Meeting The Unbelievable Expectations of Customers

Have a customer who thinks they know more about your product than you do and can site facts from 20 years ago to prove it? And, they want answers to un-answerable questions? Welcome to the new world of main street business. Yes, customers can be down right nasty and intractable and it is getting worse. This is not always the case, but if you are dealing with a more senior individual there is a better chance of having a major discord with this individual.

One of the reasons for this challenge is the fact that many people now have to either converse with a Bot on their computer or talk to an individual thousands of miles away with a foreign accent that they can’t understand.

Go back 30 years and customer service was the epitome of many companies and they touted their ability to deal with your issues like you were part of their family. And, many companies were family owned and operated or the corporations actually had compassion for their customers. Money was not the only object. Repeat business was king.

Today, you need to have a phone, computer or tablet to order, track, pay for and return any item or service. In many cases major transactions can take place  like selling or buying cars, homes, boats, etc. without ever talking to a human being. Airline reservations are done on-line as is booking hotels, buying groceries and getting your plumbing fixed. If you throw in the use of AI, there are operations where you are having a conversation with a computer generated program that is as effective as using a human being. 

Pure Air Systems got its start in 1985 with the old fashioned process of going door to door and making products that worked extremely well. Every aspect of the selling process as face to face and person to person on the phone. ( corded version) If you needed a replacement part we had it in stock and it was sent out the next day and a follow up call was made to make sure the customer was satisfied with the replacement. Extended conversations with customers on how to set up or operate the equipment were common place. There were no bar codes or QR codes to use to access a website. 

Today, Pure Air Systems relies heavily on its website to promote and educate potential customers as well as offer detailed descriptions of their line of HEPA based air filtration systems. Customer service is still done verbally via phone of email and the products are still made with the best performing parts available on the market. 

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtrations please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll free number at : 800-869-8025.air filter applications collage

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Pure Air Systems Still Use All Metal Housings

Pure Air Systems began its journey in 1985 producing one of the first true, commercial grade, fan powered air filtration system that could be used in either commercial or residential applications. These units were made from 20 gauge mild steel that is powder coated for a durable, long-lasting finish. 

Today, the line up of 7 different systems made in variations in both size and air flow design are still made from the same high-grade 20 gauge powder coated steel housings now using the latest iteration of the variable speed drive motors that are digitally controlled. The HEPA filters are all 99.99% efficient at .3 microns and larger and the prefilters and carbon filters come standard with each unit. 

The HEPA Shield systems come in air flow ranges from a low of 50 CFM from our portable unit up to 2,000 CFM on our largest model 2000HS unit. These systems can also be modified to be attached to an existing HVAC duct work system or as stand-alone units. 

Pure Air Systems are all made here in the USA with most of the components manufactured in the US. Some of the original units are still in operation and the average longevity of any of the systems is better than 15 years. Making the PAS units one of the best economical purchases for any air filtration system on the market today.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon air filtrations please go to our website at:  or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

Typical Air Flow Diagram
Partial By-Pass System


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How Companies Stay In Business Beyond 30 Years

Starting a business today is easier than it has ever been. Running it and keeping it a float is another. Longevity in businesses today is no longer the norm. Companies are born, merge, change direction and die faster than ever before, so having a company stay in business and keeping it on a positive revenue stream for 30 plus years is no easy feat. 

Pure Air Systems was started in 1985 by Don Musilli, and was sold in 2006. The concept of manufacturing a high end, fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA air filtration system that could be used in almost any configuration was very foreign in 1985 but the concept, the quality and performance of the systems allowed us to continually increase our market share.

Over time, Pure Air Systems added more products to its catalog and eventually ended up with 7 different systems allowing for complete penetration into the commercial and residential markets requiring high end HEPA based air filtration systems. The addition of the ECM, variable speed motors in 1999 provided an entry into the over seas market allowing us to offer 120/240 volt 50/60 Hz motors for all of our systems.

