The High Cost of Better Components
Everyone is seeing higher costs for most manufactured products from cars down to folding tables. There are a number of reasons for this major increase. First, labor costs have gone up, and even though many companies are now using robots and advanced machinery, labor has increased by 10% to 20% in many operations. Secondly, getting parts from other sources has become more expensive due to two major changes, an increase is shipping costs and higher materials cost on the end of the manufacturer.
Lack of manufacturing in the US has also created higher costs due to limited competition. In many instances, identical parts that were made by 10 to 30 different companies are now only made in 1 to 4 companies and they are suffering from lack of experienced labor. With fewer young people going into any form of manufacturing the supply of all types of parts will be limited to the overseas manufacturers and they can charge whatever the market will bare.
Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing commercial grade, fan-powered HEPA and Carbon base air filtration systems since 1985. These metal framed units incorporate large blowers, variable speed motors and high end HEPA filters. Like other manufacturers here in the US, the prices of all the components that make up the Hepa Shield systems have increased dramatically since the inception of the company. It has been, however, Pure Air Systems goal to continue to provide quality components and maintain their reputation for performance even if they have to raise prices to cover the increased costs.
For more information on the complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration systems please go to our website at: or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.