Now That The Elections Are Over
The last Presidential election ( and other state and local elections ) was perhaps the most invasive in terms of using every possible avenue to get your attention, it proved one thing. We hated and loved every minute of it.
We all have a certain aversion to advertising, especially on TV. That is why I, like many people, use their DVR or TiVo devices to record their favorite programs so we can blast through the commercials. It really was a blessing during the elections. I’m sure that companies that pay to advertise on TV hate that fact but they also know getting information into the hands of the consumer using Television as one of their marketing schemes is critical to their business model. But is it really?
Running for President during his first term, President Obama used the internet very effectively to get his ideas out to the masses. It turned out to be a very successful strategy. During this past Presidential election both parties utilized the internet in every possible way to get their points across to the potential voters. They not only used social media to gain attention but to get donations for their specific Congressmen, Senators and other local political officials. It was, in my mind, the beginning of the end for traditional advertising as we know it.
For all those nay sayers that find Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogging to be a passing phase….think again. Social media is becoming the 6,000 lb Gorilla in the room. For many of the over 60 generation the use of computers may be a partial process for getting email and Skyping with their Grand Children…but for those under 45, Social Media and all its parts are THE way to connect. I should also include the next biggest method of communication…Texting. Even I find myself texting a message to someone rather than calling. It is faster, more convenient and has no time limitation. Plus, if the individual I am trying to call is busy or away from his or her cell phone, the text message will still be there. And…most people respond quickly to a text message as opposed to waiting to call you back when they have time to do it.
There are some many advantages to using Social Media, the internet, tablets, etc..etc..etc. I can send you documents, photos, maps, directions, via my cell phone. We can work on the same document and project in the Cloud from anywhere at anytime. I can send you a link to a subject or issue I think is important and Skype or Facetime with you from anywhere on the planet ( mostly) using any hand held device. I can also get nine other friends or business associates on the same conference call with a push of a button.
Pure Air Systems started its operations in 1985. While it used computers early on for correspondence and record keeping it didn’t enter the digital age until 1995 with its original and current website URL. Shortly thereafter PAS started putting its information on a website ( which has now been modified 8 times) and today over 65% of all our new business comes from the internet. The power of digital communications can not be denied. It is the new direction for all things sold and communicated. Get with the program because this process is here to stay.
For more information on Pure Air Systems and its complete line of HEPA and Carbon based air filtration products please go to our website at: or follow us on Twitter @pureairsystems. Of course you can always call us on our toll-free number at: 800-869-8025.