Pure Air Systems learned that feedback from its customers was important and responding to the feedback in the way of modifications to the systems was essential in growing its business. Keeping the same quality even though prices increased was necessary as people are quick to switch companies when something doesn’t work like it should. Losing customers is easy….keeping customers is hard.

Pure Air Systems is now 37 years old. That puts it in rare company these days especially for a manufacturing operation. The adage of “adapt or die” is very true today and “modifying, changing and altering” your operation to meet the changing needs of the market is critical in keeping your company moving forward and growing.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at:  800-869-8025.

Typical Air Flow Diagram
Partial By-Pass System


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Air Filtration 101

The use of air filters for removing airborne particulates has been around for over 100 years. Today’s filtration technology is eons ahead of just using cheese cloth to filter our particles for fan powered device. The newer, blended filtration medias are much better at capturing small, sub-micron particles with higher capture rates and lower pressure drops over time.

Air filters range in efficiency from general duty, like furnace filters, to high capacity, high efficiency, like HEPA filters. For most home applications the general duty filters are used as they both help keep the cooling coils in the HVAC system clean as well as minimize the dust in your home. 

The higher efficiency filters, like HEPA, are used mostly in commercial applications like hospitals, clinics, surgery suites, chip manufacturing, clean rooms, laboratories and more. There are also HEPA based systems available for the residential market that utilize their own fan/motor system to augment the blower/motor assembly in the HVAC unit. HEPA filters have a much higher resistance to air flow but can capture particles as small as a virus. 

It should be noted, that the use of non-mechanical filtration devices such as ozone generators or electronic air cleaners are not really that effective at removing particles from the air. Ozone generators are really more effective on the reduction of airborne gaseous contaminants and electronic air cleaners need constant cleaning to make them work.

For more information on the complete line of air filtration systems available through Pure Air Systems, please go to our website at:   or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-868-8025

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Time To Consider Whole House Air Filtration

For most home owners, having an air filter in the main return air duct next to the HVAC fan system or separate filters in the numerous return air outlets in the rooms of the house, constitute whole house air filtration. 99% of these filters are general duty filters that are capable of removing very large airborne particles and not adding any static pressure load to the HVAC fans. The compromise here is that you are trading air flow for not so good air filtration.

In 1985, Pure Air Systems introduced a new HEPA based, fan powered air filtration system that would provide a much higher level of removing much smaller airborne particulate including bateria and some viruses. By using a concept called, partial by-pass system, PAS can attach their HEPA units to the return air side of the HVAC ducting system and because the PAS systems have their own fan, they will not impede the performance of the main HVAC blower/motor assembly.  In addition, the PAS units also incorporate a prefilter and carbon media filter for removal of odors and gaseous pollutants. 

Since the inception of the partial by-pass concept, PAS has sold thousands of these units to home owners across North America and has even placed some on board ships and in the hospitality industry. This concept is easy to install and can be retrofitted on existing, ducted HVAC systems in any application.

For more information on this and our complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at:      or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Allergies Are Airborne

Most people who suffer from allergies caused by grass, ragweed, tree pollen or animal dander connect with this allergen through ingestion through their nose or mouth. All of these allergens are airborne and whether you are inside a home, building, school or other indoor environment avoiding the outdoors will not protect you from breathing in these tiny, airborne particles.

Often you will see pollen residue on a table outside or even on windows in your car. However, much of the airborne particulate are smaller than 20 microns which makes them invisible to see with the naked eye. These  tiny particles are carried into the home or building on your clothes as you transport them from one location to another. Then when you walk or move you shake off the allergen particles and they become airborne again which brings them into the air for you to inhale…..again.

Home air filters or furnace filters are not capable of removing these small, sub-micron sized particles. Only HEPA filters will actually remove these tiny airborne particles and the best solution for your home is to install a whole-house HEPA system from Pure Air Systems.

