made in China or other overseas countries, competing with US made components is becoming more difficult. However, the Pure Air Systems units historically have a 15 to 20 year life cycle even in heavy duty operations. The cost may be higher but the performance is unmatched when comparing to similar products made in China.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number. 800-869-8025.

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