PAS has been making whole-house HEPA filtration systems since 1985 and is the leader in producing a wide range of fan powered, commercial grade, HEPA air filtration systems that use variable speed drive blower/motor units which allow for use as part of your HVAC system or as stand-alone units where you can control the fan speed in 1% increments up to  100% of fan speed.

These systems come with a scanned 99.99% commercial grade HEPA systems, a ring panel prefilter and a true Carbon filter. The PAS housings are all metal as is the blower. Typical life span of these systems is 15 to 20 years.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon filters please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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Filters For Freedom

The filters we are describing here, like our military, will help to ensure your  freedom from unwanted and hard to see enemies. Except in this case we are talking about sub-micron airborne particles. These enemies  are well known by people  who suffer from allergies caused by airborne particles inside or out doors.

With something as aggressive as airborne allergens it would seem that we should be able to actually see them in the air so we could  evade their presence in some fashion. But that is not so. While some of these airborne particles are large enough to see when then collect on the surface of your table or clothing, they are too small ( less than 20 microns in size ) to see when they are floating around your head.

Standard general duty media filters, like the ones you use  in your furnace, are good for removing large particles, those that usually fall to the ground or are easily trapped by your mucus membranes then expelled out again, are not the ones that are harmful. It is those particles that are 10 microns or less that are more easily trapped in our lungs and  create the irritations  that become the allergic reaction that you makes you miserable for weeks and months at a time.

Pure Air Systems began to market their HEPA based air filtration systems in 1985 and today is one of the major suppliers of true, commercial grade, HEPA based, fan powered, high performance, air filtration systems on the market today. Their systems are designed to be used as either stand-alone or in partial by-pass with existing ducted  HVAC systems. These units are powerful built to perform for years with minimal maintenance and only simple filter replacements are needed on scheduled frequencies.

HEPA filters will remove 99.99% of all particles 0.3 microns or larger and approach almost that same efficiency for particles as small as .012 microns. These systems, when properly installed in a home or commercial building, will significantly reduce the amount of respirable sized harmful airborne particles where a real reduction in allergies and respiratory problems is demonstrated.

For more information on our complete line of HEPA and Carbon based filtration systems please go to our website  at;  or call us on our toll-free number at 800-869-8025.

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Make Up Stuff

Hype…used more often than ever before. Why? Because there is more opportunity thru social media to spill your story or talk about your business than ever before. Yes, you can now make up more stuff about whatever and have fewer people verify that what you say is true. Why? Because we are all too busy doing the same thing.

Perhaps another reason for so much well crafted dictum are the social media professional organizations and individuals who will charge you to get your name, company or product thousands of hits, likes, reads, etc,etc. over an entire bread basket of social forums. They design the material to show all the best aspects of the product, idea or concept and support it with confirmations from other organizations…who by the way are also using your organization to support their claims.

I’m not saying that everything you read is partial truths, there are companies out there that have been around for 20 to 30 years that have developed a reputation for performance and execution on a consistent basis. You know these companies and their products and you trust them. Funny, but most of these companies use minimal social media to promote themselves. They have websites and sometimes a Facebook page..but that is about it.

Pure Air Systems is one of these companies. They, like other successful companies, let their products and services speak for themselves. Started in 1985, PAS has been making commercial grade, certified, fan powered, HEPA based air filtration systems for the commercial, residential, institutional and industrial markets that meet or exceed the customers expectation for performance. In the beginning it was very difficult to compete with lesser made and poorer performing competitors systems as any company that made a filtration systems with a HEPA or HEPA type filter claimed amazing performance and reliability.

Over time. customers found the lesser made unit actually did not perform up to expectations as many of these customers purchased PAS products and the differences were startling. Unfortunately having to wait until a customer using a competitors system to purchase yours takes time. That is why Pure Air Systems is now 30 years old and 90% of all the original competitors are no longer in business. Words are fine, but performance is better.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at; 800-869-8025.

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Arduino or Raspberry Pi

Talk to any Elementary school student and the majority of them have either heard of or are working with Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi mini-computers that can be programmed to drive almost any device. These small, inexpensive drivers are being used in robotics, drone design, optics, cameras, etc, etc. The use of these devices allow anyone with an interest in digital electronics  to effectively learn how to create new concepts and do some minimal programming ( coding ) as well.

Many of the new drone designs ( both copter and winged versions ) use Raspberry Pi computers to control the operation of the drone in all aspects of its flight and telemetry systems. They come is kit form  or purchased as individual modules and the sky is the limit as to what you can build and operate with these new technical toys.

Developing new technology and making it easy to use is one reason why some products make it and others don’t. Pure Air Systems, Inc. is one of those companies that added new technology to their products and make it work better and with more flexibility in operation and customer control.

Started in 1985, Pure Air Systems’ goal was to provide the best, high performance, commercial grade HEPA based, fan powered air filtration systems on the market. Thirty years later and PAS is now one of the leaders in the HEPA filtration arena. With customers located around the world, PAS has created a series of HEPA and Carbon based systems that incorporated the variable speed , ECM motors that would operate in both 120/240 volt, 50/60Hz power sources. In addition, PAS incorporated new digital speed controllers that gave the customers infinite control over the speed and volume produced by the units.

PAS also developed a process whereby you could add more Carbon or other adsorbtive medias with the HEPA, or in the case of applications where gaseous pollutants were the main issue, an all Carbon unit could be used. Flexibility in design, filtration media types and volume control ( CFM ) are the reasons PAS continues to be a leader in this field.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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In 1956 the movie Forbidden Planet was released and it was one of the best science fiction movies for its time. One of the main characters, Dr. Morbius, played by Walter Pidgeon, had found the remains of an advanced society known as the Krell. The Krell developed a brain boost device that enabled Dr. Morbius to increase his IQ well over 200. The result was a series of wonderful engineering feats accomplished by the good Dr. that eventually became his own demise.

The advancements being made in technology continue to amaze people even today. Science fiction novels and movies of the past 50 years had imagined technologies and devices one could only dream about. Today science fiction has become more science faction. Digital communications devices, space travel, nanotechnology, robots, holograms are all now part of our world and the hits keep on coming. We all carry a smart phone that is capable of accessing all the knowledge in the world and anyone anywhere at anytime. Some advancements in technology, like 3-D Printers have the ability to revolutionize the world…and at the same time create opportunities for evil doers of the world to create harmful technologies. Like Morbius, one has to be careful of what we develop for the betterment of mankind.

In 1985 Pure Air Systems developed one of the first commercially designed, fan powered HEPA air filtration system to be used in a residential application. Very few people knew of or heard of HEPA filters as they were primarily used in the electronics industry and somewhat in the medical industry.  Trying to explain the benefits and features of HEPA filters to the uneducated market was very difficult since most homeowners had never heard the term HEPA before and had even less knowledge of air filters. In the early 80’s electronic air cleaners were still being sold and installed on many HVAC systems and media filters were usually the fiberglass, see-thru cardboard frame types that at best could capture large, leaf-sized objects.

New ideas, concepts, change often bring a lot of anxiety to the masses. It usually takes some significant issue to get people to focus on a subject and take some time to understand it. The advent of “sick building syndrome” in the mid 80’s got the attention of homeowners and building owners alike. The lack of fresh outside air, toxic fumes from building materials and furniture and the lack of any type of filtration for the recycled air in the homes and offices forced the nation to rethink the issue of Indoor Air Quality.

Pure Air Systems developed six new commercial grade HEPA units since its inception in 1985 and is considered one of the leaders in high volume HEPA systems that can be used either attached to existing HVAC and air handler units or as stand-alone systems. Used throughout the world, the HEPA systems from PAS continue to lead the way in performance and quality. Using the most advanced variable speed drive motors and digital controllers, the HEPA systems by Pure Air Systems are proving they are much more than science fiction. Just ask Morbius.

For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems. You can also call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.

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